Agricultural Science JSS 2 First Term Lesson Notes

Exploring Agricultural Practices: Systems that Shape Our Farms Agricultural Science JSS 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 8

Lesson Plan for Agricultural Science JSS 2 Subject: Agricultural Science Class: JSS 2 Term: First Term Week: 8 Age: 12-13 years Topic: Agricultural Practices Sub-topics: I. Definition of Terms: Farming Systems (Mixed Farming, etc.) II. Cropping Systems (Mono Cropping, Sole Cropping, Mixed Cropping, etc.) III. Advantages and Disadvantages of Each System Duration: 80 minutes Behavioral

Post-Planting Success: Fertilizer, Harvesting, and Beyond Agricultural Science JSS 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 6

Lesson Plan for Agricultural Science JSS 2 Subject: Agricultural Science Class: JSS 2 Term: First Term Week: 6 Age: 12-13 years Topic: Cultural Practices Sub-topics: I. Post-Planting Operations II. Fertilizer Application III. Methods of Fertilizer Application IV. Methods of Harvesting Different Types of Crops: Harvesting, Storage, Processing Duration: 80 minutes Behavioral Objectives By the end

Mastering Planting Operations for Healthy Crop Growth Agricultural Science JSS 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5

Lesson Plan for Agricultural Science JSS 2 Subject: Agricultural Science Class: JSS 2 Term: First Term Week: 5 Age: 12-13 years Topic: Cultural Practices Sub-topics: I. Definition of Planting Operations II. Various Planting Operations III. Planting/Sowing Techniques – Thinning, Spacing, Depth IV. Supplying and Planting Distances Duration: 80 minutes Behavioral Objectives By the end of

Agricultural Science JSS 2 First Term Lesson Notes

List of Topics Covered in Agricultural Science (JSS 2 First Term) Week 1: General Cleaning and Revision on Problems of Farm Managers. Revision of JSS 1 Work Agricultural Science JSS 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 1 Week 2: Farm Structures and Buildings Types of Farm Structures and Uses Maintenance of Farm Structures and Buildings Farm