First Term Mid Term Test Computer Studies JSS 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 7

First Term Mid Term Assessment

Subject: Computer Studies
Class: JSS 1
Term: First Term
Week: 7

Part A: Objective Questions
Choose the correct option to fill in the blanks.

  1. The full form of ICT is __________.
    a) Information and Communication Technology
    b) International Communication Tool
    c) Information Collection Technique
    d) Internet Communication Tool
  2. __________ is used for sending and receiving electronic messages.
    a) Newspaper
    b) Email
    c) Calculator
    d) Clock
  3. __________ helps track time and manage schedules.
    a) Digital Clock
    b) Printer
    c) Television
    d) Book
  4. An example of a tool for virtual meetings is __________.
    a) Zoom
    b) Calculator
    c) TV
    d) Newspaper
  5. __________ applications help with organizing and analyzing data.
    a) Spreadsheets
    b) Word Processors
    c) Databases
    d) Alarms
  6. The impact of ICT on communication includes __________.
    a) Reduced Access
    b) Easier Connection
    c) Less Interaction
    d) Increased Distance
  7. __________ is an example of a non-electronic device.
    a) Smartphone
    b) Computer
    c) Book
    d) Television
  8. __________ tools assist with data management and storage.
    a) Spreadsheets
    b) Clocks
    c) TVs
    d) Calculators
  9. ICT has __________ access to information.
    a) Reduced
    b) Increased
    c) Complicated
    d) Limited
  10. A challenge of ICT is __________.
    a) Enhanced Security
    b) Digital Divide
    c) Increased Productivity
    d) Better Communication
  11. __________ devices are used for managing time and reminders.
    a) Digital Clocks
    b) Computers
    c) Databases
    d) Word Processors
  12. __________ is used for creating and editing text documents.
    a) Word Processor
    b) Spreadsheet
    c) Database
    d) Alarm
  13. __________ systems are used for virtual meetings and video calls.
    a) Email
    b) Zoom
    c) Alarm
    d) Calculator
  14. The digital divide refers to __________.
    a) Differences in access to technology
    b) Improved communication
    c) Increased data security
    d) Enhanced productivity
  15. The primary function of a spreadsheet is to __________.
    a) Track time
    b) Manage data
    c) Create documents
    d) Send emails
  16. __________ allows for the creation of electronic spreadsheets.
    a) Excel
    b) PowerPoint
    c) Word
    d) Outlook
  17. A __________ is used to record and playback audio.
    a) Printer
    b) Camera
    c) Speaker
    d) Microphone
  18. __________ is used for sending instant text messages.
    a) Email
    b) Chat Application
    c) Fax Machine
    d) Television
  19. __________ is an example of a digital device used for communication.
    a) Typewriter
    b) Smartphone
    c) Notebook
    d) Desk Calendar
  20. __________ is a common tool for video conferencing.
    a) Skype
    b) Calculator
    c) Radio
    d) Projector

Part B: Theory Questions
Answer the following questions briefly.

  1. Define ICT.
  2. Name two uses of ICT in communication.
  3. How does ICT improve timing and control?
  4. Describe how ICT impacts information processing and management.
  5. What is the digital divide?
  6. List three examples of electronic devices used in ICT.
  7. How does ICT enhance productivity in the workplace?
  8. Explain the term “data management” in ICT.
  9. What are some challenges associated with the use of ICT?
  10. Describe one way in which ICT affects access to information.
  11. Define and give an example of an audio-visual device.
  12. What are some non-electronic devices used in communication?
  13. How does ICT impact personal communication?
  14. What is the role of a word processor in ICT?
  15. Explain how ICT tools can assist in scheduling and reminders.
  16. Describe the importance of data security in ICT.
  17. What is a common tool for video communication and meetings?
  18. How has ICT improved access to educational resources?
  19. Provide an example of a digital device used for information management.
  20. What role does ICT play in modern workplaces?

Part C: True or False Questions
Indicate whether each statement is True or False.

  1. ICT stands for International Communication Tool.
  2. Email is used for sending and receiving messages electronically.
  3. Digital clocks help manage schedules and reminders.
  4. Zoom is a tool used for document editing.
  5. Spreadsheets are used for creating text documents.
  6. The digital divide refers to differences in access to technology.
  7. A book is an example of an electronic device.
  8. Word processors are used for creating and editing text documents.
  9. The digital divide enhances communication.
  10. ICT improves productivity by providing efficient tools for task management.
  11. Radio is an example of a video device.
  12. Smartphones are used for communication and information management.
  13. Non-electronic devices include calculators and computers.
  14. ICT challenges include digital divide and privacy concerns.
  15. Spreadsheets are used to manage and analyze data.
  16. ICT has no impact on access to information.
  17. The term “data management” involves organizing and storing data.
  18. Television is used for audio communication.
  19. Word processors are used for managing and analyzing data.
  20. Digital devices include smartphones and tablets.

Part D: Fill in the Gaps Questions
Complete the sentences by filling in the blanks with the correct words.

  1. ICT stands for __________.
  2. __________ is used for sending and receiving electronic messages.
  3. A __________ helps track time and manage schedules.
  4. __________ is used for creating and editing text documents.
  5. The __________ divide refers to differences in access to technology.
  6. An example of an electronic device used for communication is a __________.
  7. __________ tools assist with organizing and managing data.
  8. The primary function of a __________ is to manage and analyze data.
  9. __________ is used for virtual meetings and video calls.
  10. The impact of ICT on productivity includes __________ and efficiency.
  11. __________ are devices used to record and playback audio.
  12. A __________ is an example of a non-electronic device.
  13. __________ systems are used for managing time and reminders.
  14. The __________ divide can create inequalities in technology access.
  15. ICT improves __________ by providing efficient tools for task management.
  16. __________ is used to manage and analyze large sets of data.
  17. __________ communication involves sending and receiving electronic messages.
  18. __________ devices are used for video conferencing and meetings.
  19. The role of a __________ processor is to create and edit text documents.
  20. __________ includes tools and systems used for managing and communicating information.

This comprehensive assessment covers various aspects of the Computer Studies curriculum for JSS 1, providing a broad evaluation of students’ understanding of ICT and its applications.

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