
Agricultural Science



Senior Secondary School Year 1




Second Term / 2nd Term



Week 2







Previous Knowledge: The pupils have previous knowledge of




that was taught in their previous lesson.



Behavioural  Objectives : At the end of the lesson, learners will be able to

  • Define agro allied industries
  • Write out materials that are used in agro allied industries
  • Say the relationship between agro allied industries and how agricultural produce are used as raw materials




Instructional Materials 

  • Wall charts
  • Online Resource
  • Textbooks
  • Laptop
  • Flash cards



Methods of Teaching 

  • Role modelling
  • Questions and Answers
  • Explanation
  • Discussion
  • Recitation
  • Imitation
  • Story Telling
  • Dramatization





  • Meaning of Agro-allied Industries
  • Agro-allied Industries and their Raw
  • Materials Industries that Produce
  • Farm Inputs Relationship between
  • Agriculture and Industries

Meaning of Agro-allied Industries
The term agro-allied industries refers to industries that make use of agricultural produce or products as raw material to produce other finished products. It also refers to the produce that the farmers use as an input in the farm.

The continuous existence of these industries is made possible through the raw material derived from agriculture. These industries help to;

provide market for agricultural products;

provide employment opportunities;

generate income for the government;

influence or enhance development of rural areas;

Agro-allied Industries and their Raw Materials

The following industries make use of agricultural produce or products as raw materials:
S/N Agro-based Industries Raw Materials Used


2.Textile/GinneryCotton, wool, fur

3.Oil Mill Oil (from oil seeds)

4.Beverage industry Cocoa, coffee, tea

5.Paper Paper mill/industry Pulp wood

6.Beverage industry Cocoa, coffee, Tea

7.Cigarette/tobacco industry Tobacco leaves

8.Soap industry Palm oil (from oil seeds)

9.Fruit canning industry (Orange, apple,

pineapple, strawberry)

10. Latex (from rubber tree)


11. Tyre and tube industry


12. Sugar industry Sugarcane

13. Plastic industries

14. Livestock feed mill Grains (maize, groundnut, soya beans, etc.)

15. Latex (from rubber tree)

16. Confectioneries
Cocoa, butter, etc.


17. Flour mills Maize, wheat, etc.


18. Pharmaceutical industries Neem, eucalyptus, cotton, insulin from pigs

18. Foam industry Latex (from rubber tree)

19.Breweries Maize, wheat, rice, millet, guinea-corn, etc.


20. Leather industry or tannery Hides and skin


21. Plywood industry
Timber wood


22.  Meat/Fish canning industry Meat and fish


23. Perfume industry
Oil (from oil seeds)


24. Sack,Rope,Mat,and Bag industries Jute, sisal, kenaf, kapok


25. Milk industry Raw milk from cattle


26. Sawmill

Timber (logs)


Industries that Produce Farm Inputs

Some of the industries that produce farm inputs are:

Fertilizer industries, e.g. NAFCON


Agro-chemical industries


Machine/tools industries


Vaccine industries


Drug making (pharmaceutical industries)


Fabrication workshops


Relationship between Agriculture and Industries

Agriculture and industry have a strong relationship and these include the following:

1. Agriculture is the major source of raw materials for agro-based industries,while agro-based
industries provide ready market for agricultural products such as cocoa, cotton, latex, hides and
skin, palm produce, etc


2. Agriculture provides market for industries such as agro-chemicals, vaccines, drugs, fertilizers
and farm machinery, industries on the other hand, supply agriculture inputs.


3. Through agricultural development we can be able to shift from factors of production such as
land, capital, and labour to industries.


4. Industries create employment opportunities for the farmer’s children while the farming community also supplies labour to the industries.


5. Agro-based industries help to provide processing/storage facilities for agricultural sector to prevent wastage such as silos, grinders, and shellers.


6. Development of agriculture is facilitated by the presence of raw materials in an area .this transforms rural communities in terms of social amenities.


7. Due to industrial development agriculture is now made easy through fabrication of energy saving tools and machinery provided by industries.such tools and machinery include cutlasses, hoes, ploughs, tractors, etc.

8. Labour is competed for by both agriculture and industries. Industrial development leads to rural development and enhances agricultural development.





Presentation : 

The topic is presented step by step

Step 1: The class teacher revises the old topic

Step 2: The class teacher introduces the new topic

Step 3: The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own contributions and gives room for pupils” participation


Class Teacher and Pupils Activities. Interaction or Participation 

This involves class teacher and pupils’ interaction, conversation, imitation or modeling through discussion, play method or just by recitation or asking and answering questions that are related to the topic that has just been taught.






1. List ten (10) agricultural produce used as raw materials by agro-based industries.


2. Mention ten (10) agro-allied industries in Nigeria.


3. Define agro-based industry. List 10 agro-allied industries and their raw materials.


4. Mention 10 industries that make use of agricultural produce as their raw materials.


5.State five (5) relationships between agriculture and industries in terms of agricultural raw material s.



Conclusion : 

The class teacher concludes the lesson by giving the pupils some notes on the topic that has just been taught. He goes round to mark and he does the necessary corrections.



1. Cocoa and coffee are examples of …… crops. A. spice B. stimulant C. beverage D. cereal

2. All these are annual crops except A. cotton B. cowpea C. yam D. pepper

3. Coconut is a/an… crop. A. annual B. biennial C. perennial D.ephemeral

4. Monocot crops have… A. two seed leaves B. three seed leaves C. tap root system

D. fibrous root system

5. Dicot crops have… … A. one seed leaves B. three seed leaves C. tap root system

D. fibrous root system