Adaptation of Organisms to their habitats

Subject :

Basic Science and Technology




Week 2



JSS 2 / Basic 8


Topic :

Adaptation of Organisms to their habitats 

  1. Meaning of adaptation
  2. Meaning of Organisms
  3. Features that make organisms adapt perfectly to their environment


Instructional Materials :

  • Samples of living things
  • Pictures of types of habitats
  • Examples of organisms living in the given habitat
  • Textbooks
  • Workbooks
  • Online Materials


Reference Materials

  • Scheme of Work
  • Online Information
  • Textbooks
  • Workbooks
  • 9 Year Basic Education Curriculum



Previous Knowledge :

The pupils have been taught


Meaning and Types of Habitats


in their previous lesson




Behavioural Objectives :  At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to

  • Say the meaning of adaptation
  • Explain the meaning of Organisms
  • Highlight the features that make organisms adapt perfectly to their environment






Content :


Adaptation of organisms to their habitats 


  • Meaning of habitat
  •  Examples of habitat
  • What make organisms adapt to their immediate habitats


Adaptation of Organisms to their Habitat

Adaptation means special characteristics, organ growth or behaviour that help an organism to live and survive in a particular habitat is called adaptation.

Any features, parts of the body or behaviours that make an organism to the survive any habitat is called adaptation.


Every living thing on earth belongs to one habitat or the other because it is always interacting with some biotic and abiotic components such as energy, water, air (oxygen), food, carbon dioxide and suitable living conditions.


For example, there are certain species of plants and animals that can survive only in rain forest habitat and not in the desert and vice versa.


Characteristics of Organisms found on Land

  1. They have limbs that enable them to move on land
  2. They possess lung that help them to breathe on land
  3. Birds are covered with feathers which protect them to adapt themselves to live on land
  4. Mammals have lots of hair called fur which protect them from harsh weather conditions
  5. Some terrestrial plants have succulent leaves with oily surface which help them to store water for later use
  6. Desert plants have needle-like leaves which help reduce the rate of water loss
  7. Many terrestrial plants have tap roots while some have climbing stem to get to the top of tall trees in order to get sunlight.
  8. Many land creatures have kidneys which regulate water loss from 5he body man
  9. Animals like snails do have shells which cover their bodies
  10. Lizards posses sharp sticky claws for clinging onto the walls.


Characteristics of Organisms found in Water

  1. Frogs and other amphibian have strong webbed legs which enable them to move in water
  2. Fishes have fins and streamlines bodies to swim very easily in water
  3. Fishes have gills with which they breathe inside water
  4. Some water plants have short roots and large flat leaves with large air-space that enable them to float inside water and absorb oxygen
  5. Fishes also have air sac called swim bladder which helps them to maintain balance in water
  6. Snails develop their type of leg so that they can crawl on the bottom of ponds and on plants
  7. Fishes possess tails for swimming and balancing
  8. Possession of webbed feet by ducks for swimming in water
  9. Some water plants like water lilies and lettuces have flat light bodies that float on water.







The topic is presented step by step


Step 1:

The class teacher revises the previous topics


Step 2.

He introduces the new topic


Step 3:

The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own examples and he corrects them when the needs arise


Evaluation :


  1. What do you understand by adaptation?
  2. Mention five biotic and abiotic components you know
  3. State three features that enable fish to live successfully in water.
  4. Mention two characteristics of terrestrial plants.
  5. Mention two features of terrestrial organisms



Conclusion :


The class teacher wraps up or conclude the lesson by giving out short note to summarize the topic that he or she has just taught.

The class teacher also goes round to make sure that the notes are well copied or well written by the learners.

He or she does the necessary corrections when and where  the needs arise.



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