Agricultural Science Second Term Examinations Primary 6

Part A: Objective
Answer the following questions
1.) Resources from cattle include (a) milk (b) beef (c) hide and skin (d) all of the above
2.) Early men were _____________ (a) scientists (b) doctors (c) experts (d) wanderers
3.) Early men hunt animals using _______ (a) sticks (b) stones (c) A and B (d) none of the above
4.) All these are highly perishable items except _____
(a) yam (b) tomatoes (c) vegetables (d) pepper
5.) A way of packaging items is _________
(a) use of cellophane (b) canning (c) tinning (d) all of the above
6.) Complete this: Bottled water, canned malt, ___________ tomatoes
(a) roasted (b) frozen (c) tinned (d) plastic
7.) Livestocks need ____________ to grow well
(a) clean water (b) good shelter (c) medication (d) all the above
8.) Scientists that study or observe weather are called ________
(a) astronauts (b) meterorologists (c) zoologists (d) biologists
9.) ____________ is air in motion (a) humidity (b) temperature (c) wind (d) rainfall
10.) The degree of hotness or cold of a body is called ____
(a) wind (b) light (c) humidity (d) temperature
11.) Farming could be said to be old as man _______
(a) true (b) false (c) not sure (d) none of the above
12.) The atmosphere condition of a place for a very long time or period of time is called ____
(a) climate (b) weather (c) rainfall (d) weathering
13.) Grains are best stored in ___________ (a) silos (b) holes (c) barns (d) well
14.) All these are farm animals excepts _______ (a) goat (b) cow (c) giraffe (d) sheep
15.) ____________ is the cultivation of crops and rearing of animals for man’s use
(a) bleaching (b) agriculture (c) poultry (d) vegetation
16.) Which of these animals is not commonly reared in the north ______
(a) pigs (b) camels (c) donkeys (d) cattle
17.) ___________ is not a cash crop in Nigeria (a) cocoa (b) rubber (c) cotton (d) bitter leaf
18.) Early farmers were __________ (a) wanderers (b) hunters (c) gatherers (d) all of the above
19.) Which of these is not a fruit (a) carrot (b) mango (c) orange (d) banana
20.) Meat from cattle is called _____ (a) Port (b) mutton (c) beef (d) poultry

Part B: Theory
1.) Mention four materials that can be used for packaging
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________

2.) Mention four farm products that can be packaged in cans
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________

3.) Mention four farm produce that can be packaged in basket
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________

4.) Mention four agricultural marketing activities
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________

5.) Mention four reasons for packaging farm produce
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________

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