Vocational Aptitude Primary 6 First Term Examination





Answer the following questions

1.) ___________ is the quality or conduct by which a professional carries out his duties

(a) teaching (b) professionalism (c) catering

2.) The professional body that regulates accountants is ___ (a) CBN (b) ICAN (c) NUT

3.) The bank that controls other bank in Nigeria is called ______

(a) GTBank (b) Zenith Bank (c) Central Bank

4.) The regulatory body for engineer is _____ (a) COREN (b) CBN (c) CIMN

5.) The professional body that regulates bankers is _______ (a) CIBN (b) CBN (c) CIMN

6.) _____________ is a processed data (a) course (b) subject (c) information

7.) Information technology makes use of the following except _______

(a) computer (b) aquatic devices (c) network devices

8.) Which of these devices is used to connect computers together

(a) switch (b) VSAT (c) computer

9.) To connect two or more computers, you need __________

(a) network devices (b) rope (c) plastic cable

10.) Information technology involves data storage, transmission and retrieval

(a) true (b) false (c) all of the above

11.) Which of these is an indoor sport (a) basketball (b) football (c) athletics

12.) Which of these is an outdoor sport (a) basketball (b) football (c) wrestling

13.) Sport does not require physical strength (a) True (b) False

14.) _________ is a large sports ground or race course (a) building (b) stadium (c) skyscraper

15.) A _______ is a person that watches a sport event (a) spectator (b) sportswomen (c) sportsmen

16.) The person that weds is called a ____________ (a) carpenter (b) seamstress (c) welder

17.) _______ must be present for two metal parts to be welded together (a) water (b) heat (c) cold

18.) _____________ conduct current to the fusing metal (a) electrode (b) wire (c) cable

19.) Which of these tools is used to make hole (a) file (b) drill (c) hammer

20.) ____________ protects eye from danger (a) Google (b) file (c) helmet

Part B

1.) Mention two types of welding

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

b.) State two welding tools

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

2.) Define outdoor sports? ________________________________________________________


b.) List two examples of outdoor sports

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

3.) Mention two professional engineers in ICT

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

b.) State the full meaning of

(i) ICT _____________________________________________________________________

(ii) IT ______________________________________________________________________

4.) State two importance of professionalism

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

b.) What is:

(i) ICAN ___________________________________________________________________

(ii) COREN _________________________________________________________________

5.) What is indoor sport? _________________________________________________________


b.) Give two examples of indoor sports

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

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