Revision of Previous Computer Studies Topics – Primary 6

Computer Studies Primary 6 Second Term Lesson Notes – Week 1

Subject: Computer Studies
Class: Primary 6
Term: Second Term
Week: 1
Age Group: 10-12 years

Topic: Revision of All Topics Covered in the Previous Term

Behavioral Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Recall the key topics covered in the previous term.
  2. Demonstrate the use of tools like toolbars and artistic text in word processing software.
  3. Apply basic drawing skills using Microsoft Paint, including saving and printing their artwork.
  4. Use various formatting tools to enhance their documents.
  5. Manipulate objects using drawing and painting tools like the fill tool in Microsoft Paint.


  • Document formatting
  • Toolbars
  • Artistic text
  • Copy and paste
  • Drawing tools
  • Microsoft Paint
  • Fill tools
  • Save and print

Set Induction:

Begin by asking the students to recall some of the topics they learned about in the previous term. Encourage them to share their favorite lessons or the most interesting activities they did. This will create a warm-up for the revision.

Entry Behavior:

Students should already have basic knowledge of using word processors (like Microsoft Word) and basic drawing tools (like Microsoft Paint) from previous lessons.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Computers with Microsoft Word and Microsoft Paint installed
  • Projector (optional, for demonstration)
  • Printed copies of worksheets for class activities
  • Whiteboard and markers

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge:

Remind the students about the importance of computer skills in daily life, especially in tasks like creating documents, drawing, and using computers for learning and fun.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical Thinking: Applying previously learned concepts in new scenarios.
  • Collaboration: Working in pairs or small groups to create and revise documents.
  • Creativity: Using artistic tools in Microsoft Paint to create original artwork.


1. Retrieve and Edit a Saved Document:

  • Definition: This refers to opening a document that has already been saved to a computer and making changes to it.
  • Steps:
    1. Open Microsoft Word.
    2. Click on “File” and select “Open”.
    3. Browse for the document you want to edit.
    4. Make the necessary changes.
    5. Save the document after editing.

2. Using Toolbars to Format a Document:

  • Definition: Toolbars are areas in a software program that provide access to various tools and features.
  • Example: In Microsoft Word, the toolbar contains buttons for text formatting (e.g., bold, italics, font size, color, etc.).
  • Steps:
    1. Select the text you want to format.
    2. Use the toolbar buttons to change the font style, size, color, and other text attributes.

3. Using Artistic Text:

  • Definition: Artistic text refers to decorative text that is often used in titles or headings.
  • Steps:
    1. Click on “Insert” and select “WordArt”.
    2. Choose the style of artistic text you want.
    3. Type your text, then resize and format it as needed.

4. Copy and Paste:

  • Definition: Copying duplicates text or objects, while pasting places the copy in a new location.
  • Steps:
    1. Select the text or object you want to copy.
    2. Right-click and choose “Copy” or press Ctrl + C.
    3. Right-click where you want to paste and choose “Paste” or press Ctrl + V.

5. Drawing with Computer:

  • Definition: Using a computer’s drawing tools to create images or diagrams.
  • Example: Using Microsoft Paint to create shapes, lines, and other drawings.

6. Microsoft Paint Environment:

  • Definition: Microsoft Paint is a simple drawing program that allows users to create and edit images.
  • Components: The workspace includes drawing tools (brush, pencil, shapes, etc.), colors, and options to save or print drawings.

7. Drawing with Paint Artists:

  • Definition: Using Microsoft Paint’s drawing tools to create artwork, such as freehand drawings or shapes.
  • Steps: Select a tool (e.g., pencil or brush) and draw on the canvas.

8. Painting Objects Using the Fill Tools:

  • Definition: The Fill Tool is used to fill areas with color in a drawing.
  • Steps:
    1. Select the Fill Tool (paint bucket icon).
    2. Click on the area you want to fill with color.

9. Save and Print a Drawing:

  • Definition: Saving a drawing stores it on the computer, while printing creates a physical copy of the image.
  • Steps:
    1. To save, click “File” and select “Save As”.
    2. To print, click “File” and select “Print”, then follow the print options.

Evaluation (Fill-in-the-Blank Questions):

  1. _______ is used to duplicate text or objects on a document.
    a) Paste
    b) Copy
    c) Undo
    Answer: b) Copy
  2. To format text in a document, you use the _______ tool.
    a) Drawing
    b) Toolbar
    c) File
    Answer: b) Toolbar
  3. _______ is a feature that allows you to create colorful and decorative text.
    a) WordArt
    b) Clipboard
    c) Spell Check
    Answer: a) WordArt
  4. The tool that fills a selected area with color in Paint is called the _______ tool.
    a) Brush
    b) Fill
    c) Pencil
    Answer: b) Fill
  5. To open a previously saved document, you click on the _______ option in the File menu.
    a) New
    b) Save As
    c) Open
    Answer: c) Open
  6. In Microsoft Paint, you can use the _______ tool to draw freehand shapes.
    a) Pencil
    b) Fill
    c) Shape
    Answer: a) Pencil
  7. To print your drawing in Microsoft Paint, you should click on _______ in the File menu.
    a) Save
    b) Print
    c) New
    Answer: b) Print
  8. _______ refers to moving text or objects from one place to another in a document.
    a) Cut
    b) Copy
    c) Paste
    Answer: c) Paste
  9. _______ allows you to undo an action in your document.
    a) Redo
    b) Undo
    c) Save
    Answer: b) Undo
  10. The _______ tool allows you to select and draw different shapes in Paint.
    a) Pencil
    b) Shape
    c) Eraser
    Answer: b) Shape

Class Activity Discussion:


  1. What is the difference between “Copy” and “Cut” in a document?
    • Answer: “Copy” creates a duplicate of the selected text or object, while “Cut” removes the selected text or object from its original location and allows you to paste it elsewhere.
  2. How do you add color to a drawing in Paint?
    • Answer: You can use the Fill Tool (paint bucket) or choose the color from the color palette and use the pencil or brush to draw with it.
  3. Why do we use the “Save” option?
    • Answer: Saving ensures that your work is stored on your computer so you can access it later.
  4. What is the function of WordArt in a document?
    • Answer: WordArt is used to create decorative and stylish text, often for headings and titles.
  5. Can you undo a change in Paint?
    • Answer: Yes, you can undo an action in Paint by clicking the Undo button or pressing Ctrl + Z.

Teacher’s Activity:

  • The teacher will review the previous lesson’s key points, then demonstrate retrieving, editing, and formatting documents, and drawing in Paint using the tools covered.
  • The teacher will allow students to practice the skills on the computer.

Learner’s Activity:

  • Students will practice opening and editing saved documents, using WordArt, and drawing objects in Paint. They will complete the fill-in-the-blank evaluation and class activities.

Assessment (Short-Answer Questions):

  1. What are the steps to open a saved document in Microsoft Word?
  2. Name three tools in the Microsoft Word toolbar.
  3. Describe the process of using the Fill Tool in Paint.
  4. How do you save your work in Microsoft Paint?
  5. What is the purpose of the Copy and Paste function in a document?


The lesson will conclude with the teacher reviewing the key points. Feedback will be provided on students’ participation and practical application of the tools. Emphasize the importance of saving their work and the versatility of computer tools for creativity and productivity.