Basic Science and Technology Nursery 1 First Term Lesson Notes

Civic Education kindergarten Third Term Examinations

  Civil Education: Sharing with friends shows _______________________. Our community helpers include _______________________. A police officer helps us by _______________________. We need to keep our environment clean to prevent _______________________. Friendship means _______________________. We can show kindness to others by _______________________. The basic rules at home and in school help us _______________________. A good citizen

First Term Examinations Nursery 1 Age 3 Basic Science and Technology Nursery 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 12

Subject: Basic Science and Technology Class: Nursery 1 Term: First Term Week: 12 Duration: 45 minutes Behavioural Objectives: To assess students’ understanding of safety rules, colours, senses, personal cleanliness, and road signs. To evaluate students’ ability to identify and explain key concepts taught during the term. Key Words: Safety, colours, senses, personal cleanliness, road signs.

Revision Basic Science and Technology Nursery 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 10 and 11

Subject: Basic Science and Technology Class: Nursery 1 Term: First Term Week: 10 and 11 Topic: Revision Sub-topic: Recap of Previous Topics Duration: 30 minutes per session Behavioural Objectives: Students should recall and explain concepts learned in previous weeks. Students should participate actively in discussions and activities. Students should demonstrate understanding through simple assessments. Key

Meaning, Importance, and Objects for Personal Hygiene Basic Science and Technology Nursery 1 Age First Term Lesson Notes Week 9

Subject: Basic Science and Technology Class: Nursery 1 Term: First Term Week: 9 Topic: Safety: Personal Cleanliness Sub-topic: Meaning, Importance, and Objects for Personal Hygiene Duration: 30 minutes Behavioural Objectives: Students should be able to explain personal cleanliness. Students should understand the importance of good personal hygiene. Students should identify at least two objects needed

Road Signs: Identification, Meaning, and Importance Basic Science and Technology Nursery 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 7

Subject: Basic Science and Technology Class: Nursery 1 Age: 3 years Term: First Term Week: 7 Topic: Road Signs: Identification, Meaning, and Importance Duration: 30 minutes Behavioural Objectives: Pupils should understand the meaning of traffic lights. Pupils should know the importance of following traffic signs. Pupils should be able to identify the colors of traffic

Meaning of Safety Environment – Home Nursery 1 Age 3 Basic Science and Technology Nursery 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 4

Subject: Basic Science and Technology Class: Nursery 1 Age: 3 years Term: First Term Week: Week 4 Topic: Safe Environment (Home) Duration: 30 minutes Behavioural Objectives: Pupils should be able to explain what environment means. Pupils should understand reasons for keeping the environment safe. Pupils should enjoy singing songs related to safety. Key words: Safe

Basic Science and Technology Nursery 1 First Term Lesson Notes

Nursery 1 First Term Lesson Notes Basic Science and Technology Introduction to self Parts of the body. Outer part Basic Science and Technology Nursery 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 1 My Five Senses Basic Science and Technology Nursery 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 2 Meaning and Identification of Basic Colours Basic Science and