2nd Term Literature Pry 2 Exams


1. Who opened his cupboard? (a) Kenta (b) Kunta (c) Chenta

2. What did he bring out? (a) pot (b) ran (c) salt

3. What was he looking for? (a) oil (b) food (c) water

4. Who was the cook? (a) palo (b) menka (c) kenta

5. Was menka really troublesome? (a) yes (b) No

(c) often

6. Kunta got tired of staying (a) outdoors (b) overdoors (c) indoors

7. Was the able to have breakfast? (a) yes (b) no (c) I don’t know

8. Who greeted Kunta? (a) menta (b) pato

© sulika

9. Pato was ___man (a) hotel (b) custom (c) clergy

10. Kunta said he was ___(a) afraid (b) hungry (c) loyal

11. Who ate in his house? (a) menka (b) Tado

© pato

12. He drank a bottle of chilled ____(a) coca-cola (b) pepsi (c) mirinda

13. Pato kept the bag of rice under his ____

(a) chair (b) bed (c) shelve

14. Who knocked on the door? (a) Festus (b) Kunta (c) Frank

15. Did God answer Kunta’s prayer? (a) yes (b) No (c) I don’t

16. Kunta ran to a ____(a) house (b) canteen (c) vehicle

17. What ate part of Pato’s bread? (a) Kunta (b) cats (c) rats

18. Did Kunta return the money (a) yes (b) No (c) maybe

19. Did Pato learn a lesson? (a) yes (b) No (c) I don’t know

20. The major lesson from this story is _____

(a) pride (b) greed (c) care

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