Week 1 & 2
Topics: Grammar: Noun
Phonics: sh,ch
Composition: My family
Reading: Comprehension passage
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. Define and identify nouns in sentences
2. Pronounce words that have sh and ch in them .
3. Say some expressions about their families- oral composition .
4. Read and answer questions from their class composition passages.
Lesson: 8 Lessons
phonics audio materials, textbooks, and notebooks
Activities: The teacher should treat all the above topics adequately one after the other.
Evaluation: Ask relevant questions on each of the topic.
Week 3 & 4
Topics: Grammar: Introduce punctuation marks – capital letters and full stop
Phonics: gh as in light, oy as in boy
Composition : My pencil
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to 1, identify and use punctuation marks 2. Pronounce words with gh and oy. 3. Write a simple composition on My pencil. 4.read a comprehension passage and answer the questions from it.
Lesson: 8 Lessons
Materials: phonics audio materials , textbooks and notebooks
Activities: as in week 1 & 2
Evaluation: as in week 1 & 2
Week 5 & 6
Topic: Grammar – verbs
Phonics – sion, tion
Composition – My class
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to
1. Define a verb and identify it in a sentence
2. Pronounce words with- sion and – tion
3. Write a simple composition about his class
5. Answer questions on a simple comprehension passage
Lesson: 8 Lessons
Materials: phonics audio gadgets and pupils books
Evaluation: as above
Week 7 & 8
Topic: Grammar – prepositions and pronouns
Phonics – ow, ew
Composition- Myself
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to 1. Define a preposition and a pronoun
- Identify them in a sentence 3. Pronounce words with ow and ew e.g bow, cow, few, sew, blew etc.
- Write a simple composition about himself/ herself 4. Answer questions from a simple comprehension passage.
Lesson: 8 Lessons
Materials: as above
Activities: as above
Evaluation: as above
PAGE 8 Week 9 & 10
Topic: Grammar – Introduce adjectives
Phonics- oi and ay
Composition- My dog
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to 1. Define an adjective.
2.identify an adjective in a sentence
- pronounce words with oi and ay e,g boil, day
- write a simple composition about his/ her pet
- answer oral questions from the comprehension passage
Lesson: 8 Lessons
Materials: phonics audio materials, textbooks and notebooks
Activities: as above
Evaluation: as above
Week 11 Revision, examination, closing.
- Brighter grammar
- Sound steps bks 1& 2
- Phonics made easy – Harrowgate ventures
About The Author
Edu Delight Tutors
Am a dedicated educator with a passion for learning and a keen interest in technology. I believe that technology can revolutionize education and am committed to creating an online hub of knowledge, inspiration, and growth for both educators and students. Welcome to Edu Delight Tutors, where learning knows no boundaries.