Understanding Musical Notes and Notation Cultural and Creative Arts Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 10


Cultural and Creative Arts – Primary 3 – Second Term – Week 10

Subject: Cultural and Creative Arts

Class: Primary 3

Term: Second Term

Week: 10

Age: 7 – 8 years

Duration: 40 Minutes

Topic: Understanding Musical Notes and Notation

Sub-topic: Learning the Types and Values of Musical Notes

Behavioral Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Define musical notes and notation.
  2. Identify different types of musical notes.
  3. Explain the values of musical notes.
  4. Recognize musical notation symbols.

Keywords: Music, notes, notation, beats, rhythm, symbols

Set Induction:

The teacher plays a simple song and asks the pupils to clap along with the beat.

Entry Behavior:

Pupils have clapped along to music and learned about rhythmic clapping in previous lessons.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  1. Flashcards showing different musical notes
  2. Drums or percussion instruments
  3. Songbooks with musical notation

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge:

Pupils have learned about rhythmic clapping and musical notes in earlier lessons.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Listening
  • Recognition
  • Creativity

Learning Materials:

  • Charts of musical notes
  • Instruments for practicing rhythm

Reference Books:

Lagos State Scheme of Work, Cultural and Creative Arts Textbook for Primary 3

Instructional Materials:

  • Printed musical notes
  • Audio recordings of simple melodies


A. Meaning of Musical Notes and Notation

Musical notes are symbols used to represent sounds in music. Each note has a specific length or duration.
Musical notation is the system of writing music using these symbols to show how it should be played or sung.

B. Types of Musical Notes and Their Values

  1. Semibreve (Whole Note) – Lasts for 4 beats. (𝅝)
  2. Minim (Half Note) – Lasts for 2 beats. (𝅗𝅥)
  3. Crotchet (Quarter Note) – Lasts for 1 beat. (♩)
  4. Quaver (Eighth Note) – Lasts for ½ a beat. (♪)

C. Importance of Musical Notation

  1. Helps musicians read and play music correctly.
  2. Shows the timing and rhythm of a song.
  3. Allows people to share and learn music easily.
  4. Used in schools, churches, and performances.

D. Common Musical Notation Symbols

  1. Treble Clef (𝄞) – Used for high-pitched instruments and voices.
  2. Bass Clef (𝄢) – Used for low-pitched instruments and voices.
  3. Bar Line (|) – Divides music into sections called measures.
  4. Staff (Five Lines) – Where notes are placed in written music.

Evaluation (Fill in the Blanks with Options):

  1. Musical notes represent __ in music. (a) Colors (b) Sounds (c) Shapes (d) Numbers
  2. A crotchet lasts for __ beat. (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
  3. The __ is used to write music. (a) Staff (b) Book (c) Pencil (d) Blackboard
  4. A semibreve lasts for __ beats. (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
  5. __ notation is the system of writing music. (a) Picture (b) Story (c) Musical (d) Shape

Class Activity Discussion (FAQs)

  1. What are musical notes?
    • Symbols used to represent sounds in music.
  2. What is musical notation?
    • A system of writing music using symbols.
  3. Which musical note lasts for four beats?
    • Semibreve.
  4. What is the importance of musical notation?
    • It helps musicians read and play music correctly.
  5. What does the treble clef represent?
    • High-pitched instruments and voices.

Presentation Steps:

  1. The teacher explains musical notes and notation.
  2. The teacher shows different types of musical notes.
  3. Pupils clap along to different note values.
  4. The teacher introduces musical notation symbols.

Teacher’s and Learners’ Activities:

  • Teacher: Demonstrates musical notes and asks pupils to identify them.
  • Learners: Clap rhythms and recognize musical symbols.

Assessment (Short-Answer Questions):

  1. What is a musical note?
  2. What is musical notation?
  3. Name two types of musical notes.
  4. What is the value of a minim?
  5. What symbol is used for high-pitched music?


The teacher marks pupils’ answers, provides corrections, and encourages them to practice reading and clapping rhythms.Musical notes and notation for beginners