Tag: Primary 4


NAME:                                                                                               CLASS: PRIMARY 4                         SUBJECT: Mathematics Instruction: Answer all the questions OBJECTIVES:        Write the following numbers in words 1,375 __________________________________________ 4, 999 __________________________________________ 806 __________________________________________ INSTRUCTION: Write in figure Six million and sixty-six ________________________ Three Hundred Thousand, Seven Hundred and Sixty Eight. _______________ Two Hundred and Thirty Five Thousand __________________ What is the name of


NAME:                                                                                   CLASS: PRIMARY 4                         SUBJECT: English Studies Instruction: Answer all the questions SECTION A Complete each of the following sentences using the correct option I have _____________ (a) speak (b) speaking (c) spoken The trap ___________ the rat (a) cut (b) caught (c) catch Jasmine _________ to school everyday (a) works (b) walks (c) walk

Third Term Examinations Primary 4 French

THIRD TERM SUBJECT: FRENCH                                 CLASS: PRIMARY 4 Composition du 3eme Trimetre  SECTION 1:  Choisis l’adjectif correct en francais  1)    Beautiful is   ______           (a)telle   (b)belle   (c)celle  2)    Young is      ______

Third Term Examinations Primary Schools

Third Term Examinations Primary 6 Third Term Examinations Primary 6 Social Studies Third Term Examinations Primary 6 Christian Religious Studies (CRS) Third Term Examinations Primary 6 Home Economics Third Term Examinations Primary 6 Civic Education Third Term Examinations Primary 6 Agricultural Science Third Term Examinations Primary 6 Physical and Health Education (PHE) Third Term Examinations

Third Term Examinations Primary 4 Mathematics

THIRD TERM SUBJECT: MATHEMATICS                              CLASS: PRIMARY 4 Underline  the  correct answer  in this  section What  is the  length  of  a  square  whose  area is  169cm2 (a)  6cm  (b)  9cm  (c)  13cm  (d)  16 x 9cm A  rectangle  has the  breadth  of  8cm  while  the  length is  twice the 

Third Term Examinations Primary 4 Home Economics

THIRD TERM SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS                                  CLASS: PRIMARY 4 1)   _______     is a flat seam showing no stitches on the right side (a)French seam  (b)Lapped seam (c)Open seam  2)    Another name for open seam is     _______  seam (a)plane  (b)plain  (c)plan  3)    There are     _______      

Third Term Examinations Primary 4 Basic Science

THIRD TERM SUBJECT: BASIC SCIENCE                                  CLASS: PRIMARY 4  Underline the correct answer  1) ________           may be defined as human knowledge that uses tools, systems to help make lives easier (a)Computer  (b)Internet  (c)Technology   2)    A       ________  is a device, such as a hammer, that

Third Term Examinations Primary 4 Verbal Reasoning

THIRD TERM SUBJECT: VERBAL APTITUDE                               CLASS: PRIMARY 4 Complete with the most suitable word from the brackets  1)    The             lesson come         at about noon today. (Forth, fourth)  2)    The             was told in a         building. (storey, story)  3)   

Third Term Examinations Primary 4 French

THIRD TERM SUBJECT: FRENCH                                 CLASS: PRIMARY 4 Composition du 3eme Trimetre  SECTION 1:  Choisis l’adjectif correct en francais  1)    Beautiful is             (a)telle   (b)belle   (c)celle  2)    Young is                 (a)journée  (b)jeune  (c)jaune  3)    small is                 (a)pipe

Third Term Examinations Primary 4 ICT

THIRD TERM                SUBJECT:INFORMATION TECHNOOGY     CLASS: PRIMARY 4                Instruction:Answer all questions                 Section A   1)_______is a part of the computer that we can connect  (a)Radio (b)Television (c)Monitor 2)_______is a way of starting the computer (a)starting (b)booting (c)bathing 3)We have______types of booting (a) 2 (b) 4 (c)
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