Mastering Solfa Notation for Music Creation Creative Arts Primary 5
Cultural and Creative Arts Lesson Note
Subject: Cultural and Creative Arts
Class: Primary 5
Term: First Term
Week: 4
Age: 9–10 years
Topic: Creating Music with Solfa Notation
Duration: 40 minutes
Behavioral Objectives
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
- Define solfa notation.
- Identify the solfa syllables (do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do).
- Create simple melodies using solfa notation.
- Solfa
- Notation
- Melody
- Scale
Set Induction
The teacher will sing a popular nursery rhyme using solfa syllables (e.g., “Do Re Mi” from The Sound of Music) and ask the pupils to join in.
Entry Behavior
Pupils are familiar with singing songs and basic music rhythms.
Learning Resources and Materials
- Flashcards with solfa syllables
- Keyboard or musical instrument for demonstration
- Songs written in solfa notation
Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge
The teacher will ask:
- Have you ever heard songs like “Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti, Do”?
- Do you know that we can write music using these syllables?
Embedded Core Skills
- Creativity
- Listening
- Collaboration
Learning Materials
- Lagos State Scheme of Work
- Approved textbooks on Cultural and Creative Arts
Reference Books
- Lagos State Scheme of Work for Primary Schools
- Approved Cultural and Creative Arts Textbooks
Instructional Materials
- Chart showing the solfa scale
- Musical instrument (e.g., keyboard or xylophone)
- Whiteboard and marker for illustrations
What is Solfa Notation?
- Solfa notation is a system of writing music using syllables instead of letters or symbols.
- The syllables are: Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti, Do.
- It is also called the tonic sol-fa system.
Solfa Scale
The solfa syllables represent pitches in a musical scale:
- Do: The first note of the scale.
- Re: The second note of the scale.
- Mi: The third note of the scale.
- Fa: The fourth note of the scale.
- So: The fifth note of the scale.
- La: The sixth note of the scale.
- Ti: The seventh note of the scale.
- Do: The octave (same as the first note, higher pitch).
Creating Music with Solfa Notation
- Use the solfa syllables to form melodies.
- Example of a simple melody:
- Do, Re, Mi, Do | Do, Re, Mi, Do
- Mi, Fa, So, Mi | Mi, Fa, So, Mi
15 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions (Evaluation)
- Solfa notation uses ______ to represent pitches.
a) Numbers
b) Letters
c) Syllables
d) Shapes
Answer: c) Syllables - The solfa scale begins with ______.
a) So
b) Fa
c) Do
d) Ti
Answer: c) Do - The seventh note in the solfa scale is ______.
a) Mi
b) Ti
c) La
d) So
Answer: b) Ti - The syllable after “Re” is ______.
a) Mi
b) So
c) Fa
d) La
Answer: a) Mi - The system of writing music using “Do, Re, Mi” is called ______.
a) Musical scale
b) Tonic sol-fa
c) Rhythm notation
d) Key signature
Answer: b) Tonic sol-fa - The fifth note in the solfa scale is ______.
a) Mi
b) So
c) Fa
d) La
Answer: b) So - The solfa scale has ______ syllables.
a) 6
b) 7
c) 8
d) 9
Answer: c) 8 - The first “Do” and the last “Do” in the solfa scale are ______.
a) The same pitch
b) Different pitches
c) Both silent
d) Lower in sound
Answer: b) Different pitches - Solfa notation helps in creating ______.
a) Rhythms
b) Instruments
c) Melodies
d) Songs only
Answer: c) Melodies - ______ follows “Fa” in the solfa scale.
a) So
b) Ti
c) Re
d) Mi
Answer: a) So - The scale repeats after ______.
a) Ti
b) Do
c) So
d) Mi
Answer: a) Do - “La” is the ______ note in the solfa scale.
a) First
b) Fourth
c) Sixth
d) Seventh
Answer: c) Sixth - The solfa syllable before “Fa” is ______.
a) Mi
b) So
c) Ti
d) Re
Answer: a) Mi - Writing “Do, Re, Mi” helps in understanding ______.
a) Instruments
b) Music notation
c) Percussion beats
d) Tuning systems
Answer: b) Music notation - The system of solfa notation makes learning music ______.
a) Hard
b) Easy
c) Unnecessary
d) Expensive
Answer: b) Easy
15 Frequently Asked Questions with Answers (Class Activity Discussion)
- What is solfa notation?
Answer: Solfa notation is a system of writing music using syllables like “Do, Re, Mi” to represent sounds. - What is the first note of the solfa scale?
Answer: Do. - Which note comes after “Mi”?
Answer: Fa. - What is the seventh note of the solfa scale?
Answer: Ti. - What follows “So” in the solfa scale?
Answer: La. - How many notes are in the solfa scale?
Answer: Eight. - What is the name of the system that uses “Do, Re, Mi”?
Answer: Tonic sol-fa. - What is the use of solfa notation?
Answer: It helps in writing and reading music melodies. - What does the solfa syllable “Fa” represent?
Answer: The fourth note in the scale. - What is the last note of the solfa scale?
Answer: Do (higher octave). - Can solfa notation be used to create songs?
Answer: Yes. - What syllable comes before “So”?
Answer: Fa. - What is the pitch of “Do”?
Answer: It is the first and foundational pitch in the scale. - What is the difference between the first “Do” and the last “Do”?
Answer: The last “Do” is higher in pitch. - Is solfa notation easy to learn?
Answer: Yes, it is simple and effective for beginners.
Presentation Steps
- Step 1: Revision of Previous Topic
- Recap the concept of music notes and their values.
- Step 2: Introduction of New Topic
- Define solfa notation and list the solfa syllables.
- Step 3: Students’ Contributions and Corrections
- Allow pupils to sing the solfa scale and create simple melodies.
Teacher’s Activities
- Explain the solfa scale with examples.
- Demonstrate the solfa scale on a keyboard or xylophone.
- Help students create simple melodies.
Learners’ Activities
- Sing the solfa scale aloud.
- Practice writing and reading solfa notation.
- Create their own melodies using solfa notation.
- Oral: Ask pupils to recite the solfa scale.
- Written: Write a simple melody using solfa notation.
Evaluation Questions
- Define solfa notation.
- List the solfa syllables.
- Which note comes after “Re”?
- What is the last note of the solfa scale?
- What is the use of solfa notation in music?
The teacher summarizes the lesson by reviewing the solfa scale, its importance, and how to use it to create melodies.
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