Catering and Craft Practice Scheme of Work for Senior Secondary Schools 1 Catering and Craft Practice SS 1 First Term Lesson Notes
Catering and Craft Practice Scheme of Work for Senior Secondary Schools 1
SUBJECT Catering and Craft Practice
TERM First Term
WEEK TOPICS Learning Objectives
Here’s a weekly brief list of topics covered throughout the first term for the Catering and Craft Practice Scheme of Work for Senior Secondary Schools 1 in Lagos State:
Weekly Brief List of Topics – First Term
- Week 1: Introduction to Catering Craft
- Origin of Catering Craft
- Career in Catering Craft
- The Art of Catering: From History to Careers Catering and Craft Practice SS 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 1
- Week 2: Hospitality Industry in Catering
- Definition of Hospitality Industry
- Relationship Between Hospitality Industry and Catering Trade
- Classification of Hospitality
- Exploring the Hospitality Industry in Catering Catering and Craft Practice SS 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 2
- Week 3: Components of Hospitality Industry
- Importance of Hospitality Industry
- Characteristics of Hospitality Industry
- Understanding the Components of the Hospitality Industry Catering and Craft Practice SS 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 3
- Week 4: Catering Establishments
- Classification of Catering Establishments
- Types of Catering Establishments
- Exploring Catering Establishments in the Hospitality Industry Catering and Craft Practice SS 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 4
- Week 5: Catering Establishments
- Functions of Catering Establishments
- Hotel Rating
- Understanding the Functions and Ratings of Catering Establishments Catering and Craft Practice SS 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5
- Week 6: Culinary Terms
- Culinary Terms Commonly Used in Catering
- Glossary of Culinary Terms
- Compilation of Menu in French
- Culinary Terms Commonly Used in Catering; Glossary of Culinary Terms; Compilation of Menu in French Catering and Craft Practice SS 1 First Term Lesson Notes 6
- Week 7: Mid Term Test/Open Day/Mid Term Holiday
- Week 8: Safety Precautions in the Kitchen
- Meaning of Safety
- Types and Causes of Accidents
- Prevention and Management of Accidents in the Kitchen
- Safety Precautions in the Kitchen Catering and Craft Practice SS 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 8
- Week 9: First Aids
- Meaning of First Aid, First Aider, First Aid Box
- Fire Control and Fire Lighting Equipment
- Meaning of First Aid, First Aider, First Aid Box, Fire Control, and Fire Lighting Equipment Catering and Craft Practice SS 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 9
- Week 10: Sanitation
- Meaning of Sanitation
- Aims of Sanitation
- Types of Sanitation
- Meaning of Sanitation, Aims of Sanitation, Types of Sanitation Catering and Craft Practice SS 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 10
- Week 11: Hygiene
- Meaning of Hygiene
- Types of Hygiene
- Food Contamination and Food Poisoning
- Meaning of Hygiene, Types of Hygiene, Food Contamination, and Food Poisoning Catering and Craft Practice SS 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 11
- Week 12: Revision
- Week 13: Examination
This list summarizes the topics covered each week, aligning with the learning objectives outlined in the scheme of work.
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Edu Delight Tutors
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