Third Term Examinations JSS 2 Basic Technology


Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions don’t be involved.


Duration: 2HRS    

Class: JSS 2



  1. ___________ are basically four sided plane figure (a) Quadrilaterals (b) Polygons (c) Board practice (d) Drawing boards
  2. __________ all sides and angles are equal (a) Square (b) Rectangle (c) Trapezium (d) Kite
  3. __________ are plane figures bounded by more than four straight lines . (a) Trapezium (b) Square (c) Polygons (d) Kite
  4. Pentagon  has _______ Sides (a) 6 (b) 5 (c) 8 (d) 10
  5. Polygon with 8 sides is Called ________ (a) Heptagon (b) pentagon (c) Octagon (d) Decagon
  6. Polygon with Six Sides is Called _______ (a)Octagon (b) Hexagon (c) Decagon (d) Heptagon
  7. __________ is a Straight line which touches the circumference at a Point (a) Tangent (b) Arcs (c) Rectangle (d) Square
  8. ________ is a Plane figure bounded by three straight lines  (a) Rectangle (b) Triangle (c) Square (d) Trapezium
  9. _________ is a triangle that has three equal sides and three angles (a) Equilateral Triangle (b) Isosceles Triangle (c) Scalene Triangle  (d) Right angle Triangle
  10. __________ Can be defined as an operation organized to free from danger (a) First aid operation (b) Rescue operation (c) Responsive operation (d) Caring operation
  11. Which of the following cannot be regarded as a rescue operation (a) Vehicle-extrication rescue operation (b) Surface water rescue operation (c) Air – Sea rescue operation (d) First aiding
  12. Workshop accident includes the following except (a) Fracture (b) Bleeding (c) voltaging (d) Wound
  13. ________ is a table on which wood workers perform his operation (a) Workbench (b) Imperial board (c) Dove Tail table (d) Tenon Table
  14. Mixture of Sand, gravel, cement with water is Called (a) Plastering (b) rendering (c) Concrete (d) Plastics
  15. ________ is the name of buildings that contains many rooms on two floors (a) Duplex (b) Bungalow (c) hut (d) High – Rise
  16. Angles can be measured using ____ (a) French Curve (b) Compass (c) Protractor
  17. The instrument used for drawing irregular curve is called (a) divider (b)     Compass (c) Scale Rule (d) French Curve
  18. The following methods can prevent accident while working in the workshop, except (a) always use the right tools for each job (b) Always keeps to instructor (c) Avoid using worn out tools (d) Always do more than two jobs at the same time
  19. ________ are equipment used in order to achieve safety? (a) Safely devices (b) Fire extinguishers (c) Fire alarm (d) Fire buckets
  20. Metals can be classified into _______ (a) Six (b) Five (c) Four (d) two
  21. Papers are manufactured   from _______ ceramics (b) Ferrous (c) alloy (d) wood
  22. The major purpose of maintenance in engineering is to ________ (a) Keep it in good working condition (b) Prevent from making loud noise (c) Stop it from working too long (d)Enable it to last forever
  23. Workshop accident includes the following except (a) Fracture (b) Bleeding (c) Plastering (d) Wound
  24. One of the following is not among the rescue safely measures (a) Face cap (b) Safely boot (c) hand gloves (d) helmets
  25. First – aid can be used to care for the following except (a) Accident (b) Injury (c) Headache (d) Blood Donation
  26. __________ is used for transferring measurement (a) Divider (b) punches (c) Micrometer (d) Try square
  27. _________  is drawn at the bottom right hand corner of the drawing paper  (a) Boarder lines (b) Title block (c) Lettering (d) Figures
  28. _______ are poor conductors of heat and electricity (a) Plastics (b) Metal (c) Copper wire (d) Conductors
  29. ___________ Plastic can be softened into liquid form and remoulded (a) Thermosetting (b) Electric Plastic (c) Ceramic (d) Synthetic rubber
  30. Any material that allows free flow of electrons and electricity is Called _________ (a) Insulator (b) Conductors (c) Ceramics (d) Synthetic
  31. The brown material between electric poles and the electric wire is Called (a) Insulators (ceramic) (b) Thermoplastic (c) Synthetic (d) Vulcanization
  32. Glass belong to _________ family (a)  Plastics (b) Synthetic rubber (c) Thermo set Plastics (d) Ceramics.
  33. Which of the following can be used for drawing vertical and inclined lines ? (a) Protectors (b) Scale rule (c)  Compass (d) Set square
  34. Scale rules are used to produce (a) Reduced or enlarged sizes (b) Equal and normal size of drawing (c) Enlarged sizes of drawing (d) A good Linear drawing
  35. Which of the procedures comes first in Constructing a building (a) Excavation (b) concreting (c) Level (d) Site preparation
  36. Which of the following is not  a Quadrilateral (a) Prism (b) Rhomboid (c) Rhombus (d) Parallelogram
  37. __________ are used to reduce wear and tear (a) Lubricant (b) Vulcanization (c) Synthetic (d) Abrasives
  38. Oil and Grease are used as_______ (a) Vulcanization (b) Lubricants (c) Synthetics (d) abrasives
  39. Polygon with (10) Ten sides is Called (a) Pentagon (b) Heptagon (c) Nonagon (d) Decagon   
  40. We have         types of technology (a) 5    (b) 4    (c) 3    (d) 2


Answer only three Question

1a Define Polygon            

b   Construct the following polygon

i   Pentagon  AB   50mm             ii  Hexagon  AB    70mm        iii  Octagon   AB    70mm

2a Define Friction        

b   State two advantages and two disadvantages of friction

c Differentiate between Lubrication and Lubricants

d Mention two Lubricant used in reducing friction

3a Explain five care and maintenance that must be given to wood work machines

b Explain two function of lathe machine

4 Sketch five workshop hard tools and Explain their uses 

5a Explain the uses of the following technical drawing instrument

i Tee   Square

ii Protractor

iii Set Square 

iv  Compass

v  Divider

b   Sketch tee square and label the parts

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