Distribution of Natural Resources In Nigeria

Distribution of Natural Resources.

Lesson Note on Distribution of Natural Resources in Nigeria

Class: Basic 4

Subject: Social Studies

Term: ___

Week: ___

Age: 8 – 9 years

Topic: Distribution of Natural Resources

Sub-topic: How Goods and Services are Distributed

Behavioral Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Explain why goods are distributed.
  2. List five goods produced in Nigeria.
  3. Identify five goods imported into Nigeria.
  4. Describe how and by whom goods are distributed.
  5. Mention five problems of distributing goods and services.


  • Distribution – The process of sharing or spreading goods.
  • Natural resources – Things found in nature that people use.
  • Import – Goods brought into a country from another country.
  • Export – Goods taken out of a country to be sold in another country.
  • Merchants – People who sell goods.

Set Induction (Introduction)

The teacher will display pictures of goods such as cocoa, crude oil, and clothing. The teacher will then ask pupils where these goods come from and how they reach the market.

Entry Behavior

Pupils are familiar with common goods like food, clothes, and vehicles.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Pictures of imported and exported goods
  • Charts showing distribution routes
  • Videos or short stories about trade

Building Background / Connection to Prior Knowledge

The teacher will ask pupils if they have ever seen a market or store and if they know where the goods come from.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Critical thinking
  • Communication
  • Problem-solving
  • Collaboration

Learning Materials

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Textbooks on Social Studies
  • Internet resources

Reference Books

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Basic Social Studies Textbook for Primary 4


Reasons Why Goods Are Distributed

Goods are distributed because:

  1. We cannot make everything we need by ourselves, so we rely on others.
  2. Some places produce more goods than they need, so they sell the extra to places with shortages.

List of Goods Brought To and From Our Country

1. Goods Imported into Nigeria (Brought from Other Countries):

  • Shoes
  • Cars
  • Machines
  • Clothes
  • Electronics

2. Goods Exported from Nigeria (Sent to Other Countries):

  • Cotton
  • Leather
  • Rubber
  • Cocoa
  • Crude oil

How Goods Are Distributed

Goods are distributed in the following ways:

  1. From farms to markets.
  2. From cities to villages.
  3. From villages to cities.
  4. From the South to the North, East, and West (vice versa).
  5. From one country to another.

By Whom Are Goods Distributed Nowadays?

Goods are distributed by:

  1. Businessmen or distributors
  2. Merchants, traders, or retailers
  3. Households (through small-scale selling)

Problems of Distribution of Goods and Services

  1. Bad Roads – Some roads are in poor condition, making transportation difficult.
  2. High Cost of Transportation – Fuel and transport services are expensive.
  3. Hoarding – Some sellers keep goods to sell at a higher price later.
  4. Finding the Right People to Work With – Some traders face dishonesty in business.
  5. High Taxes – Traders pay high fees to the government.
  6. Too Many Middlemen – Too many people are involved in selling, which increases the cost.
  7. Area Boys – Some areas have street gangs who disturb business activities.
  8. Storage Facilities – Some goods spoil due to a lack of good storage.

Evaluation Questions

Fill in the blanks with the correct answers.

  1. Goods are distributed because we cannot __________ everything we need.
    a) sell
    b) make
    c) throw
  2. Surplus goods are sold to places where they have __________.
    a) shortage
    b) plenty
    c) enough
  3. Goods taken out of Nigeria to other countries are called __________.
    a) imports
    b) exports
    c) sales
  4. __________ is an example of a good imported into Nigeria.
    a) Cocoa
    b) Cars
    c) Palm oil
  5. __________ is an example of a good exported from Nigeria.
    a) Television
    b) Crude oil
    c) Shoes
  6. Goods are distributed from farms to __________.
    a) cities
    b) hospitals
    c) markets
  7. Too many middlemen in trade increase the __________ of goods.
    a) price
    b) size
    c) color
  8. One major problem of distribution is __________ roads.
    a) smooth
    b) bad
    c) wide
  9. Traders sometimes keep goods to sell at higher prices, this is called __________.
    a) hoarding
    b) selling
    c) sharing
  10. __________ transport cost makes goods more expensive.
    a) Low
    b) High
    c) Free

Class Activity Discussion (FAQs)

  1. Why are goods distributed?
    Goods are distributed because not all places produce what they need.
  2. What are two types of goods in trade?
    Imported and exported goods.
  3. What is an example of an imported good?
  4. What is an example of an exported good?
  5. How are goods distributed from villages to cities?
    Through transportation by road.
  6. Who are the people that distribute goods?
    Traders, businessmen, and merchants.
  7. What is hoarding?
    Hoarding is when traders keep goods to sell at higher prices later.
  8. Why is bad road a problem in distribution?
    It makes it hard for trucks to carry goods.
  9. How do taxes affect distribution?
    High taxes make goods expensive.
  10. What is the role of middlemen?
    They help move goods but also increase prices.

Presentation Steps

  1. Introduction: The teacher introduces the topic by showing pictures of goods.
  2. Explanation: The teacher explains the importance of distribution.
  3. Student Participation: Pupils list goods found in Nigeria and other countries.
  4. Class Discussion: The teacher discusses problems of distribution.
  5. Assessment: Pupils answer questions on distribution.

Teacher’s and Learners’ Activities

  • Teacher: Uses charts and pictures to explain.
  • Learners: Answer questions and discuss examples.

Assessment (Short Answer Questions)

  1. Why are goods distributed?
  2. Name two goods exported from Nigeria.
  3. Give two examples of goods imported into Nigeria.
  4. Mention two people who distribute goods.
  5. List two problems of distribution.


The teacher summarizes the lesson and gives feedback on students’ work.

Understanding Resource Distribution in Social Studies

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