Subject : English Studies
Class : Primary 4
Term : Second Term
Week : Week 8
Topic :
Speech Work :Aural Discrimination sounds (/t/) and (/θ/) Primary 4 Second Term Week 8
Learning Objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to
- distinguish between the
two pair of consonant
“tin” and “thin”;
- recognize the sounds in
- draw the contrast
between sounds when
they use the words;
- make simple correct
sentences with the
sounds and identify the
sounds in a passage.
- Students will be able to identify and distinguish between the sounds /t/ and /θ/.
- Students will be able to pronounce words containing the sounds /t/ and /θ/ correctly.
- Students will be able to write and spell words containing the sounds /t/ and /θ/ correctly.
Learning Activities :
- Pupils, as a class,
pronounce the words “tin”
and “thin” to distinguish the
two sounds.
- Pupils, as a class, mimic
the mouth positioning
model to pronounce both
- Pupils, in pairs distinguish
between the two sounds by
giving examples.
- Pupils, in small groups, list
out words with the sounds
Each pupil contrasts the two
sounds by providing words
containing both sounds.
- Pupils, in small groups.
make simple sentences
containing words with the
sounds it
Embedded Core Skills :
- Communication and Collaboration
- Creativity and Imagination
- Critical thinking and problem solving
- Leadership skills and Personal Development
- Whiteboard and markers
- Flashcards with pictures of words containing the sounds /t/ and /θ/
- Handouts with practice exercises
- Audio clips with words containing the sounds /t/ and /θ/
Content :
The phonetic symbols for “tin” and “thin” are:
- “tin”: /tɪn/
- “thin”: /θɪn/
Note that the first sound in “tin” is a voiceless alveolar plosive (/t/) and the second sound is a near-close near-front unrounded vowel (/ɪ/), while the first sound in “thin” is a voiceless dental fricative (/θ/) and the second sound is also a near-close near-front unrounded vowel (/ɪ/).
The sounds /t/ and /θ/ are distinct phonemes in English, and aural discrimination between these sounds is an important aspect of language learning and speech production. Here are some ways to distinguish between the two sounds:
- Place of articulation: The sound /t/ is produced by stopping the airflow by bringing the front of the tongue up to the alveolar ridge and then releasing it, while the sound /θ/ is produced by bringing the tip of the tongue between the teeth and forcing air through the small gap between them. So, /t/ is an alveolar plosive, while /θ/ is a dental fricative.
- Voicing: The sound /t/ is voiceless, which means that the vocal cords do not vibrate during its production, while the sound /θ/ is also voiceless.
- Acoustic properties: The sound /t/ is characterized by a brief burst of noise (a plosive) and a short period of silence (a closure) before the release, while the sound /θ/ is characterized by a continuous, hissing noise (a fricative) that lasts for a longer duration.
To practice aural discrimination between these two sounds, you can listen to minimal pairs such as “tin” and “thin”, “pat” and “path”, or “tight” and “thigh”, and try to identify which sound is being produced. You can also practice producing these sounds yourself and paying attention to the differences in how they feel and sound
/t/ |
/θ/ |
take |
think |
time |
thank |
table |
tooth |
town |
Thursday |
talk |
through |
tune |
author |
cat |
math |
bet |
bath |
out |
booth |
latest |
method |
Note that the symbol /θ/ represents the “th” sound as in “think” or “tooth”, while the symbol /t/ represents the “t” sound as in “take” or “time”
More samples
/t/ |
/θ/ |
tin |
thin |
taste |
theta |
toe |
with |
treat |
thousand |
butter |
author |
utter |
booth |
later |
method |
attack |
thesis |
potato |
pathos |
attend |
math |
More examples in Sentence
/t/ sentence |
/θ/ sentence |
Take the time to taste the toast. |
The thinker thought about the author’s thesis. |
The cat sat on the mat. |
The tooth fairy left a note with the child’s gift. |
Can you bring the butter to the table? |
The method is difficult to understand. |
They bet that the team will win. |
The path to the theater is through the park. |
Let’s meet at the town center. |
The author wrote a book about math. |
The latest update is available now. |
The patient expressed gratitude to the doctor. |
The tutor will teach us to write. |
The withered plants needed water. |
The little boy likes to play with his toe. |
The three thieves stole the valuable artifacts. |
She wanted to buy a new coat. |
The athlete showed great strength and skill. |
The time you spent with me was great. |
The thought of a thunderstorm scares her |
- Which of the following words contains the /t/ sound? a) thank b) thin c) think d) both b and c
- Which of the following words contains the /θ/ sound? a) time b) math c) with d) all of the above
- Which sound is produced by bringing the front of the tongue up to the alveolar ridge and then releasing it? a) /t/ b) /θ/ c) both a and b d) none of the above
- Which sound is produced by bringing the tip of the tongue between the teeth and forcing air through the small gap between them? a) /t/ b) /θ/ c) both a and b d) none of the above
- Which of the following words is a minimal pair for the sounds /t/ and /θ/? a) take / talk b) thin / think c) tune / tooth d) time / with
- Which of the following words contains the /t/ sound in the beginning? a) utter b) thousand c) taste d) author
- Which of the following words contains the /θ/ sound in the middle? a) butter b) later c) attack d) potato
- Which of the following words contains both the /t/ and /θ/ sounds? a) attend b) latest c) taste d) with
- Which sound is voiceless and does not vibrate the vocal cords during its production? a) /t/ b) /θ/ c) both a and b d) none of the above
- Which sound is characterized by a brief burst of noise and a short period of silence before the release? a) /t/ b) /θ/ c) both a and b d) none of the above
Lesson Presentation
Revision (5 minutes)
- Revise the previous topic or lesson
Introduction (5 minutes):
- The teacher will introduce the sounds /t/ and /θ/ to the students by explaining where they are produced in the mouth and giving examples of words containing the sounds.
Body (30 minutes):
- The teacher will use flashcards and audio clips to help students identify and distinguish between the sounds /t/ and /θ/.
- The teacher will model correct pronunciation of words containing the sounds and have the students practice saying the words aloud.
- The teacher will guide students in spelling and writing words containing the sounds, and provide feedback and correction as needed.
- The teacher will provide handouts with practice exercises for students to work on independently or in small groups.
Closure (10 minutes):
- The teacher will review the lesson by asking students to identify and distinguish between the sounds /t/ and /θ/ and give examples of words containing the sounds.
- The teacher will provide feedback and encouragement to the students and answer any questions they may have.
- The teacher will assess students’ ability to identify and distinguish between the sounds /t/ and /θ/ by asking them to listen to audio clips and identify which sound is being produced.
- The teacher will assess students’ ability to pronounce words containing the sounds /t/ and /θ/ correctly by listening to their oral responses.
- The teacher will assess students’ ability to write and spell words containing the sounds /t/ and /θ/ correctly by reviewing their handouts and written work.
- For students who need extra support, the teacher can provide additional practice exercises or one-on-one instruction.
- For students who have mastered the sounds /t/ and /θ/, the teacher can provide more advanced practice exercises or challenge them to identify more complex sounds and words.
Weekly Assessment /Test
- The word “_____” contains the /t/ sound. (answer: “tight”)
- The word “_____” contains the /θ/ sound. (answer: “think”)
- The sound /t/ is produced by bringing the front of the tongue up to the ________ ridge and then releasing it. (answer: alveolar)
- The sound /θ/ is produced by bringing the tip of the tongue between the _______ and forcing air through the small gap between them. (answer: teeth)
- “” and “” are a minimal pair for the sounds /t/ and /θ/. (answer: “tin” and “thin”)
- The word “_____” contains the /t/ sound in the beginning. (answer: “tune”)
- The word “_____” contains the /θ/ sound in the middle. (answer: “butter”)
- The word “_____” contains both the /t/ and /θ/ sounds. (answer: “method”)
- The sound /t/ is characterized by a brief burst of noise and a short period of ________ before the release. (answer: silence)
- The sound /θ/ is characterized by a continuous, hissing noise that lasts for a ________ duration. (answer: longer)
About The Author
Edu Delight Tutors
Am a dedicated educator with a passion for learning and a keen interest in technology. I believe that technology can revolutionize education and am committed to creating an online hub of knowledge, inspiration, and growth for both educators and students. Welcome to Edu Delight Tutors, where learning knows no boundaries.