Structure: Use Adverbs to describe Verbs Primary 4 Second Term Week 9

Subject : English Grammar

Class : Primary 4

Term : Second Term

Week : Week 9

Topic :

Structure: Use Adverbs to describe Verbs Primary 4 Second Term Week 9


Learning Objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to

  • use adverbs to describe verbs and identify different types of adverbs.



Learning Activities :

  • Pupil, as a class, describe
  • Pupils, in small groups,
    examine adverb their
    meaning and types.
  • Pupils, use adverbs in
    sentences to describe verb



Embedded Core Skills :

  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Creativity and Imagination
  • Critical thinking and problem solving
  • Leadership skills and Personal Development
  • Digital Literacy



  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Handout with examples of adverbs
  • Worksheet with sentences to identify adverbs




Content :

Adverbs are words that describe how something is done. They can be used to describe verbs, which are action words. Let me give you some examples:

  1. He ran quickly. – In this sentence, “quickly” is the adverb that describes how he ran. It tells us that he ran with speed.
  2. She sings beautifully. – In this sentence, “beautifully” is the adverb that describes how she sings. It tells us that her singing is very pleasant to listen to.
  3. They played well together. – In this sentence, “well” is the adverb that describes how they played. It tells us that they played skillfully and cooperatively.
  4. The dog barks loudly. – In this sentence, “loudly” is the adverb that describes how the dog barks. It tells us that the dog’s barks are very loud and perhaps even startling.
  5. I read the book quickly. – In this sentence, “quickly” is the adverb that describes how I read the book. It tells us that I read it in a short amount of time.


Adverbs : Identification, definition, Types and examples.


Examples of adverbs in sentences

Let me give you some examples of adverbs and how they describe things:

  1. The bird sings beautifully. In this sentence, the adverb “beautifully” is describing how the bird sings.
  2. She runs very fast. In this sentence, the adverb “very” is describing how fast she runs.
  3. The car drives dangerously. In this sentence, the adverb “dangerously” is describing how the car is being driven.
  4. He speaks softly. In this sentence, the adverb “softly” is describing how he speaks.
  5. They laughed loudly. In this sentence, the adverb “loudly” is describing how they laughed.
  6. The student wrote neatly. In this sentence, the adverb “neatly” is describing how the student wrote.
  7. The dog barked incessantly. In this sentence, the adverb “incessantly” is describing how the dog barked.
  8. She answered the question correctly. In this sentence, the adverb “correctly” is describing how she answered the question.

So you see, adverbs add more detail and information to a sentence by describing how something is done or the manner in which something happens



Types of adverbs

Adverbs are words that modify or describe verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. There are several types of adverbs, including:

  1. Adverbs of manner: These adverbs describe how something is done. Examples include: quickly, slowly, carefully, loudly, softly, etc.

Example: The cat walked slowly.

  1. Adverbs of time: These adverbs describe when something happened or for how long. Examples include: yesterday, today, tomorrow, now, then, etc.

Example: I will go to the park tomorrow.

  1. Adverbs of place: These adverbs describe where something happened or where something is located. Examples include: here, there, inside, outside, etc.

Example: The book is on the table.

  1. Adverbs of frequency: These adverbs describe how often something happens. Examples include: always, never, often, rarely, etc.

Example: She always studies hard for her exams.

  1. Adverbs of degree: These adverbs describe the level or extent of something. Examples include: very, quite, extremely, somewhat, etc.

Example: The cake was very delicious.

  1. Interrogative adverbs: These adverbs are used to ask questions. Examples include: how, when, where, why, etc.

Example: How did you get here?




Adverbs are words that modify or describe verbs, and they help to add more detail to a sentence. Let me give you some examples of how to use adverbs to describe verbs in sentences:

  1. The girl runs quickly. In this sentence, the adverb “quickly” is describing how the girl runs.
  2. He sings beautifully. In this sentence, the adverb “beautifully” is describing how he sings.
  3. The cat stalks silently. In this sentence, the adverb “silently” is describing how the cat is stalking.
  4. She types quickly. In this sentence, the adverb “quickly” is describing how she types.
  5. The dog barks loudly. In this sentence, the adverb “loudly” is describing how the dog is barking.
  6. They danced gracefully. In this sentence, the adverb “gracefully” is describing how they danced.
  7. He talks loudly. In this sentence, the adverb “loudly” is describing how he talks.
  8. The car drives smoothly. In this sentence, the adverb “smoothly” is describing how the car is being driven.
  9. She sings loudly and beautifully. In this sentence, the adverbs “loudly” and “beautifully” are both describing how she sings.

So you see, adverbs can be used to describe how an action is done in a sentence, and they help to make the sentence more descriptive and interesting.




  1. Which of the following is an example of an adverb of manner? a) Yesterday b) Beautiful c) Slowly d) There
  2. Which adverb in the sentence “She speaks softly” describes how she speaks? a) She b) Speaks c) Softly d) None of the above
  3. Which of the following is an example of an adverb of frequency? a) Quickly b) Yesterday c) Always d) Outside
  4. Which adverb in the sentence “He sings beautifully” describes how he sings? a) He b) Sings c) Beautifully d) None of the above
  5. Which of the following is an example of an adverb of time? a) Quickly b) Yesterday c) Always d) Outside
  6. Which adverb in the sentence “The dog barks loudly” describes how the dog is barking? a) The b) Dog c) Barks d) Loudly
  7. Which of the following is an example of an adverb of place? a) Beautiful b) Quickly c) Inside d) Softly
  8. Which adverb in the sentence “They danced gracefully” describes how they danced? a) They b) Danced c) Gracefully d) None of the above
  9. Which of the following is an example of an interrogative adverb? a) How b) Quickly c) Yesterday d) Beautiful
  10. Which adverb in the sentence “The car drives smoothly” describes how the car is being driven? a) The b) Car c) Drives d) Smoothly


Lesson Presentation

Introduction (10 minutes):

  • Begin by asking the students if they know what adverbs are.
  • Explain that adverbs are words that describe how something is done or the manner in which something happens.
  • Give some examples of adverbs (quickly, slowly, carefully, loudly, softly, etc.) and ask the students to come up with some of their own.

Direct Instruction (15 minutes):

  • Explain that adverbs are often used to modify verbs, but they can also modify adjectives and other adverbs.
  • Give some examples of adverbs and how they describe things, using the whiteboard to write down the examples.
  • Introduce the different types of adverbs, including adverbs of manner, time, place, frequency, degree, and interrogative adverbs.
  • Give examples of each type of adverb, and ask the students to come up with some of their own.

Guided Practice (15 minutes):

  • Pass out a handout with examples of adverbs to each student.
  • Ask the students to identify which adverb describes the verb in each sentence on the handout.
  • Go over the answers as a class and explain any questions the students may have.

Independent Practice (15 minutes):

  • Pass out a worksheet with sentences to identify adverbs to each student.
  • Ask the students to read each sentence and circle the adverb.
  • Collect the worksheets and check for understanding.

Closure (5 minutes):

  • Review the different types of adverbs and how they describe verbs.
  • Ask the students to come up with some sentences using adverbs and share them with the class.


  • The handout and worksheet will be graded for accuracy.
  • Participation in class discussion and ability to come up with adverbs will also be assessed

Weekly Assessment /Test

  1. The cat walks ____________.
  2. She sings ____________.
  3. The dog barks ____________.
  4. They dance ____________.
  5. He speaks ____________.
  6. The car drives ____________.
  7. She writes ____________.
  8. He runs ____________.
  9. The bird flies ____________.
  10. They study ____________ for their exams.


  1. The cat walks slowly.
  2. She sings beautifully.
  3. The dog barks loudly.
  4. They dance gracefully.
  5. He speaks softly.
  6. The car drives smoothly.
  7. She writes neatly.
  8. He runs quickly.
  9. The bird flies gracefully.
  10. They study hard for their exams



  1. Yesterday, I went to the store ____________.
  2. He speaks ____________, but he’s still hard to understand.
  3. The cat is ____________ the sofa.
  4. They always arrive ____________ to their appointments.
  5. She dances ____________.
  6. The bus leaves ____________ from this station.
  7. I was ____________ sure I could finish the race.
  8. The package was ____________ heavy for me to lift.
  9. She sings ____________ every day.
  10. The teacher speaks ____________ to make sure everyone can hear.


  1. Yesterday, I went to the store quickly.
  2. He speaks loudly, but he’s still hard to understand.
  3. The cat is under the sofa.
  4. They always arrive on time to their appointments.
  5. She dances gracefully.
  6. The bus leaves regularly from this station.
  7. I was fairly sure I could finish the race.
  8. The package was too heavy for me to lift.
  9. She sings beautifully every day.
  10. The teacher speaks loudly to make sure everyone can hear.
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