Second Term Examination Cultural and Creative Arts Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 12
Week 12: Second Term Examination
Cultural and Creative Arts – Primary 3 – Second Term
Instructions for Teachers:
- Ensure all students are seated properly before distributing the question papers.
- Read the instructions to the pupils before they begin.
- Monitor students closely to prevent any form of malpractice.
- Do not allow students to share materials during the exam.
- Mark scripts fairly and give feedback to students.
Instructions for Students:
- Read all questions carefully before answering.
- Do not copy from your classmates.
- Write your answers neatly and clearly.
- If you do not understand a question, raise your hand and ask the teacher.
- Submit your answer sheet when the time is up.
PART A: Objective Questions (30 Fill-in-the-Blank with Options)
- Papier-mâché is made using __.
a) Clay
b) Paper
c) Glass
d) Metal - A whole note has __ beats.
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4 - Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star is a __.
a) Poem
b) Song
c) Dance
d) Game - The first note in tonic solfa is __.
a) Re
b) Mi
c) Do
d) La - Traditional dresses are worn for __.
a) Sleeping
b) Special occasions
c) Swimming
d) Running - A minim has __ beats.
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4 - Accessories like beads are worn to __.
a) Cover the body
b) Look beautiful
c) Make food
d) Sweep the floor - Clay modeling is done with __.
a) Sand
b) Paper
c) Clay
d) Water - __ is used in drama to change how actors look.
a) Soap
b) Make-up
c) Pencil
d) Bag - Rhythmic clapping helps in __.
a) Eating
b) Singing
c) Reading
d) Drawing - Traditional fabrics include __.
a) Ankara
b) Plastic
c) Metal
d) Glass - The symbol for a whole note is __.
a) O
b) X
c) M
d) Y - Drama costumes help in __.
a) Cooking
b) Acting
c) Sleeping
d) Writing - __ is an example of a traditional accessory.
a) Spoon
b) Beads
c) Book
d) Fan - Tonic solfa is used in __.
a) Mathematics
b) Music
c) Science
d) Reading - Traditional clothing is different from modern clothing because __.
a) It is always expensive
b) It represents culture
c) It is made of plastic
d) It cannot be washed - __ is a type of note in music.
a) Quarter note
b) Circle note
c) Black note
d) Small note - __ helps actors to look like their characters.
a) Clothes
b) Costumes
c) Chairs
d) Books - Clapping in music helps to __.
a) Create rhythm
b) Read books
c) Sleep
d) Jump - __ is used to make traditional clothes.
a) Paper
b) Cotton
c) Plastic
d) Steel
(Continue up to 30 questions…)
PART B: Theory Questions (30 Short-Answer Questions)
- What is papier-mâché?
- Name two materials used for papier-mâché.
- What does tonic solfa help in music?
- Give one example of a traditional dress.
- Why do people wear accessories?
- What is the purpose of make-up in drama?
- What is rhythmic clapping?
- How many beats does a minim have?
- What is the first note in tonic solfa?
- Why do we use musical notes?
(Continue up to 30 questions…)
PART C: True or False Questions (30 Statements)
- Papier-mâché is made from paper. (True)
- Traditional dresses are worn for casual outings. (False)
- A whole note has four beats. (True)
- Clay modeling is done with water and plastic. (False)
- Tonic solfa helps in singing. (True)
- Accessories are not important in dressing. (False)
- Rhythmic clapping is part of music. (True)
- Make-up in drama makes actors look the same. (False)
- Traditional fabrics include Ankara and Aso-oke. (True)
- Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star is a dance. (False)
(Continue up to 30 questions…)
PART D: Fill in the Gaps Questions (30 Fill-in-the-Blank without Options)
- Papier-mâché is made with __ and glue.
- __ fabrics are made from local materials.
- __ is used to mold objects.
- Beads are a type of __.
- Traditional dresses are worn for __ events.
- A whole note has __ beats.
- __ is used in drama to change an actor’s look.
- The first three notes in tonic solfa are __, __, and __.
- Costumes help actors look like their __.
- Rhythmic clapping helps in __.
(Continue up to 30 questions…)
PART A: Objective Questions (Continued – 21 to 30)
- Traditional accessories are used to __.
a) Decorate the body
b) Cook food
c) Build houses
d) Play football - The sound Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti, Do is called __.
a) Alphabet song
b) Tonic solfa
c) Clapping rhythm
d) Music instrument - The instrument used to create rhythm is __.
a) Spoon
b) Whistle
c) Drum
d) Cup - Musical notes are written on __.
a) Walls
b) Music staff
c) Chairs
d) Books - The act of using different colors and powders to change a person’s appearance for drama is called __.
a) Painting
b) Writing
c) Make-up
d) Sewing - Traditional dresses are important because they show __.
a) Culture
b) Numbers
c) Weather
d) Shopping - A crotchet is a type of __.
a) Musical note
b) Food
c) Dress
d) Dance - People wear traditional dresses for __.
a) Fun
b) Festivals and ceremonies
c) Sleeping
d) Reading - __ is a type of traditional fabric in Nigeria.
a) Aso-Oke
b) Nylon
c) Cardboard
d) Wool - The beats of a song are kept steady by __.
a) Running
b) Clapping
c) Cooking
d) Sleeping
PART B: Theory Questions (Continued – 11 to 30)
- What are musical notes used for?
- Give two examples of traditional fabrics.
- Why is rhythmic clapping important in music?
- What does a quarter note look like?
- Name two accessories used in traditional dressing.
- Why do people wear drama costumes?
- What is the importance of traditional clothing?
- What is another name for tonic solfa?
- How do people make sound using clapping?
- What does “notation” mean in music?
- What is the difference between modern and traditional clothing?
- What instrument can be used for rhythm in music?
- How many notes are there in tonic solfa?
- What type of clothes do people wear for drama?
- What is the use of make-up in a drama performance?
- What do we use to mold objects in arts?
- Give one example of a song that uses tonic solfa.
- What does a whole note represent in music?
- How does clapping help in music?
- What is the main purpose of traditional accessories?
PART C: True or False Questions (Continued – 11 to 30)
- Ankara is a type of traditional dress. (True)
- Musical notes are used to make food. (False)
- A drama costume helps an actor look different. (True)
- People clap their hands to create rhythm. (True)
- A whole note has two beats. (False)
- The drum is a musical instrument. (True)
- Papier-mâché is made from metal. (False)
- Traditional clothing is the same in every country. (False)
- A minim has four beats. (False)
- Singing is a part of music. (True)
- Traditional accessories are made from plastic only. (False)
- Costumes are only worn at home. (False)
- Every song must have musical notes. (True)
- Clapping cannot be used in music. (False)
- The first note of tonic solfa is “Do”. (True)
- Beads are an example of traditional accessories. (True)
- A quarter note is smaller than a whole note. (True)
- All traditional fabrics are black in color. (False)
- Make-up in drama can be used to change a person’s age. (True)
- Traditional clothing is not important. (False)
PART D: Fill in the Gaps Questions (Continued – 11 to 30)
- __ is an example of a traditional fabric.
- A whole note has __ beats.
- The drum is used to create __.
- Aso-Oke is worn by the __ people of Nigeria.
- A minim has __ beats.
- Tonic solfa consists of __ notes.
- __ are used to decorate traditional outfits.
- Ankara and __ are traditional fabrics in Nigeria.
- The sound __ is the last note in tonic solfa.
- __ helps actors to look different in drama.
- We clap our hands to create __ in music.
- The Yoruba people wear __ as part of their traditional dress.
- The symbol for a whole note is __.
- Traditional clothes are mostly worn for __ occasions.
- A __ is a type of musical note.
- Papier-mâché is a form of __ art.
- The Igbo people wear __ as their traditional dress.
- Make-up in drama is used to change __.
- __ and __ are two types of accessories.
- The Hausa traditional dress for men is called __.
This completes the 120 examination questions divided into four sections. These questions cover key concepts from the term in a simple, easy-to-understand format for Primary 3 pupils
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