1st Term Exams Primary 4 Literature In English



1._____ family watched the news? (a) salawu’s (b) Bamigbade’s (c) Johnson’s

2.____ is the pepper grinder (a) Amope (b) Alani (c) Chinwe

3.____ is the name of the village best teacher (a) Jerry (b) Dotun (c) Dairo

4.____lectured her dad on Ebola. (a) Tomiwa (b) Lara (c) Bimpe

5.___tested HIV positive (a) Amope (b) funsho (c) Azeez

6.____ ate food on the mat. (A) Pa Alani (b) Mr Bamigbade (c) Pa Salawu

7._____ enlighted the pupils about Ebola . (a) Amope (b) Mrs Bamigbade (c) Mrs Timipre

8.What news broke out? (a) HIV (b) Ebola (c) AIDs

9_________ and ________ discussed at the backyard (a) Tomiwa and Chinwe (b) Lara and bimpe (c) Funsho and Dairo

10.Who spread the news about salt and water? (a) Funsho (b) Tomiwa (c) Daira

11.______ is the name of the hunter (a) Alani (b) Oba ode (c) Dotun

12.Pa salawu’s village is ___(a) Iwoye village (b) Ijoko village (c) Baale village

13.The robbery took place at ____(a) 11p.m (b) 12pm (c) 2a.m

14.____came out of the bush. (a) Pa salawu (b) Alani (c) Oba ode

15___is the name of the man that brought Ebola to Nigeria. (a) John Thomas (b) Patrick sawyer (c) John Patrick

16. _____headed the gang of robbers (a) tipper (b) Janki (c) G-boy

-17.___convulsed beside the grinding machine


(a) Alani (b) Funsho (c) Salawu


18.____is the name of the headmistress of Tomiwa’s school (a) Mrs Abiola (b) Mrs Johnson (c) Mrs Timipre

19._____ drove the bus. (a) Pa salawu (b) Mr Bamigbade (c) Oba ode

How many passengers were standing in the bus? (a) 15 (b) 9 (c) 8

20.______ is the name of Tomiwa’s school (a) high rise school (b) stand high private school (c) May pride school

21.Mr Bamigbade was ___during the lecture (a) sleeping (b) eating (c) reading

22.Which of these countries was Ebola not spread? (a) Ghana (b) Nigeria (c) Sierra-leone

23.____waited to hear the girl’s discussion (a) Three guys (b) six guys (c) two guys

24.People ran away from the hunter because of the _____he was carrying (a) dog (b) snail (c) bush meat


26._____discussed personal hygiene with the children (a)Tijani (b) master Omoniyi (c) Master Azeez


27___is the name of the village best doctor (a) Doctor Animashaun (b) Doctor David (c) Doctor Alaba

28___celebrate her daughter’s medical report of not having Ebola but HIV. (a) Bamigbade (b) Amope (c)Bimpe


29.The name of Tomiwa ‘s friend is ___(a) chinwe


(b) Lara (c) Bimpe


30_______ had to leave his own bus for a man vomiting inside. (a) Oba ode (b) Pa salawu


(c) Bamigbade

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