Writing Numbers in Words and Figures | Basic 1 Mathematics Worksheet
Basic 1 Mathematics Worksheet
Topic: Writing Figures in Words and Numbers
Part A: Objective Questions (Fill in the Blanks)
Choose the correct answer from the options (a, b, c, or d).
- What is 15 in words?
a) Fifty-one
b) Fifteen
c) Fifty
d) Five - Write 40 in words.
a) Fourteen
b) Forty
c) Fourty
d) Four - What is seventy-five in figures?
a) 75
b) 57
c) 85
d) 70 - Which number is the biggest?
a) 28
b) 34
c) 19
d) 11 - Which number is the smallest?
a) 22
b) 16
c) 18
d) 12 - Add: 8 + 5 =
a) 10
b) 13
c) 15
d) 12 - Subtract: 20 – 7 =
a) 15
b) 17
c) 13
d) 12 - Multiply: 3 × 4 =
a) 7
b) 12
c) 10
d) 14 - Divide: 12 ÷ 3 =
a) 3
b) 4
c) 5
d) 6 - Write 99 in words.
a) Ninety-nine
b) Ninety
c) Nineteen
d) Nine - What is twenty-four in figures?
a) 42
b) 24
c) 14
d) 20 - Add: 11 + 9 =
a) 19
b) 20
c) 21
d) 18 - What is 50 – 25 =
a) 20
b) 15
c) 25
d) 30 - Multiply: 5 × 2 =
a) 12
b) 15
c) 10
d) 8 - Divide: 16 ÷ 4 =
a) 5
b) 4
c) 3
d) 2 - What number comes after 69?
a) 67
b) 70
c) 71
d) 68 - What number comes before 50?
a) 48
b) 51
c) 49
d) 52 - Add: 6 + 7 =
a) 12
b) 11
c) 14
d) 13 - What is the smallest number?
a) 43
b) 29
c) 31
d) 27 - What is the biggest number?
a) 56
b) 40
c) 33
d) 50
Part B: Theory Questions
1. Write in words:
1a) 47 = __________
1b) 68 = __________
2. Write in figures:
2a) Fifty-two = __________
2b) Thirty-nine = __________
3. Solve the addition problems:
3a) 25 + 14 = __________
3b) 36 + 42 = __________
4. Solve the subtraction problems:
4a) 90 – 45 = __________
4b) 55 – 20 = __________
5. Solve the multiplication and division problems:
5a) 7 × 3 = __________
5b) 24 ÷ 6 = __________
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