Primary 4 French Exams 1st Term

Basic 4

Write the personal pronoun in french

1. I _____

2. You _______

3.He ________

4. She _______

5. We _______

6. You _______(plural)

7. Him _______(they)

8. Her_______( they)

9. Je m’appelle _______

10. J’ai huit ans is written as______ a)I am nine years old. b)i am right years old.

11. Où est-ce que tu habites? a)where are you. b) where do you live?

12. Comment allez-vous? a) where are my kids? b)how are you?

13) ça va , et toi ? a) i am fine and you b)come here

Replace the nouns with the pronoun ( ill/Elle)

14. Simon________

15. La Gomme __________

16. La tante __________

17. Le Director _________

18. Je suis une fille is ______ a) i am a boy (b) i am a girl.

19. Ils mangent du Gateau (a)they are eating cake (b) they ate cake.

20. It is an animal______(a) c’est un lion (b) c’est un animal.


1. Write 4 personal pronoun in French?

2. Conjugate the verb AVOIR ?

Complete the sentence with the verb AVOIR

3. Nous ________ des pommes.

4. J’______un crayon

5. Vous _______quel livre?

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