Edu Delight Tutors


1. Air in motion is known as _________(a) wind (b) air pressure (c) harmattan (d) season

2. The instrument used for determining the direction of wind is called ________(a) anemometer (b) barometer

(c) wind vane (d) speedometer

3. In Nigeria, the south-west wind brings _________

(a) dry season (b) rainfall (c) harmattan (d) wind

4. One of these is not a type of wind (a) calm wind

(b) breeze (c) gale (d) shower

5. When air is cooled, water vapour condenses into tiny droplets of water which form ______(a) cloud (b) wind (c) breeze (d) temperature

6. The temperature at which air is cooled and its water vapour is changed or condenses into tiny droplet of water is called ______(a) rain-point temperature (b) dew-point temperature (c) gale-point temperature (d) none of the options

7. The instrument used for measuring atmospheric pressure is known as ___(a) wind vane (b) barometer (c) anemometer (d) thermometer

8. One of these is not a climatic belt in Nigeria.

(a) Northern belt (b) middle belt (c) western belt (d) southern belt

9. Nigeria’s vegetation zones are divided into

(a) mangrove and fresh water zones

(b) rainforest and tall grass savanna zones

© woodland and tall grass savanna zones

(d) forest and savanna zones

10. The vegetation type of the Northern belt of Nigeria is ______(a) mangrove (b) rain forest (c) fresh water (d) short grass and marginal savanna

11. The vegetation type of the Southern belt of Nigeria is _______(a) short grass and marginal savanna

(b) woodland and tall grass savanna (b) mangrove, fresh water swamp and rainforest (d) marginal savanna

12. Plantain, banana, cocoyam, oil palm are found in the ______ (a) short grass savanna zone (b) marginal savanna (c) mangrove and fresh water swamp zone

(d) woodland and tall grass zone

13. Which of the vegetation zone has the highest amount of rainfall, highest duration of rainfall and lowest temperature (a) short grass savanna (b) woodland and tall grass savanna (c) mangrove and fresh swamp water (d) marginal savanna zone

14. Pre-planting activities involve all the following except

(a) watering (b) choice of good site (c) land clearing and stumping (d) preparation of nursery beds

15. One of these is a post-planting activity.

(a) sowing of seeds (b) selection and transplanting seeding (c) application of fertilizers (d) choice of good site

16. The pre-planting activity that involves the removal of grasses, stubborn root and stumps is known is (a) sowing of seeds (b) choice of good site (c) selection and transplanting seedlings (d) land clearing and stumping

17. _____is the process of removing seedling from the nursery to a permanent plot (a) watering (b) mulching (c) staking (d) transplanting

18. The post- planting activity that involves the covering of soil surface with grass leaves or crop remains to reduce evaporation is called ___(a) watering (b) sowing

© mulching (d) staking

19. ___________is the use of stick to prop up, or provide support to crops with creeping stems (a) mulching

(b) staking (c) weeding (d) choosing a good site

20. Cassava tuber can be processed into one of the following except (a) rice grains (b) garri (c) starch

(d) tapioca

21. ___________is the removal of unwanted plants competing with crops for nutrients (a) weeding (b) staking (c) mulching (d) watering

22. NPK is a type of _________ (a) crop (b) pre-planting activity (c) fertilizer (d) post-planting activity

23. One of these is a way of reducing evaporation (a) staking (b) mulching (c) weeding (c) choosing a good site

24. Transplanting can b e done using one of the following (a) cutlass (b) trowel (c) tractor (d) rake

25. _______ is the amount of water vapour in the air

(a) temperature (b) cloud cover (c) atmosphere vapour (d) humidity

SECTION B (Fill in the blanks)

26__________________wind is a strong wind which moves in circle or circular form.

27. One importance of wind in Agriculture is ________________________

28. North –East winds bring ___________________ season to Nigeria.

29. North-East winds come from the _________________

30. _____________________is force per unit area

(i.e Force Area)

31. The instrument used for measuring humidity is _________________________________

32. High relative humidity causes the ________________of milk, egg and meat production.

33. _____________________ and ___________________ are the two main types of vegetation zones in Nigeria

34. Mangrove and fresh water swamp zones are found in the _______________________belt of Nigeria.

35. Short grass (sudan) savanna and marginal (sahel) savanna zone are found in the ______belt of Nigeria.

36. Mulching is __________________________________

37. Staking is ___________________________________

38. Weeding is __________________________________

39. __________________________ and _____________ are two examples of pre-planting activities.

40. ________________________and ________________ are two examples of post-planting activities.


1. Draw a cup anemometer

2a. What is transplanting? _________________________


b. When is transplanting best done? _________________________________________________

3. What are tuber crops? ________________________


b. Give the first 4 steps involved in planting tube crops

i. _____________________________________________

ii. ___________________________________________

iii. ___________________________________________

iv. ___________________________________________

4i. What is the full meaning of IITA? _________________


b. Cassava tubers can be processed into ______________________, ________________ and ______________________

5. How do we harvest maize crops? _________________


b. Maize grains separated from the chaff can be stored in air-tight contained such as _________________,

______________________ and ____________________


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