Third Term Examinations Primary 4 Creative Arts



SUBJECT: CREATIVE ART                                  CLASS: PRIMARY FOUR 

Underline the correct answer 

1)            is finding a local alternative to an existing art material (a)Silhouette  (b)Improvisation (c)manipulation

2)    The clothes worn by actor and actress on stage to achieve their presentation is known as             (a)Apparel   (b)fashion  (c)costumes  

3)    Which of these musical instruments is aerophone? (a)Violin  (b)Saxophone   (c)guitar 

4)    Which of these musical instruments is classified as Chordophone? (a)trumpet   (b)Tamborine   (c)Violin 

5)    Which of these musical instruments is classified as Idophone?  (a)gong  (b)talking drum   (c)guitar 

6)    Which of these musical instruments is classified as membranophone? (a)Saxophone (b)Keyboard (c)Talking drum

7)    Moo is the sound of which animal? (a)dog  (b)cow  (c)lion 

8)    Quack is the sound of which animal?  (a)duck  (b)cat   (C)dog 

9)    Mew is the sound of which animal? (a)Lion (b)cow  (c)cat 

10)    Hue is another word for             (a)weather   (b)colour   (c)shape 

11)    When shading is deep and dark is known as                 shading 

12)    When shading is neither too deep nor too dark is known as                 shading 

13)                is one of the value needed in cultural and creative art 

14)    Life drawing is drawing of                     object. 

15)    Still life objects are object made by               



1)    Draw any two still- life objects of your choice 


2)    Cut and arrange cardboard to form somebody that has just graduated and cardboard flower.