Third Term Promotional Examination Primary 5 Bible Knowledge





1. Any physical or mental activity aimed at doing or making something is ____

(a) power (b) energy (c) work

2. The only means we can talk to God is through ____ (a) prayer (b) singing (c) dancing

3. Paul’s name was originally ____ before his conversion (a) Saul (b) Paul (c) Ananias

4. Paul was born in _____ (a) Greece (b) Tarsus (c) Jerusalem

5. The teacher that trained Paul in law was named ___ (a) Gameo (b) Gamaleo (c) Gamaliel

6. The ____ are the people called hypocrite and self-righteous in the Bible

(a) Paul (b) Greek (c) Pharisees

7. Paul got converted on his way to ____ (a) Damascus (b) Israel (c) Egypt

8. _____ work involves preaching the gospel to people everywhere and converting them to Christians (a) Christian (b) Evangelism (c) missionary


9. The capital of Macedonia was ____ (a) Asia (b) Philippi (c) Athens

10. The rich Jewish woman that got converted at Paul’s teaching was ___

(a) Dorcas (b) Lydia (c) Deborah

11.On Paul’s first missionary journey, he went with ____ (a) Silas (b) Barnabas (c) Lydia

12.A ____ is what a person hopes to achieve (a) aim (b) objective (c) goal

13. The choice that one makes after thinking about what is the best thing to do is _____

(a) goal setting (b) decision (c) choice

14. An idle hand is the ____ workshop (a) Jesus’s (b) devil’s (c) people’s

15. The desire to do something wrong or have something that is considered immoral is called ____ (a) corruption (b) sin (c) temptation


16. Satan uses our _________ to tempt us to sin (a) strength (b) weaknesses (c) goal

17. The dishonest use of power for personal gain is known as _____

(a) corruption (b) temptation (c) sin

18. The person that took money to betray Jesus was ___ (a) Judas Iscariot (b) Peter (c) Thomas

19. _____ is the quality of being reasonable and not been excessive in whatever we do

(a) moderation (b) satisfaction (c) pleasing

20. _________________ tempted Jesus (a) Saul (b) Peter (c) Satan

21. The Bible tells us to work that whoever does not work should not ____

(a) labour (b) energy (c) eat

22.Committing sin can make us to be ____ (a) holy (b) friendly (c) sick


23.On the first day God created ____ (a) man and woman (b) Adam and Eve (c) day and night

23.Easter is celebrated on Christ’s ____ and ____

(a) birth and death (b) cross and tomb (c) death and resurrection

25.Who perished in the red sea? (a) the Israelites (b) the Egyptians (c) Moses

26.The third person in the trinity is the (a) spirit (b) God (c) Holy Spirit

27.God created and wants us to ____ (a) destroy (b) disobey (c) create

28.The story of the prodigal son is an example of God’s ____

(a) forgiveness (b) partiality (c) punishment

29.Jesus died on the cross to save us from all our sins (a) true (b) false (c) maybe

30.God created Eve from Adam’s ____ (a) flesh (b) bone (c) blood


Section B

1. Mention five epistles of Paul in the Bible

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________

(e) ________________________________


2. Explain Paul’s early life and conversion





3. Explain short term and long term goals respectively






4. Mention five different situations in which decision making is required

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________

(e) ________________________________


5. Mention five ways in which we can overcome corruption and temptation

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________

(e) ________________________________



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