Bonjour Mon ami French Exams Grade 2


Underline the correct greetings in French

1. Good morning my friend ___ (a) Bonjour monami; (b) notre tableau

2. How are you? ___-(a) çava merci

(b) comment cava?

3. Fine thank you ___(a) çavabien merci

(b) merci beaucoup.

4. welcome teacher ____(a) monprofesseur

(b) bonne-arriveeprofesseur

5. Goodnight Daddy ___(a) Bonne nuit papa

(b) monpere

6. Good afternoon sir ____(a) mal monsieur

(b) Bonsoir Monsieur

7. Good afternoon ____(a) bienvenu (b) Bon-apres midi

8. Goodbye mummy ___(a) Au revoir maman

(b) bonne maman

9. Thank you madam ___(a) merci papa

(b) merci maman

10. My name is Tobi ____(a) Je m’appelle TOBI (b) Mon ami TOBI

Section 2: Use this list to name objects in your class in French language.

(un tableau; uneregle; un livre; un chiffon; un sac)

11. a bag is __________________

12. a board is _________________

13. a ruler is ___________________

14. a textbook is _____________________

15. a duster is _____________________

Section 3. Use this box to write in word in French language these numbers

Sept; huit ; neuf; deux; dix

16. 9 _________________

17. 2 ___________________

18. 7____________________

19. 10____________________

20. 8 _______________________


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