Citizenship : Rights of a citizen

Subject : Social Studies



TopicCitizenship : Rights of a citizen



Class : Primary 4



Term :  Second Term


Week : Week 2


Previous Knowledge : Pupils have previous knowledge of


that have been taught in their former lessons and classes


Behavioural Objectives : At the end of the lesson , pupils should be able to

  • say the meaning of right
  • explain the rights of a citizen



Methods Of Teaching 

  • Discussion
  • Explanation
  • Dramatization
  • Dialogue
  • Story telling
  • Questions and Answers
  • Role Modelling



Instructional Materials 

  • Wall Charts
  • Pictures
  • Online materials
  • Textbooks
  • Scheme of work
  • Workbooks





What is the meaning of rights   ?

Rights are the benefits that you enjoy because you are a member of a particular group. The rights of every citizen are the benefits , merits or advantages that the citizen enjoys for being a member of s particular country . For instance, if you are an America citizen , there are benefits that you enjoy before you are gainfully employed. There are social benefits that you enjoy for being a citizen of that country . The rights of every citizen are always written in the constitution of that country .


Rights of Every Citizens of a Country 

The following are right as a citizen

  • Freedom of speech
  • Freedom of worship
  • Freedom of movement
  • Right to own private property
  • Right to life
  • Right to vote or be voted for
  • Freedom of association or disassociation
  • Right to dignity
  • Right person liberty
  • Right to fair hearing
  • Right to privacy
  • Right to freedom of thought , conscience and religion.
  • Right to freedom from discrimination .


The topic is presented step by step

Step 1 : He revises the previous topics

Step 2 : The class teacher introduces the new topic

Step 3 : The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own contributions and he or she corrects them when the needs arise






1. What is citizenship

2. Where are the rights of every citizen written

3, Write out five fundamental human rights

  • _____________________
  • ____________________
  • _____________________
  • _____________________
  • _____________________






The class teacher gives out a short note and he or she goes round to do the necessary marking .



Please kindly prepare for the next lesson by reading about


The concept of government

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