It is necessary that pupils that are in Basic 6 in primary schools school register and sit for the First Leaving School Certificate Examination that is conducted By State Examination Board For Placement into Lagos State Owned Public Secondary Schools.
Click Here For List of Lagos State Owned Public Secondary Schools On Lagos Island
1. Names of pupil as it will appear on the certificate
Surname first
2. Two other names of pupil
3. Date of birth
Day =
Month =
Year =
4. Sex or Gender
5. State of origin
6. Local Government of state of origin
7. Four passport size photograph with names of pupils written at the back
Year 6: CAS
Placement Examination State Universal Basic Education
Lagos state Iyana Ipaja Exam Board
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Edu Delight Tutors
Am a dedicated educator with a passion for learning and a keen interest in technology. I believe that technology can revolutionize education and am committed to creating an online hub of knowledge, inspiration, and growth for both educators and students. Welcome to Edu Delight Tutors, where learning knows no boundaries.