Duties and Responsibilities of Parents and Children in Nigeria Civic Education Primary 4 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 10

Lesson Plan

Subject: Civic Education
Class: Primary 4
Term: Second Term
Week: 10
Age: 8–9 years
Topic: Duties and Responsibilities of Parents and Children in Building the Nation, Nigeria
Sub-topic: Roles of Parents and Children in Nation Building
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioral Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Explain the concept of the family tree.
  2. Highlight the duties of parents in building a nation.
  3. Identify the duties of children in building a nation.


  • Parents
  • Children
  • Duties
  • Responsibilities
  • Nation-building

Set Induction

The teacher shows a family tree diagram and asks, “What is the role of each person in this family?” Pupils are encouraged to share their ideas.

Entry Behavior

Pupils have learned why building a nation is important in the previous lesson.

Learning Resources and Materials

  1. A chart showing a family tree.
  2. Flashcards with duties of parents and children.
  3. Picture of a community project with families working together.

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

The teacher reminds the pupils about the reasons for building a nation and explains that families play a key role in this process.

Embedded Core Skills

  1. Critical thinking
  2. Communication
  3. Collaboration

Learning Materials

  • Civic Education textbooks.
  • Lagos State Scheme of Work.

Instructional Materials

  1. Family tree diagram.
  2. Flashcards.
  3. Posters of families engaged in community projects.


Definition and Explanation

The Family Tree:
A family tree is a diagram that shows the relationships among members of a family. It helps to identify the roles and duties of each family member.

Nation-building is the process of working together to develop the country. Families play an important role in this process.

Duties and Responsibilities of Parents

  1. Providing Education:
    • Parents ensure their children go to school to learn and become useful citizens.
    • Example: Paying school fees and buying learning materials.
  2. Teaching Good Values:
    • Parents teach honesty, respect, and kindness to their children.
    • Example: Encouraging children to respect elders.
  3. Participating in Community Activities:
    • Parents take part in activities that help the community.
    • Example: Cleaning the environment or supporting local projects.
  4. Providing Basic Needs:
    • Parents provide food, clothing, and shelter for the family.
    • Example: Building a home or cooking meals.
  5. Serving as Role Models:
    • Parents set good examples for their children to follow.
    • Example: Working hard and being honest.

Duties and Responsibilities of Children

  1. Obeying Parents and Elders:
    • Children must listen to and respect their parents and elders.
    • Example: Helping with chores when told to do so.
  2. Helping at Home:
    • Children assist their parents with household chores.
    • Example: Sweeping the floor or washing dishes.
  3. Being Respectful:
    • Children should respect everyone, regardless of age or status.
    • Example: Saying “please” and “thank you.”
  4. Studying Hard:
    • Children should focus on their education to become good citizens.
    • Example: Doing homework and attending school regularly.
  5. Participating in Community Development:
    • Children can join community activities to help improve their surroundings.
    • Example: Participating in tree planting or environmental clean-up.

Examples of Families Building the Nation

  1. Families educating their children.
  2. Parents and children cleaning their neighborhood.
  3. Families attending community meetings.
  4. Parents teaching their children to respect national symbols.
  5. Children assisting in local charity work.


15 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions with Options

  1. A __________ shows relationships among family members.
    a) family chart
    b) family diagram
    c) family tree
    d) family photo
  2. Parents ensure children get __________.
    a) toys
    b) education
    c) gifts
    d) sweets
  3. __________ is an important value taught by parents.
    a) Honesty
    b) Laziness
    c) Cheating
    d) Anger
  4. __________ must listen to their parents.
    a) Teachers
    b) Children
    c) Leaders
    d) Farmers
  5. Parents set good __________ for their children.
    a) records
    b) books
    c) examples
    d) exams
  6. Children should help with __________ at home.
    a) chores
    b) cooking
    c) resting
    d) playing
  7. __________ is a duty of parents.
    a) Cleaning
    b) Educating children
    c) Fighting
    d) Sleeping
  8. Respecting elders is a responsibility of __________.
    a) teachers
    b) parents
    c) children
    d) leaders
  9. Families working together help __________ the nation.
    a) weaken
    b) build
    c) destroy
    d) divide
  10. Children must focus on __________ to become good citizens.
    a) games
    b) studies
    c) chores
    d) fights

Class Activity Discussion (FAQs)

  1. What is a family tree?
    Answer: A diagram showing relationships among family members.
  2. What is nation-building?
    Answer: Working together to develop the country.
  3. What is a duty of parents?
    Answer: Providing education for their children.
  4. What is a responsibility of children?
    Answer: Obeying their parents and elders.
  5. Why is education important in nation-building?
    Answer: It helps children become useful citizens.
  6. How can families build the nation?
    Answer: By participating in community development activities.
  7. What values should parents teach?
    Answer: Honesty, respect, and kindness.
  8. Why should children respect elders?
    Answer: It shows good manners and builds unity.
  9. What are basic needs provided by parents?
    Answer: Food, clothing, and shelter.
  10. How can children help at home?
    Answer: By doing household chores.

Presentation Steps

  1. The teacher revises the previous topic, “Reasons Why We Should Build Our Nation, Nigeria.”
  2. The teacher introduces the new topic, “Duties and Responsibilities of Parents and Children,” using a family tree diagram.
  3. The teacher asks pupils to identify their roles in their families.

Teacher’s Activities

  • Explain the duties of parents and children.
  • Display and discuss the family tree chart.
  • Lead discussions on how families can build the nation.

Learners’ Activities

  • Listen and answer questions.
  • Share examples of their duties at home.
  • Identify ways to help in nation-building.

Evaluation Questions

  1. Define a family tree.
  2. Mention two duties of parents in nation-building.
  3. List two responsibilities of children.
  4. Why is respect important in families?
  5. Give one example of how families can build the nation.


The teacher moves around, marking pupils’ work and providing feedback. Pupils are encouraged to perform their duties at home and in their communities.

SEO Details

Title: Duties and Responsibilities of Parents and Children in NigeriaDuties and Responsibilities of Parents and Children in Nigeria
Focus Keyphrase: Parents and Children in Nation Building
SEO Title: Duties of Parents and Children in Nation Building – Primary 4
Slug: parents-children-nation-building
Meta Description: Learn the duties of parents and children in building Nigeria. Designed for Primary 4 Civic Education with practical examples.