Usefulness of Farm Insects Agricultural Science Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 3

Subject:  Agricultural Science 


Class: Basic 2 / Primary 2 / Year 2


Term: Second Term / 2nd Term


Week: Week 3



Insects: Usefulness of Farm Insects


Previous Knowledge: The pupils have previous knowledge of

Insect Pests: Meaning, Classification of Insects with Examples

that was taught in their previous lesson.



Behavioural  Objectives : At the end of the lesson, learners will be able to

  • Say the usefulness of Farm Insects


Instructional Materials 

  • Wall Charts showing types of Insects
  • Online Resource
  • Textbooks
  • Scheme of work
  • 9- Year Basic


Methods of Teaching 

  • Role modelling
  • Questions and Answers
  • Explanation
  • Discussion
  • Recitation
  • Imitation
  • Story Telling
  • Dramatization



Some Insects are not harmful. They are good Insects and they are farmer’s friends. Examples of good Insects that are not harmful are butterfly, bee etc.  Usefulness of Farm Insects are embedded in the facts that some of these Insects help in the pollination of Plants. Some of them improve the aeration of the soil while some good farm Insects kill and eat up bad and dangerous insect that may harm the farmer’s plants. Examples of these good farm Insects are dragon flies, honey bees and praying mantis.


Insects: Usefulness of Farm Insects

  1. Bees help in the pollination of flowers
  2. Praying mantis kill and eat up dangerous farm Insects that may kill the farmer’s Crops
  3. Mealybugs, mites and aphids are eaten up by adult lady beetles
  4. Pollination of flowers is done by Insects like bee
  5. Honey is produced by honey bee.
  6. Harmful Insects are killed by farmer friendly Insects
  7. Soil is enriched by the activities of Insects like crickets because the bore holes in the soil
  8. Some people eat some Insects. Examples of these Insects that are edible are crickets, wing termite, etc.



Useful Farmers Friendly Insects 


  1. Butterflies

  2. Bees

  3. Termites

  4. Praying mantis

  5. Bee

  6. Cricket

  7. Wing termites

  8. Praying mantis




  1. Bees help in the __________ of flowers. (a) Watering (b) Pollination (c) Digging (d) Carrying
  2. Praying mantis kill and eat up __________ farm Insects. (a) Good (b) Dangerous (c) Flying (d) Noisy
  3. Adult lady beetles eat __________, mites, and aphids. (a) Grasshoppers (b) Mealybugs (c) Termites (d) Ants
  4. __________ of flowers is done by Insects like bee. (a) Cutting (b) Watering (c) Pollination (d) Carrying
  5. Honey is produced by __________. (a) Butterflies (b) Bees (c) Termites (d) Crickets
  6. Harmful Insects are killed by __________ Insects. (a) Friendly (b) Flying (c) Dangerous (d) Noisy
  7. Soil is enriched by the activities of Insects like __________. (a) Bees (b) Butterflies (c) Crickets (d) Termites
  8. Some people eat some Insects. Examples of these Insects that are edible are __________. (a) Grasshoppers (b) Wing termites (c) Praying mantis (d) Ants
  9. Useful Farmers Friendly Insects include __________. (a) Butterflies (b) Bees (c) Termites (d) Praying mantis
  10. Butterflies are __________ Insects. (a) Harmful (b) Friendly (c) Flying (d) Dangerous
  11. Bees are important for __________ flowers. (a) Planting (b) Watering (c) Pollinating (d) Cutting
  12. Termites are listed as __________ Insects. (a) Harmful (b) Friendly (c) Flying (d) Dangerous
  13. Praying mantis helps by __________ dangerous farm Insects. (a) Killing (b) Watering (c) Digging (d) Carrying
  14. Wing termites are mentioned as __________ Insects. (a) Harmful (b) Edible (c) Flying (d) Friendly
  15. Praying mantis is one of the __________ Insects. (a) Dangerous (b) Harmful (c) Friendly (d) Noisy

Harmful Insects That Are Farmers Enemies




Examples of Dangerous Insects in our Homes






The topic is presented step by step

Step 1: The class teacher revises the old topic

Step 2: The class teacher introduces the new topic

Step 3: The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own contributions and gives room for pupils” participation



Class Teacher and Pupils Activities. Interaction or Participation 

This involves class teacher and pupils’ interaction, conversation, imitation or modeling through discussion, play method or just by recitation or asking and answering questions that are related to the topic that has just been taught.



  1. Mention one biting insect
  2. Mention one boring insect
  3. Mention one piercing insect
  4. Mention the three division of the body of an insect
  5. How many legs do Insects have in all
  6. Mention two useful farm insects
  7. Mention two Usefulness if farm Insects



Previous Lesson

Insect Pests: Meaning, Classification of Insects with Examples



Primary 1 First Term Scheme of work With Lesson Notes Agricultural Science

Next Lesson 









  1. Mention one biting insect:
    • (a) Butterfly (b) Grasshopper (c) Termites (d) None of the above
  2. Mention one boring insect:
    • (a) Weevils (b) Bees (c) Lady beetles (d) None of the above
  3. Mention one piercing insect:
    • (a) Thrips (b) Praying mantis (c) Crickets (d) None of the above
  4. Mention the three divisions of the body of an insect:
    • (a) Head, Neck, Tail (b) Eyes, Thorax, Abdomen (c) Chest, Abdomen, Wings (d) None of the above
  5. How many legs do Insects have in all:
    • (a) Four (b) Six (c) Eight (d) None of the above
  6. Mention two useful farm insects:
    • (a) Ants, Mosquitoes (b) Bees, Praying mantis (c) Butterflies, Termites (d) None of the above
  7. Mention two Uses of farm Insects:
    • (a) Flying, Digging (b) Pollination, Pest control (c) Watering, Cutting (d) None of the above
  8. What is the role of bees in pollination:
    • (a) Watering flowers (b) Biting other insects (c) Eating crops (d) Pollinating flowers
  9. How do praying mantis contribute to farming:
    • (a) Killing and eating dangerous insects (b) Watering plants (c) Flying around flowers (d) Digging in the soil
  10. What do lady beetles eat:
    • (a) Grasshoppers (b) Mealybugs, mites, and aphids (c) Termites (d) None of the above
  11. How is honey produced:
    • (a) By butterflies (b) By crickets (c) By bees (d) None of the above
  12. What is enriched by the activities of crickets:
    • (a) Air (b) Soil (c) Water (d) None of the above
  13. Which insects are mentioned as edible:
    • (a) Butterflies, Bees (b) Grasshoppers, Wing termites (c) Termites, Praying mantis (d) None of the above
  14. What is the main focus of the topic:
    • (a) Types of Insects (b) Importance of Farm Insects (c) Harmful Insects (d) None of the above
  15. How do friendly insects help farmers:
    • (a) By damaging crops (b) By killing harmful insects (c) By flying around (d) None of the above
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