Writing Numbers in Words and Figures | Basic 1 Mathematics Worksheet

write figures in words


Basic 1 Mathematics Worksheet

Topic: Writing Figures in Words and Numbers

Part A: Objective Questions (Fill in the Blanks)

Choose the correct answer from the options (a, b, c, or d).

  1. What is 15 in words?
    a) Fifty-one
    b) Fifteen
    c) Fifty
    d) Five
  2. Write 40 in words.
    a) Fourteen
    b) Forty
    c) Fourty
    d) Four
  3. What is seventy-five in figures?
    a) 75
    b) 57
    c) 85
    d) 70
  4. Which number is the biggest?
    a) 28
    b) 34
    c) 19
    d) 11
  5. Which number is the smallest?
    a) 22
    b) 16
    c) 18
    d) 12
  6. Add: 8 + 5 =
    a) 10
    b) 13
    c) 15
    d) 12
  7. Subtract: 20 – 7 =
    a) 15
    b) 17
    c) 13
    d) 12
  8. Multiply: 3 × 4 =
    a) 7
    b) 12
    c) 10
    d) 14
  9. Divide: 12 ÷ 3 =
    a) 3
    b) 4
    c) 5
    d) 6
  10. Write 99 in words.
    a) Ninety-nine
    b) Ninety
    c) Nineteen
    d) Nine
  11. What is twenty-four in figures?
    a) 42
    b) 24
    c) 14
    d) 20
  12. Add: 11 + 9 =
    a) 19
    b) 20
    c) 21
    d) 18
  13. What is 50 – 25 =
    a) 20
    b) 15
    c) 25
    d) 30
  14. Multiply: 5 × 2 =
    a) 12
    b) 15
    c) 10
    d) 8
  15. Divide: 16 ÷ 4 =
    a) 5
    b) 4
    c) 3
    d) 2
  16. What number comes after 69?
    a) 67
    b) 70
    c) 71
    d) 68
  17. What number comes before 50?
    a) 48
    b) 51
    c) 49
    d) 52
  18. Add: 6 + 7 =
    a) 12
    b) 11
    c) 14
    d) 13
  19. What is the smallest number?
    a) 43
    b) 29
    c) 31
    d) 27
  20. What is the biggest number?
    a) 56
    b) 40
    c) 33
    d) 50

Part B: Theory Questions

1. Write in words:

1a) 47 = __________
1b) 68 = __________

2. Write in figures:

2a) Fifty-two = __________
2b) Thirty-nine = __________

3. Solve the addition problems:

3a) 25 + 14 = __________
3b) 36 + 42 = __________

4. Solve the subtraction problems:

4a) 90 – 45 = __________
4b) 55 – 20 = __________

5. Solve the multiplication and division problems:

5a) 7 × 3 = __________
5b) 24 ÷ 6 = __________