Revision Social Studies Primary 1 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 11

Table of Contents


1.) A dirty environment can cause (a) enjoyment (b) neatness (c) sickness
2.) When we visit the toilet we must ________ our hands (a) cut (b) wash (c) smell
3.) There are ____________ types of family (a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 6
4.) How many religions do we have in Nigeria (a) 4 (b) 6 (c) 3
5.) I must ____________ my hands before I eat (a) wash (b) cut (c) smell
6.) We ___________ together as one family (a) fight (b) pray (c) I don’t know
7.) My father’s sister is my (a) uncle (b) aunt (c) cousin
8.) My mother’s brother is my ____________ (a) uncle (b) aunt (c) daughter
9.) ______________ is my country (a) Ghana (b) Nigeria (c) Togo
10.) ___________ is an area where families live work and play
(a) market (b) office (c) neighbourhood
11.) The set of people who live in the same communities are called ______
(a) families (b) neighbours (c) enemies
12.) People who takes care of the sick people are called ______
(a) lawyer (b) teachers (c) doctors
13.) It is good to make noise in the class (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe
14.) A place where we buy and sell is called ______ (a) school (b) market (c) church
15.) ___________ takes care of the house and family (a) teacher (b) mother (c) tailor
16.) It is good to respect our elders (a) yes (b) no (c) I don’t know
17.) Sick people should be taken to the ______ (a) market (b) school (c) hospital
18.) In a classroom ________ teaches the pupils (a) tailor (b) farmers (c) teachers
19.) We keep money in the bank to plan for a better tomorrow
(a) true (b) false (c) I don’t know
20.) We must ____________ the toilet after use (a) eat (b) flush (c) leave

Section B:
1.) List two objects in the classroom
(a) ______________ (b) _________________

2.) List two things in your community
(a) _________ (b) _____________

3.) ___________ is the head of the family
4.) List two rules in a community
(a) __________ (b) __________

5.) ________ cooks for the family


Social Studies Primary 1 Second Term Lesson Notes – Week 11

Week 11: Revision of All Topics Covered with Necessary Review Questions

Part A: Review and Revision

20 FAQ with Answers for Better Understanding on Topics Previously Taught

  1. What is food?
    Food is something we eat to stay healthy and grow.
  2. Why do we need food?
    We need food to give us energy and keep our bodies strong.
  3. What are some types of food we eat?
    We eat rice, beans, fruits, vegetables, and meat.
  4. What is food safety?
    Food safety means keeping food clean and safe to eat.
  5. Why should we wash our hands before eating?
    We wash our hands to remove dirt and germs.
  6. What should we do before eating food?
    We should wash our hands and make sure the food is clean.
  7. Why should we store food in clean containers?
    Clean containers help keep the food safe and free from germs.
  8. How do we keep food safe?
    We store food properly, wash it, and cook it well.
  9. What happens if food is dirty?
    Dirty food can make us sick.
  10. Why is food safety important?
    Food safety keeps us from getting foodborne illnesses.
  11. What should we do if food smells bad?
    If food smells bad, we should not eat it.
  12. What are some examples of safe food?
    Cooked food, clean vegetables, and fresh fruits are safe.
  13. What happens if we eat unsafe food?
    Eating unsafe food can make us sick with stomach pain or diarrhea.
  14. How can we prevent foodborne illnesses?
    By washing hands, cooking food properly, and storing food correctly.
  15. What is the first thing we should do before eating food?
    We should wash our hands.
  16. How can we keep food fresh?
    We keep food fresh by storing it in cool places.
  17. What do we use to keep food from getting dirty?
    We use covers and containers to keep food clean.
  18. How do we store food safely?
    We store food in cool, dry, and clean places.
  19. What should we do if food is left out for a long time?
    We should throw it away because it may not be safe to eat.
  20. Why do we need to cook food properly?
    Cooking food kills harmful germs and makes it safe to eat.

Part B: Objective Questions (Fill-in-the-Blank)

  1. Food gives us ________.
    a) Energy
    b) Sleep
    c) Tiredness
    d) Strength
  2. We wash our ________ before eating food.
    a) Clothes
    b) Shoes
    c) Hands
    d) Hair
  3. Food safety helps to keep us ________.
    a) Sick
    b) Tired
    c) Healthy
    d) Hungry
  4. We should always store food in ________ containers.
    a) Open
    b) Dirty
    c) Clean
    d) Transparent
  5. Eating dirty food can ________ us.
    a) Help
    b) Make
    c) Protect
    d) Hurt
  6. We should wash fruits and vegetables before ________.
    a) Selling
    b) Cooking
    c) Throwing
    d) Eating
  7. To keep food safe, we should store it in ________ places.
    a) Cold
    b) Wet
    c) Dirty
    d) Warm
  8. Food safety prevents ________ illnesses.
    a) Foodborne
    b) Seasonal
    c) Minor
    d) Weather
  9. If food smells ________, it is not safe to eat.
    a) Good
    b) Sweet
    c) Bad
    d) Clean
  10. We must cook food to kill ________.
    a) Germs
    b) Colors
    c) Flavors
    d) Heat
  11. Always cover your ________ before eating.
    a) Mouth
    b) Hair
    c) Hands
    d) Food
  12. Storing food in ________ places helps keep it fresh.
    a) Wet
    b) Hot
    c) Cold
    d) Dark
  13. We should not eat food that has been ________ for too long.
    a) Stored
    b) Left out
    c) Washed
    d) Packaged
  14. We wash our ________ before handling food.
    a) Feet
    b) Hands
    c) Eyes
    d) Mouth
  15. If food is ________, it may not be safe to eat.
    a) Hot
    b) Clean
    c) Rotten
    d) Cooked
  16. ________ food is healthy and good for us.
    a) Dirty
    b) Expired
    c) Cooked
    d) Old
  17. ________ food can be dangerous if it is not handled well.
    a) Raw
    b) Clean
    c) Cooked
    d) Warm
  18. We store food in ________ places to keep it safe.
    a) Dirty
    b) Open
    c) Sealed
    d) Cold
  19. Food safety includes washing our ________.
    a) Clothes
    b) Hair
    c) Hands
    d) Shoes
  20. If food is kept in a ________, it stays safe.
    a) Dirty place
    b) Warm place
    c) Clean place
    d) Wet place

Part C: Theory Questions (Short Answer)

  1. Why do we need food safety?
  2. What should we do before eating food?
  3. How can we keep food safe from germs?
  4. What is the first thing we should do when handling food?
  5. Why should we wash fruits and vegetables before eating?
  6. What happens if we store food in the wrong place?
  7. Why is it important to cook food properly?
  8. How can food safety help prevent illnesses?
  9. What should we do if food smells bad?
  10. Why do we store food in clean containers?
  11. How can we tell if food is safe to eat?
  12. What should we do if food is left out for a long time?
  13. What is foodborne illness?
  14. How can we prevent foodborne illnesses?
  15. What should we do if food is rotten?
  16. Why should we keep food covered?
  17. How can we make sure food is stored properly?
  18. Why should we not eat food that is too old?
  19. What is the role of food safety in keeping us healthy?
  20. What happens if we don’t follow food safety rules?

Part D: True or False Questions

  1. We should store food in dirty containers. (True / False)
  2. Food safety helps keep us healthy. (True / False)
  3. It is safe to eat food that smells bad. (True / False)
  4. We should always wash our hands before eating food. (True / False)
  5. Storing food in cold places keeps it safe. (True / False)
  6. We can eat food that has been left out for too long. (True / False)
  7. Cooking food helps to kill germs. (True / False)
  8. It is important to store food in warm places. (True / False)
  9. Fruits should be washed before eating. (True / False)
  10. Dirty food can make us sick. (True / False)
  11. We should not eat food that is stored in open containers. (True / False)
  12. We should store food in clean places to keep it safe. (True / False)
  13. Food safety is not important. (True / False)
  14. We need to wash our hands after eating. (True / False)
  15. We should eat food that smells good. (True / False)
  16. We can eat food that is left outside. (True / False)
  17. Foodborne illnesses can be caused by dirty food. (True / False)
  18. Food safety helps prevent diseases. (True / False)
  19. We should not store food in cold places. (True / False)
  20. We should store food in warm, open places. (True / False)

Part E: Fill-in-the-Gaps Questions (No Options)

  1. Food safety helps to keep us ________.
  2. We wash our ________ before eating food.
  3. ________ food can make us sick.
  4. We need to cook food to kill ________.
  5. Food should be stored in ________ places to keep it fresh.
  6. If food is left outside for a long time, it may ________.
  7. We store food in ________ containers to keep it safe.
  8. We should not eat food that smells ________.
  9. Dirty food contains harmful ________.
  10. Food safety helps to prevent ________ illnesses.
  11. We need to wash fruits and vegetables before ________.
  12. We store food in ________ places to keep it fresh.
  13. ________ food can be dangerous if not handled well.
  14. If food is stored in dirty places, it can ________.
  15. We must wash our ________ before handling food.
  16. Food should be cooked to kill harmful ________.
  17. If food is rotten, we should ________ it.
  18. We should store food in ________ places to keep it safe.
  19. Food safety helps to prevent ________ diseases.
  20. We must always cover food to keep it ________.