
  1. _______  fell off from Saul’s eyes when Ananias prayed for him (a) furs  (b) scales (c) feathers 
  2. Who was Lydia? (a) a rich doctor (b) a rich farmer (c) a rich trader
  3. Macedonia is a country in _____ (a) Europe (b) America (c) Africa 
  4. To live in peace is referred to as ______ (a) peaceful people (b) peaceful co-existence (c) peaceful together 
  5. Saul fell off from his house when he was going to ______ (a) Antioch (b) Iconium (c) Damascus 
  6. The Greek teacher who brought Paul to Jerusalem was _______ (a) Gamaliel (b) Ananias (c) Lydia 
  7. Conversion means _____ (a) wake up  (b) change (c) express
  8. Saul met the Lord on his way to ______ (a) Armenia (b) Jerusalem (c) Damascus 
  9. “Saul, why do you persecute me” Whose voice was that? (a) James (b)  Jesus (c) John 
  10. What was Paul’s name before he met the Lord? (a) Solomon (b) Silas (c) Saul 
  11. Indecent dressing is against the will of the Lord and it may lead to ________ (a) poverty (b) raping (c) dancing 
  12. _____ is what a person hopes to achieve (a) success (b) goal (c) score 
  13. Excessive drinking of alcohol can cause ______ (a) raping (b) happiness (c) drunkenness 
  14. Money helps us to have the following except ________ (a) pay for social services (b) live long (c) live in comfort 
  15. Importance of goal setting includes the following except ____________ (a) it delays our achievement in life (b) it helps us to live a fulfilled and productive life (c) it helps to accomplish our mission
  16. Which of the following is not the right attitude to money? (a) we use money to serve God (b) we use money to acquire education (c) we use money to do party
  17. A very strong feeling of likening someone or something very much is _____ (a) respect (b) love (c) hate 
  18. ________ think about other people’s needs and not about themselves always (a) selfish people (b) stingy people (c) unselfish people
  19. _______ betrayed Jesus Christ (a) Judas Iscariot (b) John the Baptist (c) Peter Simon
  20. _____ was given the ten commandments (a) Solomon (b) Joseph (c) Moses 
  21. Who was Jarius? (a) A slave in a Synagogue (b) a ruler of Synagogue (c) a soldier in a Synagogue 
  22. How old was Jarius daughter when she was very ill? (a) ten years  (b) twelve years (c) thirteen years
  23. The widow and her son lived in a village called _____ (a) synagogue (b) naim (c) Antioch 
  24. Peter’s mother in-law was suffering from ______ (a) tuberculosis (b) fever (c) high fever 
  25. Peter’s mother-in-law was healed by _____ (a) Jarius (b) Jesus (c) James 
  26. Jesus’ victory gives us victory over evil forces (a) true   (b) false (c) none of the above 
  27. The raising of the son of the widow by Jesus was recorded in the Gospel of _____ (a) John chapter 7  (b) Luke chapter 7 (c) Mathew chapter 7
  28. The healing of Simon Peter’s mother-in-law was the _______ documented miracle of Jesus (a) seventh (b) fifth (c) third 
  29. What was the mission of Saul to Damascus? (a) to preach the gospel (b) to build more churches (c) to persecute the Christians
  30. Sabbath day is meant to be a ______ day (a) rest (b) work (c) gospel



  1. What is healing? ___________________________________________________
  2. State two importance of healing in the ministry of Jesus?
  3. What is missionary work? ____________________________________________
  4. On the first missionary journey, Paul went with _________________________
  5. On the second missionary journey, Paul went with _______________________
  6. Moderation means? ________________________________________________
  7. Mention two areas of human life that there should be moderation? 
  8. What is goal setting? _______________________________________________
  9. State the two types of goal setting? _____________________________________
  10. Mention two importance of Saul’s conversion? __________________________
  11. Who instructed Paul to go on missionary journey? _________________________
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