- Al-Haadi (The Guide): Allah is the one who shows us the right path and guides us in our lives. For example, when we are confused, we can ask Allah for guidance in making good choices.
- Al-Malik (The Ruler): Allah is the supreme ruler of everything in the universe. He is in control of everything that happens. An example is when the sun rises and sets—it follows Allah’s command.
- Al-Hakim (The Judge): Allah is the ultimate judge who knows what is right and wrong. If we do something good or bad, Allah is the one who will judge us in the end.
- Al-Basir (The All-Seeing): Allah sees everything that happens, even the things that are hidden from us. For instance, when we pray, Allah sees our actions and intentions.
- As-Samiu (the All-Hearing): Allah hears everything, whether we say it out loud or keep it in our hearts. When we speak to Allah through prayer, He listens to our words and knows our feelings.
These attributes of Allah remind us of His wisdom and power and the importance of seeking His guidance and judgment in our lives
Second Term Revision and Readiness Test Islamic Religious Studies Primary 1 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 1
- Allah is known as __________, the Guide. a) Al-Malik; b) Al-Hakim; c) Al-Haadi; d) As-Samiu
- Al-Malik refers to Allah as __________. a) The Ruler; b) The Judge; c) The Guide; d) The All-Seeing
- Which attribute of Allah signifies his role as the ultimate judge? a) Al-Hakim; b) Al-Basir; c) As-Samiu; d) Al-Malik
- Allah’s attribute, Al-Basir, means __________. a) The Guide; b) The All-Hearing; c) The All-Seeing; d) The Ruler
- When we pray, Allah, as __________, sees our actions and intentions. a) Al-Hakim; b) As-Samiu; c) Al-Basir; d) Al-Haadi
- As-Samiu signifies Allah as __________. a) The All-Seeing; b) The All-Hearing; c) The Ruler; d) The Guide
- Allah’s role as the ultimate judge is represented by __________. a) Al-Malik; b) Al-Haadi; c) Al-Hakim; d) As-Samiu
- The attribute Al-Haadi means Allah is __________. a) The Ruler; b) The Guide; c) The Judge; d) The All-Hearing
- Al-Basir represents Allah as __________. a) The Ruler; b) The All-Seeing; c) The All-Hearing; d) The Guide
- Allah’s attribute, Al-Hakim, signifies Him as __________. a) The All-Seeing; b) The Judge; c) The Guide; d) The Ruler
- As-Samiu represents Allah as __________. a) The Guide; b) The All-Hearing; c) The Judge; d) The Ruler
- Allah’s attribute, Al-Malik, means __________. a) The All-Seeing; b) The Ruler; c) The Judge; d) The All-Hearing
- Al-Haadi signifies Allah as __________. a) The All-Hearing; b) The Ruler; c) The Guide; d) The All-Seeing
- The attribute As-Samiu means Allah is __________. a) The All-Hearing; b) The All-Seeing; c) The Ruler; d) The Guide
- Al-Hakim represents Allah as __________. a) The Ruler; b) The Guide; c) The Judge; d) The All-Seeing
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