Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions don’t be involved.

 Subject: C.R.S        Duration: 1HR 30MINS    Class: JSS 2

 (1)    The parables of maturity and responsibility comprises of ———– parables (a)4 (b)2 (c)3  (d) 5

(2)    The mustard seed signifies—————— (a)tiny seed(b)faith(c)the word of God that a man receives and allow to dwell and stay inside of him (d)communion

(3)    The master of the vineyard in the parable of the wheat and tares refused his labourers from uprooting the tares because (a)he was lazy(b)he loves the tares (c)he wants to differentiate the wheats from the tares(d)they could remove the wheat alongside in the process 

(4) The unforgiving servant was put in prison because (a)he was rude (b)he refuse to forgive his fellow servant(c)he refused to pay his debt(d)he was a servant

 (5)    All but one are  examples of the parables illustrating God’s love (a)parable of the sower(b)parable of the prodigal son(c)parable of the lost sheep(d)parable of the lost coin

(6)    All but one are  examples of the parables of maturity and responsibility (a)the talents(b)the virgins(c)the unforgiving servant(d)parable of the lost coin

 (7)    The grounds on which the seeds fell in the parable of the sower signifies ———-(a)the heart(b)loamy soil(c)the people(d)the disciples

(8) The five wise virgins refused to give oil to the five foolish ones because 

(a)the wise ones had extra oil(b)the foolish ones had no oil(c)they had excess oil(d)the foolish ones had no extra oil 

(9)    In the parable of the mustard seed Jesus referred to the mustard seed as the (a)most grown(b)most germinated(c)smallest of all(d)most delicious

(10)    In the parable of the wheat and tares the reapers are (a)the believers(b)old prophets(c)the saints(d)the angels

 (11)    All but one are types of laws during Jesus time (a)circumcision(b)law of the Sabbath(c)payment of tax(d)law of grace

(12)    Jesus  subjected himself to the law in paying tax by instructing his disciples to give to ————– what belongs to ————— (a)Caesar(b)Augustus(c)the priest(d)Aaron

(13)    Jesus did not come to destroy the law but to (a)partition it(b)stand on it(c)divide it(d)fulfill it

(14)    Jesus spoke against the following except (a)love of enemies(b)murder(c)swearing(d)adultery

(15)    Jesus expects Christian to ———– authority (a)patronize(b)disobey(c)fight(d)obey

(16)    Jesus practiced tax payment so that (a)tax levy will be cut down(b)Christians can learn from him(c)Christians will not pay tax again(d)He’ll win more souls

(17)    The Jewish word that means giving or dedicating something to God is called 

(a)the law of firstborn(b) Corban(c)the law of giving(d)the law of dedication

(18)    ——————– is a story that gives illustration on heavenly matters  (a)tales(b)parable(c)explanation(d)illustration

(19)    All but one are types of parable (a)parables of the kingdom(b)maturity and responsibility(c)parables illustrating concern for one another(d)parable of the lost coin

(20)    The parables of maturity and responsibility teach us that (a)show concern to only Christians(b)love only people from our tribe(c)help only people we know(d)show concern to anyone who needs help.

(21)    One of the reasons for using parables include (a)exposes evil(b)manipulates one(c)causes fear(d)communicates simplicity of the intention of the speaker

(22)     The parables illustrating God’s love comprises of —————- parables (a)4 (b)2 (c)3  (d) 5

(23)    All but one are  examples of the parables of the kingdom (a)parable of the sower(b)parable of the prodigal son(c)parable of the mustard seed(d)parable of the wheat and tares

(24)    The man attacked by robbers in the parable of the good Samaritan was travelling from—————- to————– (a)Israel to Jericho (b)Jericho to Israel(c)Jericho to Jerusalem(d)Jerusalem to Jericho

(25)    —————– was the first to pass by the hurt man in the parable of the good Samaritan (a)a Levite(b)a priest(c)a saviour(d)the good Samaritan

(26) Jesus subjecting Himself to the law of his time  teaches us that  (a)everyone has equal right(b)he will be penalized if he didn’t (c)he is humble(d)nobody is above the law

(27)    The rich man requested of Abraham in hell to (a)preach to his brothers(b)allow Lazarus to give him a drop of water to cool his tongue(c)visit heaven(d)feed him

(28)    In the parable of the talent, the master gave talents to ——– servants  (a)2(b)3(c)4(d)1

 (29)    In the parable of the lost sheep the shepherd had about ———– sheep(a)101(b)99(c)150(d)100

(30)    In the parable of the lost coin the woman lost one from ————— pieces of coins(a)9(b)101(c)10(d)100

(31)    The parables illustrating concern for one another comprises of ———- parables (a)2(b)3(c)4(d)5

(32) Jesus Christ is our perfect (a)examiner(b)preacher(c)prophet(d)example

(33)     The parables of the kingdom comprises of —————- parables (a)4 (b)2 (c)3  (d) 5

(34) As Christians the parables of responsibility and maturity tell us that (a)we should show love(b)we should think well(c)we should grow up(d)we are responsible for our lives

(35)    Cast ye the unprofitable servant into the outer darkness, there shall be weeping and —————————————————–

(36)   “Did you not sow good seeds in your field, how come about the tares?” and the master said ———————————————————————————

(37) There is joy in heaven over a ————————– who ————————–

(38)  ———————————-is an example of parable illustrating God’s love.

(39) —————————— is an example of the parable of maturity and responsibility.

(40) —————————— was not happy about the feast held for his brother.

(41)  The act of paying evil for evil is called ———————————–

(42)  On earth the rich man’s clothing were ———————— and ————————————-

(43) ——————– number of laws existed during Jesus time.

(44)  Remember the Sabbath day to keep it——————————

(45)  Any one who looks at a woman to lust after her has already———————————————-




Instruction:        Answer any three questions from this session!

(1a)    Where was the parable of the prodigal son taken from in the bible?

 (b)    Explain Jesus teachings on the following.

Murder   (ii) Adultery  (iii) Swearing 

(c)    Narrate the parable of the mustard seed and interpretation.

(2a)    Narrate the parable of  the good Samaritan.

(b)    State two moral lessons of the parables illustrating concern for one another.

(c)    Mention the last instruction of the king to the unforgiving servant in the parable of the unforgiving servant.

(3a)    Define parable.

(b)     Identify and explain three types of parables and give two examples of each one of them.

(c)    State three reasons why parables are used.

(4a)    Narrate the parable of the wheat and tares and its interpretation.

(b)    Narrate the parable of the lost coin.

(c) State two moral lesson of the parable illustrating God’s love.

(5a)    Define law and  state the law of Corban

(b)    Mention any five types of law that existed during Jesus’ time.

(c)    Differentiate between civil and religious law.



Mention four items produce by a blacksmith? (i)



Js 2 Igbo Language First Term Examination

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