
·        The synoptic account of the resurrection Matt. 28:1-8, Mark 16: 1-8, Luke 24:1-11

·        The appearances of Jesus Matt 28:9-20, Mark 24: 13-49


The synoptic account of the resurrection Matt. 28:1-8, Mark 16: 1-8, Luke 24:1-11

Resurrection means coming back to life after death. The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead was to show his victory over death. The account of the resurrection appears in all three synoptic gospels. They all stated that when the women disciples – Mary Magdalene, Mary, mother of James and Salome went to the tomb to embalm the body of Jesus, They discovered that He had resurrected. Matthew reported that there was great earthquake; an angel of the Lord descended from heaven and rolled back the stone and sat upon it. It was this angel that informed the women that Jesus had risen from the dead.

However, Luke and Mark did not report any earthquake Mark reported that as the women were contemplating who would help them roll a way the stone at the entrance of the tomb, they discovered that the stone was no more there. Luke’s account was similar to that of Marks except that he added that as the women were perplexed over what happened to the body of Jesus two men stood by the dazzling apparel.


1.                 Define resurrection.

2.                 What is the significance of resurrection to Christians?

3.                 How is the resurrection account recorded in the synoptic gospels?

4.                 What do Mark and Luke add to Matthew’s account of the resurrection?

5.        Do you believe that Jesus actually resurrected from the dead? Why or why not?


THE APPEARANCES OF JESUS (Matt 28: 9-20, Luke 24:13-49)

After the resurrection, Jesus made several appearances to his disciples. Matthew recorded that Jesus appeared to the women disciples May Magdalene and Mary the mother of James while they were on their way to Galilee to inform the disciples to meet him in Galilee.

He also appeared to two disciples as they were walking along the road to Emmaus. In addition, many of his disciples who were present with him when he was crucified saw him after his resurrection and believed in Him.

Matthew further recorded that the chief Priest and the scribes bribed the guards to falsify the resurrection story to make people believe it was the disciples that came and stole him at night. Luke recorded that Jesus appeared to the disciples in Jerusalem. In Jerusalem, while the disciples were still discussing about his appearance, Jesus stood among them. They were afraid and they felt it was a spirit. Jesus told them not to be afraid that He is the one. Jesus ate together with them Luke concluded by stating that he charged the disciples to preach repentance and forgiveness in the name of Jesus to all nations beginning from Jerusalem.



1. Narrate the story of the resurrection appearance of Jesus to women according to the gospel of Matthew.

2. What is the significance of the resurrection to Christians.

3. How are the resurrection appearances of Jesus described in the synoptic gospels?

4. What do Luke and Mark add to the accounts of Matthew and Luke regarding the resurrection appearances of Jesus?

5. Do you believe that Jesus actually resurrected from the dead? Why or why not?


The significance of the resurrection of Jesus Christ

i.           The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the basis of Christian faith, without his resurrection, there would be no Christian faith.

ii.           God raised Jesus from the dead thereby confirming him as His son

iii.           Resurrection equally forms the basis of Christian hope of salvation.

iv.           It is an assurance that as God raised Jesus from dead, so will God raise every Christian.



1.                 The appearance helped the disciples to be firmly convinced that Jesus really rose.

2.                 The appearance strengthened their faith

3.                 It was during the appearance of Jesus that he told the disciples their responsibilities after the ascension.

4.                 It was at that period that he promised them the power from on high (The Holy spirit) This promise was fulfilled on Pentecost day.

5.             The resurrection appearance of Jesus also served as an assurance that Christians will be resurrected at the end of time and enjoy eternal life with God.

6.                 It was through the appearance of Jesus to his disciples that they gain courage, strength and faith to spread the gospel all over the world even unto death




1.                 Narrate the story of the resurrection and appearance of Jesus to women in the Gospel of Matthew.

2.                  What is the significance of the resurrection of Christians?

3.                  Narrate the provision of water for the Israelites.

4.                 Mention at least, three parables that describe the kingdom of God

5.                 Narrate the parable of the Sower and outline its significance.




Comprehensive Christian Religious Knowledge for SS 1-3 By Martins I. Amaechi Page 161 -168

R.S.V Bible Read Matt 28:1-8, MK. 16:1-8, Luke 24:1-11



1.                 According to Matthew, Jesus first appeared to the women who went to the tomb on their way to____. (a) the tomb (b) Damascus (c) Bethlehem (d) Samaria

2.                 According to Luke, Jesus appeared to the rest of the disciples at_____. (a)Galilee (b)Capernaum (c) Emmanuel (d) Jerusalem

3.                 In order not for his disciples to steal Jesus body, the Jewish leaders_____. (a) buried the body themselves (b) bribed the disciples (c)Set a guard at the tomb (d) chained the tomb.

4.                 The major significance of the resurrection of Jesus to Christians is that____. (a) Christians too could die and resurrect as Jesus (b) Christians too can perform miracles (c) It gives the Christians assurance of life after death (d) It confirms that Jesus is the son of God.

5.                 The mission of the three women who went to the tomb was to____. (a) bribe the soldiers (b) anoint Jesus body (c)embalm Jesus’ body (d)Cement the tomb.

6.             The appearance of Jesus transformed the disciples from being cowards to become courageous ____(a) Apostles (b) Evangelist (c} Prophets (d) Martyrs

7.             The parable of the Sower is about_____. (a) farming (b) vineyard (c) fishing (d) fishing

8.             The provision of water for the Israelites in the wilderness was a sign to what? (a) God is with them (b) they were going to be blessed same day (c} they would never lack water again (d)that they should not rebel against God again.

9.             Resurrection is one of the important beliefs of Christians that____. (a) they appease God through sacrifice (b) they will die and be resurrected (c} they will enjoy eternal life together with God after death (d)they can perform miracles like Jesus did.

10.             The three parables that describe the kingdom of God are____. (a} the parable of the talents, leaven and mustard seed (b)the parable of the sower, weeds and fishnet (c)the parable of fig tree, wheat field and fishing net (d) none of these because they all equally describe how the kingdom is built.

11.             Prayer is one of the important teachings of Christ because____. (a) it attracts blessings from God (b) it makes God to open doors for us (c}it helps us to obtain guidance and wisdom from God (d) All of the above.





1.                 Write short notes on the following in respect of resurrection and appearances of Jesus (a)The soldiers (b)The angel (c)The women (d) The two disciples going to Emmaus.

2.                 What two lessons can be drawn from the resurrection of Jesus Christ.


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