Revision Physical and Health Education Primary 1 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 9
Lesson Plan: Physical and Health Education
Class: Primary 1
Term: Second Term
Week: 9
Topic: Revision of All Topics Covered (Review and Practice)
Duration: 40 minutes
Entry Behaviour:
- Ask students to recall some of the activities they’ve learned about during this term (e.g., local games, safety rules in swimming, ball games, etc.).
Key Words:
- Revision
- Safety
- Games
- Swimming
- Football
- Teamwork
- Fun
- Health
- Skills
Behavioural Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
- Review and recall important concepts from the lessons taught during the term.
- Answer simple questions on the topics covered (local games, football, swimming safety, etc.).
- Demonstrate improved understanding of safety and teamwork in sports.
Set Induction:
- Begin by asking the students: “Can anyone tell me one thing they remember about swimming safety?”
- Allow students to share their thoughts. Then, say: “Today, we will be revising everything we learned this term!”
Learning Resources and Materials:
- Flashcards with images of games, safety rules, swimming pool, and ball games
- Whiteboard and markers
- Handouts with questions for students to answer
Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge:
- Ask students to share their favorite physical activities from the term and what rules they learned to stay safe.
- Connect the lesson to their everyday experiences with sports, games, and swimming.
Embedded Core Skills:
- Critical Thinking: Reviewing and recalling key lessons learned during the term.
- Communication: Sharing and discussing ideas with peers.
- Safety Awareness: Applying learned safety rules in real-life scenarios.
- Teamwork: Working with others to answer questions and solve problems.
Learning Materials:
- Flashcards
- Handouts with review questions
- Markers and board
Reference Books:
- Lagos State Scheme of Work
- Primary Health Education Textbooks
Instructional Materials:
- Flashcards with pictures of various games, swimming, football, and safety rules.
- Worksheets for students to complete during the review.
Part A: Review and Revision (20 FAQ with Answers)
- Q: What is the first rule of safety in swimming?
A: Always swim with a lifeguard or adult. - Q: What should you wear when swimming to stay safe?
A: A life jacket or floaties. - Q: What is a local game?
A: A traditional game played in Nigeria like “Fire on the Mountain.” - Q: Name one thing you should never do near a pool.
A: Never run near the pool because you might slip. - Q: What is important about teamwork in ball games?
A: Working together helps you win and play safely. - Q: Can you swim alone without any adult supervision?
A: No, you should always swim with an adult or lifeguard. - Q: What is one safety rule for football?
A: Always wear your jersey and follow the game rules. - Q: What is the meaning of “float” in swimming?
A: Floating means staying on top of the water without sinking. - Q: Why is listening important when playing games?
A: It helps you understand the rules and play safely. - Q: What should you do if you get tired while swimming?
A: Rest by floating or swim to the side. - Q: What is the role of a lifeguard?
A: A lifeguard watches swimmers to keep them safe. - Q: How can you avoid slipping by the pool?
A: Walk carefully and never run. - Q: Why is it important to check the water’s depth before diving?
A: It helps you avoid hitting the bottom and getting hurt. - Q: What should you always do before you start swimming?
A: Make sure a lifeguard is present and the pool is safe. - Q: What does the word “teamwork” mean in sports?
A: Working together to reach a common goal. - Q: What is one thing you can do to stay hydrated while swimming?
A: Drink water. - Q: What are some examples of ball games?
A: Football, basketball, and volleyball. - Q: How can you stay safe while playing local games like “Fire on the Mountain”?
A: Listen to the rules and be careful when running. - Q: Why is it important to have fun during physical activities?
A: It helps you stay active and enjoy the game. - Q: What should you do if you feel uncomfortable in the water?
A: Call for help or swim to the side.
Part B: Objective Questions (20 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions)
- Always swim with a __________ (a) Dog, (b) Lifeguard, (c) Toy, (d) Friend.
- A football player must wear a __________ to identify their team. (a) Hat, (b) Jersey, (c) Shorts, (d) Shoes.
- A swimming pool should have a __________ to watch swimmers. (a) Teacher, (b) Lifeguard, (c) Referee, (d) Coach.
- Local games help develop __________ and coordination. (a) Strength, (b) Reading, (c) Teamwork, (d) Singing.
- You should never __________ near a swimming pool. (a) Run, (b) Jump, (c) Walk, (d) Skip.
- The rule of swimming is to always __________ before diving. (a) Jump, (b) Check the water depth, (c) Run, (d) Dive.
- A __________ helps you stay afloat in water. (a) Life jacket, (b) Toy, (c) Ball, (d) Cap.
- __________ is important for making good decisions in games. (a) Watching, (b) Listening, (c) Ignoring, (d) Sleeping.
- In football, you should __________ when you have the ball. (a) Run, (b) Pass, (c) Dive, (d) Sleep.
- __________ is an example of a local game. (a) Monopoly, (b) Football, (c) Fire on the Mountain, (d) Basketball.
(Continue with similar fill-in-the-blank questions.)
Part C: Theory Questions (20 Short-Answer Questions)
- What is the first rule of swimming safety?
- Why is it important to wear swim gear like floaties?
- Name a popular local game in Nigeria.
- What should you do if you feel tired in the pool?
- What is teamwork in a ball game?
- Why should you check the pool’s depth before diving?
- What should you do if someone is struggling in the water?
- Why do we need a lifeguard at the swimming pool?
- What is the role of a coach in a football game?
- What can happen if you run near the pool?
Part D: True or False Questions (20 Statements)
- True or False: You can swim alone if there is no lifeguard.
- True or False: It’s safe to dive in shallow water.
- True or False: Teamwork is important in ball games.
- True or False: You should always drink water while swimming.
- True or False: It’s safe to run around the swimming pool.
- True or False: A football game is played without a ball.
- True or False: You should never swim without an adult present.
- True or False: Lifeguards keep swimmers safe.
- True or False: Safety rules should be ignored in swimming.
- True or False: A local game is only played in a swimming pool.
Part E: Fill in the Gaps (20 Fill-in-Blank Questions)
- A __________ is someone who watches swimmers to make sure they are safe.
- You should always __________ before swimming.
- In football, a __________ is used to score goals.
- Always __________ carefully around the swimming pool.
- You should never __________ alone in the water.
- You need a __________ to help you float in water.
- __________ is important when you play sports.
- You should always check the __________ before diving into a pool.
- When playing a game, you must follow the __________.
- A good swimmer knows how to __________ in the water.
Teacher’s Activities:
- Introduce the revision lesson and explain the importance of reviewing the topics.
- Guide students through each part of the review, providing assistance where needed.
- Encourage participation in answering the questions.
- Discuss the answers as a class and provide feedback.
- Mark the students’ work and give further explanations if required.
Learners’ Activities:
- Answer the questions individually or in groups.
- Participate in discussions about the topics reviewed.
- Ask questions if they need clarification.
- Observe students’ participation during the revision.
- Check answers to the questions to assess understanding.
- Provide feedback and correct misconceptions.
- Summarize the key points learned during the term.
- Encourage students to keep practicing the skills they’ve learned.
- Mark and provide feedback on student responses.
This revision lesson will help students recall the important lessons learned throughout the term and prepare them for the upcoming assessment.
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Edu Delight Tutors
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