Tag: Principles of Curriculum Design and Development

What is the difference between Syllabus and Scheme of Work?

What is the difference between Syllabus and Scheme of Work? Syllabus refers to a list of topics or collection of outline of what pupils should s in a given year or specified period of teaching. It is a brief outline of the ground to be covered in course of lectures or lesson. The scheme of

Curriculum development principles

      Sociological Issues: Cultural Relevance: Societal values, beliefs, and cultural norms play a significant role in curriculum development. The curriculum must be culturally relevant to ensure that students can relate to and engage with the content. Socialization: As mentioned, schools are agents of socialization. Curriculum developers must consider how the curriculum can help

Impact of Educational Philosophies on Curriculum Development

Explain the ways the following Philosophical thoughts influence curriculum development. Each of these philosophical thoughts has a distinct influence on curriculum development: 1. Idealism: Idealism places a strong emphasis on values and the inherent goodness of children. In curriculum development, this philosophy would prioritize moral and ethical education. The curriculum would aim to nurture students’

List and discuss the elements required to prepare a Scheme of Work

List and discuss the elements required to prepare a Scheme of Work PDE704 Pg 25 1. The syllabus-it contains the broad topics 2. The pupils characteristics (their age, average ability, the quality of group motivation in the class) 3. Duration of the term How long the term is 4. lime-table for the term Obtain the

Outline and discuss five (5) major barriers to the effective implementation of 6-3-3-4 system of education in Nigeria

The 6-3-3-4 system of education in Nigeria refers to the structure of education with 6 years of primary, 3 years of junior secondary, 3 years of senior secondary, and 4 years of tertiary education. However, there are several major barriers to its effective implementation: Infrastructure and Resources: Inadequate facilities, classrooms, libraries, laboratories, and learning materials
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