Poultry Cookery Food and Nutrition SS 1 First Term Lesson Notes


TOPIC: Poultry Cookery

Lesson Details

  • Subject: Food and Nutrition
  • Class: SS 1
  • Term: First Term
  • Week: 8
  • Topic: Poultry Cookery
  • Sub-topics:
    1. Types of Poultry
    2. Nutritive Value of Poultry
    3. Factors to Consider When Choosing Poultry
    4. Preparation of Poultry for Cooking
    5. Methods of Cooking Poultry
  • Duration: 40 minutes
  • Age: 14 – 16 years
  • Previous Knowledge: Students have prior knowledge of Meat Cookery and the Nutritive Value of Meat.

Behavioral Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Define poultry cookery.
  2. Identify different types of poultry.
  3. List the nutritive values of poultry.
  4. Highlight factors to consider when choosing poultry.
  5. Explain the preparation process of poultry for cooking.
  6. Describe various methods of cooking poultry.

Instructional Materials

  • Wall charts showing types of poultry
  • Flashcards with poultry names
  • Pictures of poultry preparation methods
  • Video clips on poultry cooking techniques

Teaching Methods

  • Class Discussion
  • Group Discussion
  • Question and Answer
  • Role-Playing
  • Demonstration

Reference Materials

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Evans Food and Nutrition for Senior Secondary Schools 1 by F.A. Bakare et al.
  • Exam Focus Food and Nutrition for WASSCE & SSCE by J.O. Olusanya

Lesson Content

1. Definition of Poultry Cookery

Poultry cookery refers to the preparation and cooking of meat from domesticated birds such as:

  • Chicken
  • Guinea fowl
  • Turkey
  • Duck
  • Pigeon

2. Types of Poultry

Poultry is categorized into two main types based on the color of the meat:

  • White Meat: Found in the breast and wings; it is more digestible.
  • Dark Meat: Found in the legs and thighs; it is coarser and less digestible due to greater muscular activity.

3. Nutritive Value of Poultry

Poultry is a good source of essential nutrients such as:

  • Protein: High-quality protein with all essential amino acids.
  • Fat: Less fat than red meat; mainly found under the skin and around the giblet.
  • Vitamins: Contains B-complex vitamins, especially niacin (less in the legs than in the breast).
  • Water: Poultry meat has a high water content.
  • Minerals: Contains iron and phosphorus for blood and bone health.

4. Factors to Consider When Choosing Poultry

When buying poultry, consider the following:

  1. The bird should have plenty of feathers and no long hair on the thighs.
  2. The comb and wattles should be small and bright red.
  3. The legs should be smooth and pliable.
  4. The feet should be supple, and the beak should be pliable.
  5. The breast should be plump, and bones should be covered with flesh.
  6. The weight of the bird should be heavier than its feathers.
  7. The eyes should be bright and sparkling, not dull.
  8. The bird should be active and not sluggish.
  9. There should be no grains of corn in the crop.

5. Preparation of Poultry for Cooking

  1. The bird should be killed at least one hour before cooking to allow it to pass through rigor mortis, making the meat more tender.
  2. After killing, immerse the bird in boiling water to loosen the feathers.
  3. Pluck the feathers quickly before the skin cools.
  4. Singe over a smokeless fire to remove fine hairs.
  5. Remove the head, feet, scales, nails, and beak.
  6. Wash thoroughly with clean water.
  7. Cut into pieces as required for cooking.

6. Methods of Cooking Poultry

There are several methods of cooking poultry:

  1. Broiling – Cooking over an open flame.
  2. Frying – Cooking in hot oil (deep or shallow).
  3. Roasting – Cooking in an oven or over an open fire.
  4. Grilling – Cooking under direct dry heat.
  5. Stewing – Slow cooking in a covered pot with liquid.

Lesson Presentation Steps

Step 1: Revision

  • The teacher revises the previous lesson on Meat Cookery and Nutritive Value of Meat.

Step 2: Introduction of the New Topic

  • The teacher introduces the topic and explains its importance in human nutrition.

Step 3: Class Discussion & Demonstration

  • The teacher engages students in discussions and demonstrations of poultry selection and preparation.
  • Students provide examples, and the teacher corrects them where necessary.

Evaluation (Classwork)

Objective Questions

  1. What is the most commonly consumed type of poultry?
    A) Chicken
    B) Turkey
    C) Duck
    D) Quail
  2. Which cooking method exposes poultry to direct heat?
    A) Roasting
    B) Frying
    C) Boiling
    D) Grilling
  3. What temperature must poultry reach to be safe for consumption?
    A) 140°F
    B) 165°F
    C) 180°F
    D) 200°F
  4. Which of the following is NOT a nutrient found in poultry?
    A) Protein
    B) Iron
    C) Vitamin C
    D) B Vitamins
  5. What factor ensures poultry was raised ethically?
    A) Price
    B) Breed
    C) Country of origin
    D) Packaging label/certification

Essay Questions

  1. Define poultry cookery.
  2. List four factors to consider when choosing poultry.
  3. State four methods of poultry storage.
  4. Describe the difference between red and white meat in poultry.


  • The teacher summarizes the topic.
  • The teacher ensures that students copy the notes correctly.
  • Corrections are made where necessary.

Assignment (Homework)

  1. Mention six factors to consider when choosing poultry.
  2. State four differences between the nutritive value of meat and poultry.
  3. List four methods of poultry storage.
  4. Write two paragraphs describing the red and white meat of poultry.