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Learning Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  • Explain what inspiration means
  • Explain how the Holy Spirit inspires us
  • Describe the role of the Holy Spirit in spreading the gospel



Learning Activities

  • Pupils as individuals discuss how the Holy Spirit inspires us
  • Pupils in pairs describe the role of Holy Spirit in spreading the gospel
  • Pupils in small groups explain the meaning of inspiration



Embedded Core Skills

  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Critical thinking and problem solving


Learning Resources

  • The Holy Bible
  • Acts 2 : 27 – 32




  • Identification,
  • explanation,
  • questions and answers,
  • demonstration,
  • story-telling,
  • videos from source




The Holy Spirit is believed by Christians to be a divine presence that empowers and guides believers. In the New Testament book of Acts, Chapter 4, verses 27-32, the early church is described as being filled with the Holy Spirit and speaking boldly and fearlessly in the face of opposition. This passage emphasizes the role of the Holy Spirit in inspiring and guiding believers, helping them to boldly proclaim the message of the gospel and to face challenges with courage and faith.



To inspire means to encourage someone by making him or her feel confident and eager to do something. It is to give confidence to someone who is afraid or shy to do something great. During the trial and crucifixion of Jesus, the apostles were afraid of preaching the gospel. The Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God with boldness.

Inspiration refers to the process of being stimulated or influenced to produce something creative or to act in a certain way. Inspiration can come from a variety of sources, including personal experiences, other people, nature, art, or spirituality.

Here are some examples of inspiration:

  1. A musician who is inspired by a beautiful sunset to write a new song.
  2. An author who is inspired by a life-changing experience to write a novel.
  3. A painter who is inspired by a famous artist to create a new style of art.
  4. A person who is inspired by a motivational speaker to make positive changes in their life.
  5. An entrepreneur who is inspired by a successful business leader to start their own company.

In all these examples, inspiration acts as a catalyst for creativity and action, leading individuals to produce new and meaningful works or to make changes in their lives. Inspiration is a powerful force that can help people to overcome obstacles and to achieve their goals

Inspiration means the power given to someone to make him confident to do great things. When Jesus was crucified his disciples were afraid to go out because of the fear that they might be killed also. When the Holy Spirit came upon them on the day of Pentecost, they were able to preach boldly in public.

For example, Peter denied Jesus three times. But after the resurrection of Jesus, when the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples at Pentecost, Peter was bold to preach the gospel and three thousand souls were saved. Other apostles were also inspired by the Holy Spirit to preach the gospel.


The story of Peter and John

Peter and John healed a cripple with the power of the Holy Spirit. They were arrested and put in prison. When they were asked, ‘By what power or by what name did you do this?’ Peter was filled with the Holy Spirit; he replied them that the cripple was healed by the name of Jesus. The people saw the boldness of Peter and John and recognized them as disciples of Jesus. They released them and warned them not to preach the gospel, but the apostles came together to pray asking God to give them the boldness to preach. The place where they prayer shook and they were all filled with holy spirit.

The story of Philip

Philip went to Samaria to preach the gospel. Many Samaritans heard him and great joy came to the city. The Holy Spirit took him to a desert road from Jerusalem to Gaza where he met an Ethiopian eunuch. The man came to Jerusalem to worship and was returning home. He was riding on a chariot and was reading the Bible from the book of Isaiah. He was reading what Isaiah said about Jesus but did not understand it. The Holy Spirit told Philip to approach the man in his chariot. Philip obeyed the Holy Spirit. He asked the man, ‘Do you understand what you are reading?’ The man replied, ‘How can I, unless someone guides me?’ The man invited Philip to join him and sit with him. The portion he was reading from Isaiah was where it was stated, ‘As a sheep led to the slaughter; as a lamb before its shearer is dumb, so he open not his mouth. In his humiliation, justice was denied him. Who can describe this generation? For his life is taken up from the earth’

Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch in a chariot

The Ethiopian eunuch asked Philip, ‘About who, I pray, does the prophets say this, about himself or about someone else?’ The Holy Spirit helped Philip to preach the good news about the trial, death and resurrection of Jesus to him. He believed and accepted Jesus as savior. When they got to a river, the man asked Philip to baptize him. Philip baptized him with water and he became a Christian.


  1. The Holy Spirit’s role in the lives of believers is to provide __________ and __________.
  2. The source of inspiration for the Holy Spirit is the __________ presence.
  3. The Holy Spirit empowers the disciples by providing __________ and __________.
  4. The Holy Spirit promotes unity in the church by encouraging __________.
  5. The Holy Spirit’s role in spreading the gospel is to empower the disciples, guide the church in its mission, and convict the __________.
  6. The Holy Spirit provides believers with __________, __________, and a sense of __________.
  7. The Holy Spirit helps believers in worship and prayer by inspiring __________ with God.
  8. The Holy Spirit inspires believers to live a life that is pleasing to God by providing __________, filling with wisdom and understanding, and giving a sense of __________.
  9. The Holy Spirit promotes creativity in the church by inspiring __________ ideas.
  10. The Holy Spirit guides the church in its mission to spread the gospel by providing __________.
  11. The Holy Spirit helps believers overcome fear by providing __________ and __________.
  12. The Holy Spirit leads the lost to repent and believe in the gospel by __________ them of their need for salvation.
  13. The Holy Spirit promotes understanding of the things of God by filling with __________ and __________.
  14. The Holy Spirit helps make wise decisions in outreach efforts by __________ the church.
  15. The Holy Spirit helps believers face challenges and difficult situations by providing __________ and __________.
  16. The Holy Spirit finds new and innovative ways to reach people with the gospel by inspiring __________.
  17. The Holy Spirit enables believers to serve in unique and powerful ways in their outreach efforts by __________ gifts.
  18. The Holy Spirit strengthens the faith of believers by providing __________ and _________
  19. The Holy Spirit helps believers endure persecution and remain faithful in their witness by providing __________ and __________.
  20. The Holy Spirit helps believers fulfill God’s will in their lives by providing __________, empowering for witness, and filling with wisdom and understanding


  1. comfort, peace
  2. divine
  3. strength, courage
  4. love
  5. world
  6. guidance, wisdom, peace
  7. communication
  8. direction, sense of purpose
  9. innovative
  10. direction
  11. strength, courage
  12. convicting
  13. wisdom, understanding
  14. guiding
  15. strength, peace
  16. innovative
  17. imparting
  18. comfort, peace
  19. strength, courage
  20. direction, empowering for witness, wisdom and understanding.

How the Holy Spirit Inspires Us

  1. Empowers us for witness: The Holy Spirit gives believers the courage and power to share their faith and testimony with others, helping them to overcome fear and to speak boldly about their relationship with God.
  2. Guides us in decision-making: The Holy Spirit provides guidance and direction in our lives, helping us to make wise choices and to stay on the path that God has for us.
  3. Fills us with wisdom and understanding: The Holy Spirit gives believers a deeper understanding of the things of God, helping them to grow in their faith and to have a closer relationship with Him.
  4. Gives us a sense of purpose: The Holy Spirit inspires us to live a life that is aligned with God’s will and purpose, giving us a sense of meaning and fulfillment in our daily lives.
  5. Provides comfort and peace: The Holy Spirit is a source of comfort and peace in our lives, helping us to face challenges and difficult situations with hope and strength.
  6. Leads us in worship and prayer: The Holy Spirit helps us to connect with God in worship and prayer, inspiring us to offer our hearts and minds to Him in worship and to seek His guidance in our lives.

These are just a few examples of how the Holy Spirit inspires and empowers believers to live a life that is pleasing to God.

The Holy Spirit is an important part of the Christian faith, providing believers with the support and encouragement they need to grow and flourish in their relationship with God


The roles of the Holy Spirit in spreading the gospel

  1. Empowering the Disciples: The Holy Spirit empowered the disciples to proclaim the gospel with boldness, giving them the ability to perform miracles and speak in languages they had never learned.
  2. Guiding the Church: The Holy Spirit guides the church in its mission to spread the gospel, helping believers to understand God’s will and to make wise decisions in their outreach efforts.
  3. Providing Strength: The Holy Spirit provides believers with strength and courage, helping them to endure persecution and to remain faithful in their witness, even in difficult circumstances.
  4. Inspiring Creativity: The Holy Spirit inspires creativity in the church, helping believers to find new and innovative ways to reach people with the gospel.
  5. Encouraging Unity: The Holy Spirit promotes unity in the church, helping believers to work together in spreading the gospel and to overcome division and strife.
  6. Giving Gifts: The Holy Spirit gives spiritual gifts to believers, enabling them to serve in unique and powerful ways in their outreach efforts.
  7. Convicting the Lost: The Holy Spirit convicts the lost of their need for salvation, leading them to repent and believe in the gospel


  1. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in overcoming fear? A. By providing comfort and peace B. By empowering for witness C. By giving gifts D. None of the above
  2. How does the Holy Spirit lead the lost to repent and believe in the gospel? A. By convicting them of their need for salvation B. By guiding them in decision-making C. By providing strength and courage D. None of the above
  3. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in promoting understanding of the things of God? A. By filling with wisdom and understanding B. By providing guidance C. By inspiring connection with God D. None of the above
  4. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in making wise decisions in outreach efforts? A. By guiding the church B. By empowering the disciples C. By giving gifts D. All of the above
  5. How does the Holy Spirit help believers to face challenges and difficult situations? A. By providing comfort and peace B. By empowering for witness C. By giving gifts D. All of the above
  6. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in finding new and innovative ways to reach people with the gospel? A. By inspiring creativity B. By promoting unity C. By providing guidance D. All of the above
  7. What does the Holy Spirit provide believers with? A. Comfort and peace B. Strength and courage C. A sense of purpose D. All of the above
  8. How does the Holy Spirit help believers in worship and prayer? A. By providing guidance B. By encouraging unity C. By inspiring connection with God D. None of the above
  9. How does the Holy Spirit inspire believers to live a life that is pleasing to God? A. By providing guidance B. By filling with wisdom and understanding C. By giving a sense of purpose D. All of the above
  10. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in promoting creativity in the church? A. By inspiring new ideas B. By promoting division C. By providing guidance D. None of the above
  11. How does the Holy Spirit guide the church in its mission to spread the gospel? A. By providing direction B. By empowering the disciples C. By giving gifts D. All of the above
  12. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers? A. To provide comfort and peace B. To empower for witness C. To give gifts D. All of the above
  13. What is the source of inspiration for the Holy Spirit? A. Personal experiences B. Other people C. Divine presence D. Art
  14. How does the Holy Spirit empower the disciples? A. By providing strength and courage B. By guiding them in decision-making C. By enabling them to perform miracles D. All of the above
  15. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in promoting unity in the church? A. By encouraging cooperation B. By promoting division C. By inspiring creativity D. None of the above
  16. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in spreading the gospel? A. By empowering the disciples B. By guiding the church in its mission C. By convicting the lost D. All of the above
  17. How does the Holy Spirit enable believers to serve in unique and powerful ways in their outreach efforts? A. By giving gifts B. By providing guidance C. By empowering for witness D. By filling with wisdom and understanding
  18. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in helping believers to fulfill God’s will in their lives? A. By providing direction B. By empowering for witness C. By filling with wisdom and understanding D. All of the above
  19. How does the Holy Spirit help believers to endure persecution and remain faithful in their witness? A. By providing strength and courage B. By guiding them in decision-making C. By giving gifts D. All of the above
  20. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in strengthening the faith of believers? A. By providing comfort and peace B. By empowering for witness C. By filling with wisdom and understanding D. All of the above

Lesson Presentation

Lesson Plan: Understanding the Role of the Holy Spirit in Spreading the Gospel

Objective: Students will understand the role of the Holy Spirit in spreading the gospel, the lives of believers, and in the church.


  • Bible
  • Whiteboard or flipchart
  • Markers or pens
  • Handouts (optional)

Introduction (10 minutes):

  • Start by asking the students what they know about the Holy Spirit. Write their responses on the whiteboard or flipchart.
  • Lead a discussion on the different roles of the Holy Spirit in the Bible and in the lives of believers.
  • Briefly introduce the topic of the lesson, which is the role of the Holy Spirit in spreading the gospel.

Direct Instruction (20 minutes):

  • Use the whiteboard or flipchart to write down key points and Bible verses that highlight the role of the Holy Spirit in spreading the gospel.
  • Explain how the Holy Spirit empowers the disciples and provides guidance and direction in the church’s mission to spread the gospel.
  • Discuss how the Holy Spirit helps believers overcome fear, lead the lost to repent and believe in the gospel, and provide understanding of the things of God.
  • Explain how the Holy Spirit enables believers to serve in unique and powerful ways in their outreach efforts and helps them fulfill God’s will in their lives.

Interactive Activity (20 minutes):

  • Divide the students into small groups and ask them to discuss and come up with practical examples of how the Holy Spirit has inspired them or people they know in spreading the gospel.
  • Allow each group to share their examples with the class.
  • Lead a class discussion on the different ways the Holy Spirit can inspire people to spread the gospel.

Conclusion (10 minutes):

  • Summarize the key points of the lesson, emphasizing the importance of the Holy Spirit in spreading the gospel.
  • Encourage the students to pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit in their own lives and in their efforts to spread the gospel.
  • End the lesson by encouraging the students to continue studying the Bible and learning more about the role of the Holy Spirit.


  • Informal assessment can be done through class discussion and participation in the interactive activity.
  • Formal assessment can be done through a written reflection or quiz on the role of the Holy Spirit in spreading the gospel

Weekly Assessment / Test

  1. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers?
  2. How does the Holy Spirit provide inspiration for believers?
  3. What does the Holy Spirit empower the disciples to do?
  4. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in promoting unity in the church?
  5. How does the Holy Spirit help in spreading the gospel?
  6. What does the Holy Spirit provide to believers in their relationship with God?
  7. How does the Holy Spirit inspire believers in worship and prayer?
  8. How does the Holy Spirit help believers to live a life that is pleasing to God?
  9. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in promoting creativity in the church?
  10. How does the Holy Spirit guide the church in its mission to spread the gospel?
  11. How does the Holy Spirit help believers overcome fear?
  12. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in leading the lost to repent and believe in the gospel?
  13. How does the Holy Spirit provide understanding of the things of God?
  14. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in making wise decisions in outreach efforts?
  15. How does the Holy Spirit help believers face challenges and difficult situations?
  16. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in finding new and innovative ways to reach people with the gospel?
  17. How does the Holy Spirit enable believers to serve in unique and powerful ways in their outreach efforts?
  18. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in strengthening the faith of believers?
  19. How does the Holy Spirit help believers endure persecution and remain faithful in their witness?
  20. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in helping believers fulfill God’s will in their lives?
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