Learning objectives: By the end of this lesson pupils should be able to: 1 say the meaning of food.

  • mention the reasons we eat food.
  • mention some of the food eaten in your locality. 4 mention at least five reasons why we eat food.

Instructional materials:


  • Real food items


  • Pictures of food


  • Video clips on food. Resources and materials:

Online information Relevant materials Scheme of work

Building Background connection to prior knowledge:

Pupils are familiar with the in their various classes.




Food is anything we eat or drink to make us grow well and stay alive. All living things must eat to stay alive. Human beings and animals eat.

The food of human beings may be different from that of animals.

👩‍🏫 Welcome, my young primary 1 Home Economics students! 🍎📚 Today, we will be diving into the exciting world of food! 🍽️ Are you ready to learn about the meaning of food and why we eat it? Let’s get started! 🎉


📝 Learning Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

1️⃣ Say the meaning of food.

2️⃣ Mention the reasons why we eat food.

3️⃣ List some of the food eaten in your locality.

4️⃣ Mention at least five reasons why we eat food.


🍽️ What is Food?

Food is anything we eat or drink to make us grow well and stay alive. It is essential for all living things, including humans and animals. However, the types of food can vary between different organisms. For example, the food of babies is different from that of adults. Babies take milk, while adults consume grains and meat. Despite these differences, all these edible items are referred to as food. 🥦🥛🍖


🍽️ Why Do We Eat Food?

Now, let’s explore the reasons why we eat food. There are several important reasons:

1️⃣ To grow well: Food provides the necessary nutrients and energy for our bodies to grow and develop properly.

2️⃣ To have energy (strength): Food serves as fuel for our bodies, giving us the energy to perform daily activities and tasks.

3️⃣ To stay alive: Without food, living organisms would not survive. Food sustains our life functions.

4️⃣ To protect our body from germs and diseases: Certain foods contain vitamins and minerals that boost our immune system and help us fight off illnesses.

5️⃣ To stay healthy: A balanced diet with a variety of nutritious foods contributes to overall good health. 🏋️‍♀️💪


🥦🍎🍇 Types of Food We Eat:

Now, let’s talk about the different types of food we eat. Food can be grouped into three main categories based on their nutritional benefits:

1️⃣ Foods that give energy (carbohydrates): Examples include yam, maize, bread, garri, rice, amala, fufu, tuwo, and groundnut.

2️⃣ Foods that build the body (protein): Examples include eggs, fish, meat, beans, and moimoi.

3️⃣ Foods that protect the body (vitamins): Examples include fruits, orange, garden egg, cherry, apple, and walnut. 🥕🍠🥩


🌍 Food Eaten in Our Community:

Now, let’s talk about the specific foods that are commonly eaten in our locality. Some examples include:

a) Yam

b) Maize

c) Bread

d) Groundnut

e) Eggs

f) Garri

g) Rice

h) Beans

i) Mala

j) Fufu

k) Tuwo-sinkafa

l) Moimoi

m) Fish

n) Meat

o) Fruits

p) Vegetables


🍽️ These are just a few examples, but there are many more delicious foods out there! 😋


That’s it for our first lesson on food. Great job, everyone! Stay curious and hungry for knowledge. 🌟 Next time, we’ll explore the sources of food in our environment. See you then! 👋




The food of babies is also different from that of adults. Babies take milk while adults take grains and meat. All of them are called food.


These are the reasons why we eat. We eat to:

  • grow well.
  • have energy (strength).
  • stay alive.
  • protect our body from germs and diseases.
  • stay healthy.

Types of food we eat


  1. a) yam b) maize c) bread d) groundnut


  1. e) eggs f) garri g) rice h) beans


  1. i) mala j) fufu k) tuwo-sinkafa l) moimoi


  1. m) fish n) meat o) fruits p) vegetables



1. Anything we eat or drink to make us grow is called ________.
a) egg b) water c) food

2. True or False: All living things must eat to stay alive.
a) True b) False c) Not at all

3. We eat to ________.
a) sleep b) fight c) have energy

4. True or False: Food can protect our bodies from germs and diseases.
a) True b) False c) Not sure

5. We can get food from the ________.
a) market b) sky c) school

6. An example of food that gives us energy is ________.
a) rice b) pawpaw c) meat

7. An example of food that builds our body is ________.
a) fruits b) vegetables c) beans

8. Vegetables are foods that ________.
a) build our body b) protect our body c) give us energy

9. We can get meat from ________.
a) school b) animals c) rivers

10. ________ is a type of food we can get from the garden.
a) Beans b) Fufu c) Vegetables

11. What is food?

12. All living things must ________ in order to live.

13. We need food to grow well. (True/False)

14. Write five (5) examples of food people eat in your community.

15. Write two (2) examples of food that can give us energy/strength.


All these foods could be grouped into three:

  • Foods that give energy (carbohydrates) – yam, maize, bread, garri, rice, amala, fufu, tuwo, groundnut.
  • Foods that build the body (protein) – eggs, fish, meat, beans, moimoi.
  • Foods that protect the body (vitamins) – fruits, orange, garden egg, cherry, apple, walnut.




Learning objectives: By the end of this lesson pupils should be able to: 1 say the meaning of food.

  • mention the reasons we eat food.
  • mention some of the food eaten in your locality. 4 mention at least five reasons why we eat food
  1. Mention the sources of food Instructional materials:

Pictures of farms and markets where food items are produced, sold and bought


Resources and materials: Online information

Relevant materials Scheme of work

Building Background connection to prior knowledge: Pupils are familiar with the in their various classes.



The food we eat in the community come from different sources.


  • Farm
  • Market


  • River


  • Garden



1. Farm
2. Market
3. River
4. Garden
5. Poultry farm
6. Seafood market
7. Grocery store
8. Orchard
9. Bakery
10. Dairy farm
11. Butcher shop
12. Supermarket
13. Greenhouse
14. Food processing factory
15. Community garden

These are just a few examples, and there are many more sources of food depending on the locality and availability of resources.



Step 1: Teacher revised the previous topic Step 2: Teacher introduces the new topic Step 3: Teacher explains the topic.

Step 4: Teacher welcomes Pupils questions Step 5: Teacher evaluates the pupils Assessment and evaluation

  • say the meaning of food.
  • mention the reasons we eat food.
  • mention some of the food eaten in your locality. 4 mention at least five reasons why we eat food
  1. Mention the sources of food Wrap- up (conclusion)


Teacher goes over the topic once again to enhance better understanding.



  • Anything we eat or drink to make us grow is called . A egg B water C food
  • All living things must eat to stay alive. A True B False C Not at all
  • We eat to .A sleep B fight C have energy
  • Food can protect our bodies from germs and diseases. A True B False C Not sure
  • We can get food from the . A market B sky C school
  • An example of food that gives us energy is . A rice B pawpaw C meat
  • An example of food that builds our body is


A fruits B vegetables C beans


  • Vegetables are foods that .

A build our body B protect our body C give us energy 9 We can get meat from .

A school B animals C rivers

10 is a type of food we can get from the garden. A Beans B Fufu C Vegetables

B Answer the following questions in your exercise book. 11 What is food?

12 All living things must in order to live. 13 We need food to grow well. (True/False)

14 Write five (5) examples of food people eat in your community. 15 Write two (2) examples of food that can give us energy/strength. 16 Write two (2) examples of food that builds our body.

  • Write two (2) examples of food that protects our body.
  • Write two (2) examples of food we can get at the poultry farm. 19 Write two (2) types of food we can get in the river.

20 Write two (2) types of food we can get in the garden. 21 Match A with B


1 Mention the three (3) groups of food eaten in your community. 2 List ten (10) foods we can get from the farm.

3 Draw a picture of a tuber of yam and paint it.



1. The food we eat in the community comes from different ________.
a) farms b) markets c) rivers

2. A ________ is a natural God-made water that flows in a long line on the land.
a) stream b) river c) well

3. ________ is the clean water that comes through taps.
a) Stream water b) Well water c) Tap water

4. A borehole is a very deep narrow well that is completed with an electric ________.
a) pump b) bucket c) tap

5. A ________ is a place where water flows out of the ground or a rock.
a) river b) spring c) garden

6. We can get water from different ________.
a) streams b) lakes c) sources

7. Water from a deep hole is called ________.
a) stream water b) well water c) tap water

8. A ________ is a deep hole that we dig in the ground until we get water for our use.
a) river b) well c) spring

9. We can get water that is clean and pure from a ________.
a) river b) well c) spring

10. Tap water is also known as ________ water.
a) stream b) well c) pipe-borne

11. A ________ is a natural water surrounded by land.
a) stream b) river c) lake

12. Water is the most common ________.
a) solid b) liquid c) syrup

13. Rain is water that comes directly from the ________.
a) sky b) ground c) river

14. Water can be obtained from a ________.
a) sea b) grocery store c) bakery

15. The clean water that flows through pipes into our homes is called ________.
a) well water b) river water c) tap water


WEEK 4&5



Learning objectives: By the end of this lesson,pupils should be able to: 1 define food safety.

  • mention at least three types of food that are not safe for eating.
  • mention at least five ways of ensuring food safety.


Instructional materials:

Text book

Resources and materials:

Online information Relevant materials Scheme of work

Building Background connection to prior knowledge:

Pupils are familiar with the in their various classes. CONTENT


We need to eat and drink.

What we eat or drink could help us or harm us.

The ones that help us are good for our health. The ones that harm us could make us sick. They could even kill a person.

Food safety is to make sure that we eat and drink only those things that help us.

It means keeping our food and drink safe from those things that could harm us.

It means cooking and keeping our food and drink in a clean way.


Food safety is of utmost importance to ensure that what we eat and drink is beneficial and doesn’t cause harm. Let’s dive deeper into the topic of food safety and explore its key aspects. 🍽️🔒

📝 Learning Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
1️⃣ Define food safety.
2️⃣ Mention at least three types of food that are not safe for eating.
3️⃣ Mention at least five ways of ensuring food safety.

🔒 What is Food Safety?
Food safety refers to the measures taken to ensure that the food we consume is safe and does not pose any health risks. It involves protecting our food and drinks from harmful substances or contaminants that could make us sick or cause illness. Food safety practices are essential to maintain our well-being and prevent foodborne diseases. 🥦🚫🤒

❌ Types of Unsafe Food:
There are various types of food that are not safe for eating. Here are a few examples:
1️⃣ Adulterated food: Some foods should not be mixed together or have certain substances added to them. Adulteration can lead to unsafe food. For instance, mixing soft drink with milk is an example of adulteration that should be avoided.
2️⃣ Contaminated food: When food is exposed to air, flies, or dust, it can become contaminated and unfit for consumption. Consuming contaminated food can make us sick.
3️⃣ Unlabelled food: Food without proper labels, such as the date of production, address of the producer, and expiry date, can be risky to consume. Labels provide important information about the food’s quality and safety.

These are just a few examples, and it’s important to be cautious and aware of food safety concerns. 🚫🍚🦟

✅ Ensuring Food Safety:
To ensure food safety, we must adopt appropriate practices. Here are five ways to maintain food safety:
1️⃣ Read food labels: Pay attention to food labels, which provide information about the date of manufacturing, expiry date, nutritional value, and ingredients. This helps us make informed choices and avoid consuming expired or unsuitable food.
2️⃣ Check signs of spoilage: Be observant and look for signs that indicate spoiled or spoilt food, such as changes in color, texture, odor, or taste. These signs can help us identify unsafe food.
3️⃣ Wash hands before and after food preparation: Proper hand hygiene is crucial to prevent the transfer of germs or contaminants from our hands to the food. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before handling food.
4️⃣ Clean your environment before preparing food: Ensure that your cooking area, utensils, and surfaces are clean and free from dirt, dust, or any potential sources of contamination.
5️⃣ Avoid exposing food to flies: Flies can carry bacteria and other harmful microorganisms. Keep your food covered and protected from flies to prevent contamination.

By following these practices, we can minimize the risks associated with unsafe food and promote food safety in our daily lives. 🧼✨🍽️

That concludes our lesson on food safety. Remember, it’s essential to prioritize your health and well-being by practicing food safety measures. Stay safe and make informed choices when it comes to your food! 🥦🔒🌟


Food that is not safe to eat

There are different kinds of food that are not safe to eat. They include the following:

  • Adulterated food – There are some foods that should not go together.

There are also some things that should not be added to

our food. Look at this picture, what can you see? The boy is mixing soft drink with milk. This is an example of adulteration.

We should not mix soft drink with milk. It is not good for drinking.



  • Contaminated food –

a When food has been exposed to air, flies or dust

  • The food then becomes contaminated)
  • This means it becomes bad and no longer good for our health.
  • If we eat contaminated food, we will fall sick.
  • Unlabelled food – This is food that has no label. Foods made in a factory or company must have labels. Food label contains the date of producing the food and the address of the producer. It also has the expiry date and the ingredients for producing the

food. The expiry date is the time (date) the food is no longer good. If there is no label on the food, it means it is bad. We should not eat such food


  • Food that is not washed well, especially fruits.
  • Expired food – food that is after the expiry date. 6 Food that has bad odour like rotten orange.

Contaminated food

Unlabelled food and Labelled food

7 Food that has changed from its normal colour. 8 Food that fell on a dirty ground or floor.


Ways of ensuring food safety


  • Read the food labels – Food labels are the papers on a package of food telling us about the food. We can see these things on a food label:
  • Date of manufacturing: when they made it.
  • Expiry date: when it will be no longer good.
  • Nutritional value of the food: what we can gain from the food.
  • Ingredients: what is used in making the food.
  • Address of the manufacturer (maker).


  • Check signs that may show the food is bad or spoilt The sign include:
  • change in colour,
  • change in texture, that is how hard or soft the food is,
  • bad odour (smell),
  • bad taste, and
  • expiry date


  • Wash your hands before and after food preparation


  • Clean your environment before preparing your food.


  • Do not expose your food to flies.


  • Buy only what you need at a time. All foods, fruits and drinks get bad after some time.
  • Store foods that can quickly spoil, like tomatoes, meat, and fish in a refrigerator



Step 1: Teacher revised the previous topic Step 2: Teacher introduces the new topic Step 3: Teacher explains the topic.

Step 4: Teacher welcomes Pupils questions Step 5: Teacher evaluates the pupils Assessment and evaluation

  • define food safety.
  • mention at least three types of food that are not safe for eating. 3 mention at least five ways of ensuring food safety.


Wrap- up (conclusion)


Teacher goes over the topic once again to enhance better understanding.



1. Food safety is the measures taken to ensure that we eat and drink only those things that ________ us.
a) harm b) help c) confuse

2. Adulterated food is when certain substances are ________ to our food that shouldn’t be added.
a) removed b) mixed c) ignored

3. Contaminated food is food that has been exposed to ________, flies, or dust.
a) air b) water c) fire

4. Unlabelled food is food that does not have proper ________ providing important information.
a) names b) labels c) warnings

5. Reading food labels helps us determine the ________ and nutritional value of the food.
a) color b) origin c) quality

6. Signs of spoilage in food include changes in ________, texture, and odor.
a) taste b) color c) size

7. Proper hand hygiene involves washing hands ________ and after food preparation.
a) before b) during c) after

8. Cleaning the cooking environment before preparing food helps to prevent ________.
a) contamination b) cooking c) boredom

9. Avoiding exposure of food to flies helps in preventing ________.
a) spoilage b) dehydration c) happiness

10. Food safety practices are essential to prevent ________ diseases.
a) waterborne b) airborne c) foodborne

11. Food labels provide information about the ________ of manufacturing and expiry.
a) duration b) time c) date

12. Proper food safety practices contribute to maintaining our overall ________.
a) laziness b) health c) chaos

13. Washing fruits and vegetables before consumption helps in removing ________ or contaminants.
a) vitamins b) pesticides c) sweetness

14. Food safety includes keeping our food and drinks ________ from harmful substances.
a) hidden b) safe c) expired

15. Avoiding the consumption of expired food is an important aspect of ensuring ________.
a) variety b) safety c) availability




A Choose the best answers for the following questions.

  • Making sure that what we eat or drink are only things that can help us is known as .

A table manner B preservation C food safety

  • If soft drink is added to milk, the milk becomes _. A adulterated B clean C dirty
  • Food that is exposed to flies is . A clean B contaminated C expired
  • Food that has bad odour is .

A not good for eating B good for eating C good in the fridge 5 We can know a bad food through its .

A size B price C colour

  • It is good to eat apple without washing it.


A True B False C I don’t know

  • The date food was made is the . A expiry date B closing date C manufacturing date
  • For tomato not to spoil, we must put it in the . A sun B refrigerator C basket
  • If food is spoilt, we should . A eat it B sell it in the market C throw it away

A refrigerator with some food items 90

  • An expired food can make someone to . A grow B die C sleep well

B Answer the following questions in your exercise book. 11 We need and to grow well.

12 If we eat food that has fallen into the gutter, we may fall . 13 It is good to our fruits before eating them.

  •   can be found on the food label.
  • Preparing food without washing our hands is a habit. 16 A Contaminated food is food that is .

17 Write five (5) examples of food that are not safe for eating. 18 Write two (2) things we can find on the food label.

  • Mention two (2) ways of identifying spoilt (bad) food.
  • Mention two (2) ways of making sure that our food is safe for eating. Homework
  • Write where we can put each of the following foods to keep them.
  1. a) Fish b) Meat
  2. c) Vegetable d) Yam
  3. e) Maize f) Cooked beans
  4. g) Apple h) Banana
  5. i) Tomatoes j) Palm oil
  • List five (5) diseases we can have if we eat unsafe food.
  • Find the meanings of the following words in the dictionary.
  1. a) Expiry date b) Manufacturing date
  2. c) Nutritional d) Ingredient
  3. e) Texture f) Preservation
  4. g) Odour h) Perishable
  5. i) Flies j) Environment WEEK 6&7


Learning objectives: By the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to: 1 explain the meaning of risk factors in food.

  • state at least five risk factors in food.
  • identify the risk factors in food preparation and distribution.


Instructional materials:

Text book

Resources and materials:

Online information Relevant materials Scheme of work

Building Background connection to prior knowledge:

Pupils are familiar with the in their various classes.



Meaning of risk factors in food

Risk factors in food are those things that cause diseases or illness after eating bad food. Diseases and illnesses make our bodies not to work well. The food we eat should make us grow and healthy, but if we eat bad food, it can make us fall sick.These factors can occur when we prepare and distribute our food. Examples of risk factors in food

  • Adulteration – Adulteration is when you make food bad by adding what you should not add. We can adulterate beans or stew by adding sugar. We can adultrate milk by adding soft drinks.


  • Food fraud – When somebody takes food to be sold from a container and puts it in another container. The person may take away some things or add some new things to the food. He may even change the label. This is serious offence. The person buying the food will not know that the food is not original, that it has been changed.


  • Agro-chemical induced death – This is death that is caused by inhaling (breathing in) chemicals that are used in agriculture. Chemicals are used in agriculture to:
  • preserve crops


  • kill insects, and
  • kill grass.

If somebody inhales these chemical, he or she can die. The following can expose someone to danger in the distribution and preparation of food, because they expose food to flies and other germs.

  • Poor storage – When we do not keep food in the right way or at the right place.
  • Poor handling – If we do not take care of our food and our drinks and we allow them to spoil.
  • Poor hygiene – When people allow food to be put in dirty plates or eat food in dirty places.


A woman preparing food in a dirty environment

  • Poor and unclean environment – When food is prepared in an unclean environment, it exposes food to germs and other harmful insects.
  • High temperature – This may make fruits become overripe.
  • Poor hygiene – When people allow food to be put in dirty plates or eat food in dirty places.
  • Poor and unclean environment – When food is prepared in an unclean environment, it exposes food to germs and other harmful insects.
  • High temperature – This may make fruits become overripe.The above are examples of risk factors in food, which can contribute to the occurrence of diseases and illnesses if not properly addressed. It’s important to be aware of these risk factors and take appropriate measures to ensure food safety and prevent any adverse health effects.


  • Always read the labels in food (processed) for expiring date and registration by NAFDAC.
  • Observe signs of food spoilage and causative organism. 3 Wash hands before and after eating or preparing food.



1. Keep Clean:
a) Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before handling food.
b) Clean and sanitize all kitchen surfaces, utensils, and equipment regularly.
c) Use clean and safe water for cooking and cleaning.

2. Separate Raw and Cooked Food:
a) Keep raw and cooked foods separate to prevent cross-contamination.
b) Use separate cutting boards and utensils for raw and cooked food.
c) Store raw meats and seafood in sealed containers to avoid contact with other foods.

3. Cook Thoroughly:
a) Cook food, especially meat, poultry, eggs, and seafood, to the appropriate internal temperature to kill harmful bacteria.
b) Use a food thermometer to ensure the food is cooked to the recommended temperature.
c) Avoid consuming undercooked or raw foods, such as raw eggs or unpasteurized dairy products.

4. Keep Food at Safe Temperatures:
a) Refrigerate perishable food promptly to prevent the growth of bacteria.
b) Store cooked food in shallow containers to facilitate rapid cooling.
c) Keep hot food at or above 140°F (60°C) and cold food at or below 40°F (4°C).

5. Use Safe Water and Ingredients:
a) Use safe and clean water for drinking, cooking, and preparing beverages.
b) Purchase food from reliable and reputable sources.
c) Check the expiration dates and quality of ingredients before using them.

6. Practice Safe Food Handling:
a) Avoid touching ready-to-eat food with bare hands. Use utensils or disposable gloves.
b) Cover and protect food from insects, pests, and other sources of contamination.
c) Properly dispose of expired or spoiled food.

7. Maintain Personal Hygiene:
a) Regularly trim and clean nails to prevent the accumulation of dirt and bacteria.
b) Wear clean and appropriate clothing while handling food.
c) Avoid preparing food if you are sick or have open wounds.

8. Educate and Train:
a) Stay informed about food safety guidelines and best practices.
b) Educate others, including family members and food handlers, about the importance of food safety.
c) Attend training programs or workshops on food safety if available.

By following these food safety practices, you can minimize the risk of foodborne illnesses and ensure the safety of the food you consume. Remember, practicing proper food safety is essential for the well-being and health of yourself and others. Stay safe and enjoy your meals!



1. Food safety practices help to ensure that the food we consume is __________ for our health.
a) harmful b) neutral c) safe

2. Proper handwashing with soap and water is crucial for maintaining __________ in food handling.
a) hygiene b) flavor c) temperature

3. Cross-contamination occurs when __________ foods come into contact with each other.
a) raw and cooked b) hot and cold c) sweet and savory

4. Cooking food to the appropriate __________ helps kill harmful bacteria.
a) temperature b) color c) weight

5. Refrigerating perishable foods helps to slow down the __________ of bacteria.
a) growth b) decay c) evaporation

6. It is important to keep raw and cooked foods __________ to prevent contamination.
a) separated b) mixed c) labeled

7. Using a food thermometer ensures that food is cooked to the __________ temperature.
a) correct b) highest c) lowest

8. Personal __________, such as clean nails and appropriate clothing, play a role in food safety.
a) hygiene b) preferences c) schedules

9. Proper __________ of expired or spoiled food is necessary to prevent foodborne illnesses.
a) handling b) disposal c) storage

10. Safe water and __________ ingredients are essential for maintaining food safety.
a) fresh b) expired c) contaminated

11. Covering and protecting food from __________ helps prevent contamination.
a) pests b) heat c) sunlight

12. Educating and training others about food safety practices can __________ the risk of illnesses.
a) increase b) decrease c) maintain

13. Regularly cleaning and sanitizing kitchen __________ ensures a safe food preparation environment.
a) appliances b) decorations c) measurements

14. Avoiding food preparation when __________ or having open wounds is important for preventing contamination.
a) sick b) hungry c) busy

15. Food safety practices are important for the __________ of individuals and communities.
a) convenience b) profitability c) well-being




Step 1: Teacher revised the previous topic Step 2: Teacher introduces the new topic Step 3: Teacher explains the topic.

Step 4: Teacher welcomes Pupils questions Step 5: Teacher evaluates the pupils Assessment and evaluation

1 explain the meaning of risk factors in food. 2 state at least five risk factors in food.

3 identify the risk factors in food preparation and distribution. Wrap- up (conclusion)

Teacher goes over the topic once again to enhance better understanding.



A Choose the best answers for the following questions.

  • Risk factors in food is when the food we eat _. A makes us healthy

B increases the occurrence of diseases in us C makes us grow

  • The food we eat should make us _. A ill B grow C die


  • makes our bodies not to work well. A Disease B Food C Water
  • Food fraud is when someone . A steals food B eats bad food

C changes the original package of a food and puts another one

  • Putting milo in the can of bourvita is an example of . A adulteration B food fraud C risk factor in food
  • Agro-chemical induced death is a death that is caused by


A smoking B accident

C inhaling chemicals used in preserving agricultural produce

  • Risk factors in food can increase if we . A cook in a dirty environment

B wash meat before cooking it C fry our meat before cooking

  • Cooking with dirty hands can expose us to . A good cooking B danger C healthy living

B Answer the following questions in your exercise book.

  • Factors that increase the occurrence of disease after eaten bad

food is called .


  • When you make something impure or weaker by adding a

substance of poor quality, it is called .

  • Factors that cause disease or illness after eating bad food is called .
  • When you make food bad by adding what you should not add, it is called .
  • When you change the original package of a food, and put your own, it is called .
  • Chemicals are used in agriculture to _ . 15 If someone inhales chemicals, he can .

16 List two (2) risk factors in food distribution and preparation. 17 Write two (2) things we use chemicals to do in agriculture.

Part D Homework

1 Mention two (2) ways of ensuring food safety. 2 Draw a refrigerator and paint it in colours.

  • Visit a health centre and let doctors or nurses explain what they do to a victim of food poisioning.
  • Find the meanings of the following words in your dictionary.


  1. a) Occurrence b) Disease
  2. c) Adulteration d) Repackage
  3. e) Fraud f) Office
  4. g) Chemical h) Inhale
  5. i) Hygiene j) Induce


WEEK 8&9


Learning Objectives

At the end of this lesson, should be able to:

  • say the meaning of water.
  • mention at least five sources of water. 3 list at least five qualities of good water. 4 mention at least five uses of water.

5 mention at least five ways of making water clean.


Instructional materials:

Text book

Resources and materials:

Online information Relevant materials Scheme of work

Building Background connection to prior knowledge:

Pupils are familiar with the in their various classes. CONTENT


Water is the most common liquid.

Liquids are things that have drops and can flow like water. Most waters are without odour, colour and taste.

Water is streams, lakes, oceans and rain. Water is very useful to life.

Most of the bodies of human beings, plants, and animals are filled with water.


All living things would die if there is no water.

Water is indeed an essential component of life. It plays a crucial role in supporting various biological processes and maintaining the overall health and functionality of living organisms.


Water serves as a universal solvent, enabling chemical reactions to take place within cells and facilitating the transportation of nutrients, minerals, and waste products throughout the body. It also helps regulate body temperature through sweating and evaporation, ensuring that organisms maintain a stable internal environment.


In plants, water is vital for photosynthesis, the process by which they convert sunlight into energy. It is drawn up from the roots through specialized tissues called xylem, providing hydration and necessary nutrients to the entire plant structure.


In animals, including humans, water is necessary for digestion, circulation, and the proper functioning of organs and tissues. It lubricates joints, cushions vital organs, and assists in the removal of waste products through urine and sweat. Additionally, water is involved in maintaining electrolyte balance, which is crucial for nerve and muscle function.


While it is true that most of the bodies of humans, plants, and animals are made up of water, the exact percentage varies among different organisms. For example, the human body is approximately 60% water, while plants can have a higher water content depending on the species.


Without water, life as we know it would not be possible. Organisms would be unable to carry out their essential functions, leading to dehydration, organ failure, and ultimately death. Water scarcity is a significant concern in many parts of the world, emphasizing the importance of responsible water usage and conservation efforts.




1. Water is the most common __________.

(a) solid

(b) gas

(c) liquid


2. Liquids are substances that have drops and can __________ like water.

(a) freeze

(b) evaporate

(c) flow


3. Most waters are without ________, colour, and taste.

(a) shape

(b) odour

(c) texture


4. Water can be found in various forms such as streams, lakes, oceans, and __________.

(a) mountains

(b) deserts

(c) rain


5. Water is highly __________ to life.

(a) irrelevant

(b) destructive

(c) useful


6. The majority of the bodies of human beings, plants, and animals are filled with __________.

(a) air

(b) soil

(c) water


7. All living things would die if there is no __________.

(a) sunlight

(b) oxygen

(c) water


8. Water is essential for chemical reactions within cells and acts as a __________.

(a) catalyst

(b) barrier

(c) shield


9. __________ need water for photosynthesis.

(a) Animals

(b) Bacteria

(c) Plants


10. Water helps regulate body __________.

(a) temperature

(b) weight

(c) height


11. Water is involved in maintaining __________ balance in the body.

(a) sugar

(b) electrolyte

(c) protein


12. Water lubricates __________ in the body.

(a) joints

(b) bones

(c) muscles


13. Without water, organisms would experience __________.

(a) growth

(b) dehydration

(c) photosynthesis


14. Water is drawn up from the roots of plants through specialized tissues called __________.

(a) veins

(b) arteries

(c) xylem


15. Responsible water usage and conservation efforts are important due to __________.

(a) water pollution

(b) water scarcity

(c) excessive rainfall


Please note that the answers for the questions are as follows:

1. (c) liquid

2. (c) flow

3. (b) odour

4. (c) rain

5. (c) useful

6. (c) water

7. (c) water

8. (a) catalyst

9. (c) Plants

10. (a) temperature

11. (b) electrolyte

12. (a) joints

13. (b) dehydration

14. (c) xylem

15. (b) water scarcity








We can get water from the following sources.

  • Rain – Rain is water that comes directly from the sky.


  • Stream – A stream is natural water surrounded by land.


  1. Well – A well is a deep hole that we dig in the ground until we get water for our use.


  • Tap water – It is the clean water that comes through taps. It is also called pipe-borne water.

This is because the water flows through pipes before getting to the tap.


  • Borehole – A borehole is a very deep narrow well that is completed with an electric pump. The pump draws water through a pipe into a tap.



  1. Spring – A spring is a place where water flows out of the ground or a rock. The water is usually clean and pure


7 River – A river is a natural God-made water that flows in a long line, on the land to the sea or ocean.

There are several sources of water that contribute to the Earth’s water supply. Here are some common sources of water:


1. Rivers and Streams: Flowing bodies of water that originate from various sources such as springs, glaciers, or rainfall. Rivers and streams often serve as a source of freshwater for human consumption, irrigation, and industrial use.


2. Lakes and Ponds: Large bodies of water that are usually fed by rivers, streams, or underground sources. They store water and provide habitats for various organisms. Lakes and ponds are important sources of freshwater for drinking, recreation, and wildlife support.


3. Groundwater: Water that is stored underground in porous layers of soil, gravel, or rock. It accumulates in natural reservoirs called aquifers. Groundwater is accessed through wells and serves as a significant source of drinking water and irrigation.


4. Oceans and Seas: Vast bodies of saltwater that cover a major portion of the Earth’s surface. Oceans are the primary source of water on our planet, but their water is saline and requires desalination for most uses.


5. Rainfall: Precipitation in the form of rain is a crucial source of freshwater. It occurs when water vapor in the atmosphere condenses and falls to the Earth’s surface. Rainwater can be collected and used for various purposes, including drinking water and irrigation.


6. Snow and Ice: Snowfall in cold regions accumulates as snow and ice, forming glaciers, ice caps, and icebergs. When they melt, they release freshwater into rivers and contribute to the overall water supply.


7. Springs: Natural outlets where groundwater emerges onto the Earth’s surface. Springs are often found in hilly or mountainous areas and provide a source of freshwater.


8. Wetlands: Areas where water is near the surface or present for a significant part of the year, such as marshes, swamps, and bogs. Wetlands act as natural filters, improving water quality, and serve as habitats for diverse plant and animal species.


9. Reservoirs: Man-made water storage systems created by constructing dams across rivers. Reservoirs collect water, which can be used for various purposes, including drinking water supply, irrigation, and hydroelectric power generation.


10. Desalination: The process of removing salt and other impurities from seawater to make it suitable for human use. Desalination plants extract freshwater from oceans and seas, particularly in areas with limited freshwater resources.


These sources of water collectively sustain life on Earth and provide for human needs and ecosystems.


1. Rivers and __________ are sources of water.
(a) mountains
(b) deserts
(c) streams

2. Lakes and __________ are large bodies of water.
(a) ponds
(b) forests
(c) cities

3. __________ is water stored underground.
(a) Rainfall
(b) Groundwater
(c) Oceans

4. Oceans and __________ contain saltwater.
(a) rivers
(b) seas
(c) clouds

5. Rainfall is a form of __________ that provides freshwater.
(a) snow
(b) wind
(c) precipitation

6. Snow and __________ contribute to the water supply.
(a) heat
(b) ice
(c) fire

7. Springs are natural outlets where __________ emerges.
(a) air
(b) fire
(c) groundwater

8. Wetlands are areas with water near the surface, such as __________.
(a) mountains
(b) swamps
(c) deserts

9. Reservoirs are man-made __________ storage systems.
(a) food
(b) water
(c) buildings

10. Desalination removes __________ from seawater.
(a) salt
(b) oxygen
(c) soil

11. Lakes and __________ provide habitats for various organisms.
(a) forests
(b) rivers
(c) ponds

12. Rivers and streams are sources of __________ water.
(a) salty
(b) freshwater
(c) hot

13. Groundwater is accessed through __________.
(a) wells
(b) mountains
(c) deserts

14. Rainwater can be collected for drinking and __________.
(a) swimming
(b) dancing
(c) irrigation

15. Oceans and __________ contain a lot of water.
(a) clouds
(b) cities
(c) seas

Please note that the answers for the questions are as follows:
1. (c) streams
2. (a) ponds
3. (b) Groundwater
4. (b) seas
5. (c) precipitation
6. (b) ice
7. (c) groundwater
8. (b) swamps
9. (b) water
10. (a) salt
11. (c) ponds
12. (b) freshwater
13. (a) wells
14. (c) irrigation
15. (c) seas



Good water is water that is good or clean enough to drink and to cook our food.

These are the things we must see (qualities) to say that our water is good.

  • Good water must be tasteless (have no taste). This means it must not be sweet or bitter or taste like any other thing.
  • Good water must have no colour.
  • Good water must not have any odour. 4 Good water must be clean.
  • Good water must be free from germs.
  • Good water must not contain any harmful chemical.




👩‍🏫 Hello, young learners! Today, we are going to explore the exciting topic of “Uses of Water in the Home.” Water is very important in our daily lives, and we use it for many different things. Let’s dive in and learn more!


💧 Drinking: One of the most important uses of water at home is for drinking. We need water to stay hydrated and keep our bodies healthy. 🚰💦 Just like you feel refreshed after playing outside, drinking water helps keep us refreshed and energized throughout the day.


💧 Cooking: Water is also used for cooking yummy meals! We use it to boil pasta, make soup, or steam vegetables. Imagine trying to cook your favorite spaghetti without water! 🍝🥣 Water helps soften and cook our food, making it tasty and enjoyable.


💧 Cleaning: Water is great for keeping our homes clean and tidy. We use water to wash dishes, clean the floors, and do laundry. 💦🧼 Water, along with soap or detergent, helps remove dirt, grease, and stains from different surfaces. It’s like a magic ingredient that helps us keep our surroundings fresh and sparkling.


💧 Bathing: Taking a bath or shower is a fun and relaxing activity. Water is essential for keeping ourselves clean and maintaining good personal hygiene. 🛁💧 It helps us wash away dirt, sweat, and bacteria from our bodies, leaving us feeling fresh and ready to take on the day!


💧 Watering Plants: If you have plants at home or a garden, you know they need water to grow and stay healthy, just like we do! 🌱💦 Watering plants provides them with the necessary hydration they need to thrive. It’s like giving them a drink to quench their thirst.


💧 Flushing the Toilet: When we use the toilet, water helps to flush away the waste and keep the bathroom clean and odor-free. 🚽💦 It’s important to remember to use only the right amount of water for flushing, as we should also be mindful of water conservation.


💧 Playing and Having Fun: Water can be a source of fun and enjoyment too! 🏊‍♀️💦 You can have a great time playing with water in a pool, sprinkler, or even with water balloons. It’s a wonderful way to cool off on a hot day and create joyful memories with family and friends.


Remember, while water is essential and useful, it’s also important to use it wisely. We should always try to conserve water by turning off taps when not in use and not wasting it unnecessarily. 💧💙


I hope you enjoyed learning about the different uses of water in the home. Water is a precious resource, so let’s appreciate it and use it responsibly. Keep exploring and discovering the wonders of water! 🌊🌟




Water can be used for the following purposes.

  • Washing


  1. We can use water to wash our cloth
  • We can use water to wash plates and other things we use in the house.


  • We can use water to wash cars.


  • Drinking – we drink water to live and to satisfy our thirst


1. We use water at home for __________.
(a) playing outside
(b) cooking meals
(c) planting flowers

2. Water is important for __________.
(a) staying hydrated
(b) washing clothes
(c) flying kites

3. We use water to clean our __________.
(a) toys
(b) bedrooms
(c) school bags

4. Water is necessary for __________.
(a) reading books
(b) taking baths
(c) riding bicycles

5. We need water to wash __________.
(a) dishes
(b) shoes
(c) toys

6. Water helps us cook __________.
(a) games
(b) meals
(c) puzzles

7. Taking a bath with water helps us stay __________.
(a) healthy
(b) sleepy
(c) hungry

8. Watering plants helps them __________.
(a) grow
(b) jump
(c) sing

9. Water helps to flush the __________.
(a) toilet
(b) TV
(c) computer

10. We can have fun with water by __________.
(a) dancing
(b) reading
(c) swimming

11. Water is used for __________ in the home.
(a) flying kites
(b) building houses
(c) cleaning windows

12. Drinking water helps us stay __________.
(a) dirty
(b) cold
(c) hydrated

13. Water is essential for washing our __________.
(a) pets
(b) bicycles
(c) clothes

14. We use water to make __________ in the home.
(a) music
(b) meals
(c) paintings

15. Water is important for keeping our bodies __________.
(a) tired
(b) clean
(c) noisy

Please note that the answers for the questions are as follows:
1. (b) cooking meals
2. (a) staying hydrated
3. (b) bedrooms
4. (b) taking baths
5. (a) dishes
6. (b) meals
7. (a) healthy
8. (a) grow
9. (a) toilet
10. (c) swimming
11. (c) cleaning windows
12. (c) hydrated
13. (c) clothes
14. (b) meals
15. (b) clean

  • Bathing – we use water for bathing and to brush our teeth


  • Cooking – Water is used for cooking. When our mother is cooking, she uses water.


  • Water is used to wet flowers


6.Water is used to clean our house.


7 Water is used to flush the toilet and keep it clean.



Absolutely! Here are 15 fill-in-the-blank questions with options (a), (b), and (c) on the topic of “Uses of Water in the Home” for Lagos State Primary 1 Social Studies:

1. We use water at home for __________.
(a) playing outside
(b) cooking meals
(c) planting flowers

2. Water is important for __________.
(a) staying hydrated
(b) washing clothes
(c) flying kites

3. We use water to clean our __________.
(a) toys
(b) bedrooms
(c) school bags

4. Water is necessary for __________.
(a) reading books
(b) taking baths
(c) riding bicycles

5. We need water to wash __________.
(a) dishes
(b) shoes
(c) toys

6. Water helps us cook __________.
(a) games
(b) meals
(c) puzzles

7. Taking a bath with water helps us stay __________.
(a) healthy
(b) sleepy
(c) hungry

8. Watering plants helps them __________.
(a) grow
(b) jump
(c) sing

9. Water helps to flush the __________.
(a) toilet
(b) TV
(c) computer

10. We can have fun with water by __________.
(a) dancing
(b) reading
(c) swimming

11. Water is used for __________ in the home.
(a) flying kites
(b) building houses
(c) cleaning windows

12. Drinking water helps us stay __________.
(a) dirty
(b) cold
(c) hydrated

13. Water is essential for washing our __________.
(a) pets
(b) bicycles
(c) clothes

14. We use water to make __________ in the home.
(a) music
(b) meals
(c) paintings

15. Water is important for keeping our bodies __________.
(a) tired
(b) clean
(c) noisy

Please note that the answers for the questions are as follows:
1. (b) cooking meals
2. (a) staying hydrated
3. (b) bedrooms
4. (b) taking baths
5. (a) dishes
6. (b) meals
7. (a) healthy
8. (a) grow
9. (a) toilet
10. (c) swimming
11. (c) cleaning windows
12. (c) hydrated
13. (c) clothes
14. (b) meals
15. (b) clean



Tap water from the government or our borehole may be good, clean water.Water from the well, the rain or other places may not be clean enough. Before we drink them or use them to cook, we must make them clean.

The following are ways to make our water clean. 1 Use


  • Boil the water.
  • Add chemicals like alum or chlorine.



Step 1: Teacher revised the previous topic Step 2: Teacher introduces the new topic Step 3: Teacher explains the topic.

Step 4: Teacher welcomes Pupils questions Step 5: Teacher evaluates the pupils Assessment and evaluation

  • say the meaning of water.
  • mention at least five sources of water. 3 list at least five qualities of good water. 4 mention at least five uses of water.

5 mention at least five ways of making water clean. Wrap- up (conclusion)

Teacher goes over the topic once again to enhance better understanding. Exercise

A Choose the best answers for the following questions.

  • Water is . A solid B liquid C syrup
  •   does not need water. A Man B Plant C Stone


  • Water that comes straight from the sky is . A spring B river C rain
  • Water from a deep hole is . A stream water B well C tap water


  • One of the following is the deepest source of water. A Well B Borehole C Stream

B Answer the following questions in your exercise book. 6 What is water?

7 Write five (5) sources of water that you know. 8 Write five (5) qualities of good water.

9 Write five (5) things we use water to do at home. 10 Mention two (2) ways of making our water clean. Activity

Check your dictionary and write the meanings of the following words. 16 Fluid 17 Narrow

18 Electric pump 19 Ocean

20 Pipe Homework

Together with your family, list as many uses of water as you can. 2 Trace the word water.

3 A drop of water activity.

  • On the first line, write one use of water.
  • On the second and third lines, write two sources of water.
  • On the fourth line, write the water from the sky. 1 3



Making water clean involves several steps to remove impurities and ensure it is safe for drinking and other uses. Here is a simplified explanation of how to make water clean:

1. Filtration: The first step is to remove large particles and debris from the water. This can be done by passing the water through a physical filter like a fine mesh or cloth, or by using a household water filter or purifier.

2. Settling: After filtration, allow the water to sit undisturbed in a container. This allows any remaining suspended particles or sediment to settle at the bottom. Carefully pour off the clearer water from the top, leaving behind the sediment.

3. Boiling: Boiling water is an effective way to kill most types of harmful bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Bring the water to a rolling boil for at least one minute, and then allow it to cool before using or storing.

4. Chemical Disinfection: Adding certain chemicals can help disinfect the water and kill any remaining microorganisms. One commonly used chemical is household bleach. Follow the instructions provided for the correct amount to add based on the volume of water.

5. Distillation: Distillation is a more advanced method of purifying water. It involves heating the water to create steam and then collecting and condensing the steam to produce purified water. This process effectively removes contaminants, including minerals and heavy metals.

6. Water Treatment Plants: In many communities, water undergoes treatment at water treatment plants. These plants use a combination of processes, including filtration, disinfection (using chemicals like chlorine), and sometimes advanced methods like reverse osmosis, to make water safe for consumption.

It’s important to note that these methods may not be suitable for all situations, and the availability of resources and equipment can vary. In general, it is recommended to obtain clean water from reliable sources, such as treated tap water or bottled water, whenever possible. Additionally, practicing good hygiene and sanitation, such as washing hands with clean water and using safe water for food preparation, is crucial for maintaining personal and public health.

Remember, ensuring the cleanliness of water is essential for our well-being, and it is always advisable to follow local guidelines and consult with professionals or health authorities for specific recommendations in your area.


1. The first step to make water clean is __________.
(a) boiling it
(b) drinking it
(c) filtering it

2. Filtration helps to remove __________ from water.
(a) dirt and debris
(b) soap and shampoo
(c) toys and clothes

3. After filtration, water can be further purified by __________.
(a) boiling it
(b) freezing it
(c) painting it

4. Boiling water helps to kill __________.
(a) bacteria and germs
(b) plants and flowers
(c) birds and insects

5. Adding chemicals like bleach can __________ the water.
(a) make it colder
(b) make it sweeter
(c) disinfect it

6. Distillation involves __________ water to make it clean.
(a) filtering
(b) freezing
(c) heating

7. Water treatment plants use various processes to __________ water.
(a) contaminate
(b) purify
(c) color

8. __________ is a process that removes minerals and heavy metals from water.
(a) Filtration
(b) Distillation
(c) Boiling

9. It is important to obtain clean water from __________ sources.
(a) reliable
(b) unknown
(c) polluted

10. __________ is crucial for maintaining personal and public health.
(a) Drinking dirty water
(b) Practicing good hygiene
(c) Wasting water

11. Water can be made clean by removing __________.
(a) plants and animals
(b) toys and games
(c) impurities and contaminants

12. __________ helps to settle any remaining particles in water.
(a) Boiling
(b) Filtering
(c) Settling

13. Adding chemicals like chlorine helps to __________ water.
(a) color
(b) disinfect
(c) freeze

14. Clean water is important for __________.
(a) playing games
(b) staying healthy
(c) washing clothes

15. It is advisable to follow __________ guidelines for making water clean.
(a) local
(b) international
(c) random

Please note that the answers for the questions are as follows:
1. (c) filtering it
2. (a) dirt and debris
3. (a) boiling it
4. (a) bacteria and germs
5. (c) disinfect it
6. (c) heating
7. (b) purify
8. (b) Distillation
9. (a) reliable
10. (b) Practicing good hygiene
11. (c) impurities and contaminants
12. (c) Settling
13. (b) disinfect
14. (b) staying healthy
15. (a) local











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