Book Keeping SS 1 First Term Lesson Notes
Weekly Topics Overview for Bookkeeping (First Term)
- Week 1: Meaning of Bookkeeping
- Definition of bookkeeping
- History of bookkeeping in Nigeria
- Definition of Bookkeeping and History of Bookkeeping in Nigeria Bookkeeping SS 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 1
- Week 2: Importance of Bookkeeping
- Importance of bookkeeping
- Career opportunities in bookkeeping
- Beneficiaries of bookkeeping
- The Power of Bookkeeping: Opportunities and Benefits Bookkeeping SS 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 2
- Week 3: Stock Valuation
- Definition of stock valuations
- Purpose of stock valuations
- Mastering Stock Valuation in Business Bookkeeping SS 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 3
- Week 4: Methods of Stock Valuation
- Different stock valuation methods
- Computation of stock valuation
- Stock Valuation Methods in Business Bookkeeping SS 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 4
- Week 5: Assets and Liabilities
- Definition of assets and liabilities
- Differentiation between assets and liabilities
- Understanding Assets and Liabilities in Business Bookkeeping SS 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5
- Week 6: Classification of Assets and Liabilities
- Identification of types of assets and liabilities
- Classification of assets and liabilities
- Classification of Assets and Liabilities Bookkeeping SS 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 6
- Week 7: Business Transactions
- Definition of business transactions
- Types of business transactions
- Participants in business transactions (buyers, sellers, consumers)
- Business Transactions in Bookkeeping Book Keeping SS 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 7
- Week 8: Debtors and Creditors
- Definition of debtors and creditors
- Differentiation between debtors and creditors
- Identification of debtors and creditors
- Definition, Differentiation, and Identification of Debtors and Creditors Bookkeeping SS 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 8
- Week 9: Source Documents
- Definition of source documents
- Uses of source documents
- Definition and Uses of Source Documents Bookkeeping SS 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 9
- Week 10: Content of Source Documents
- Types of source documents (invoice, receipts, vouchers, credit and debt notes, statement of accounts)
- Understanding Source Documents in Bookkeeping Book Keeping SS 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 10
- Week 11: Revision
- Week 12: Examination
This overview summarizes the topics that will be covered weekly in the first term for the Bookkeeping subject.
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