Class: Basic 4 Subject: Verbal Reasoning Topic: Evaluation Test


Class: Basic 4

Subject: Verbal Reasoning

Topic: Evaluation Test


Identify Root Words in the following:


Unbelievable_____ believe

Irregularity____ regular

(1) Successfully_______

(2) Hopefully_______

(3) Unfaithful_______

(4) Wooden_________

(5) Troublesome______


Re_arranging letters to form a correct word


(1)Having an attractive colour (ocolruufll)_____ colourful

(2) You Write with it (epcnli)______ pencil

(6)In charge of a garden (agdrnere)________

(7)He makes shoes (ocbberl)______

(8)He carves wood, stone, clay , etc (cslutpro)

(9)Hot water is pumped through it (aridtaro) 

(10)He/she ______ gives advice on legal issues (osilictro)_________

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