Examination Cultural and Creative Arts Primary 1 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 12

Cultural and Creative Arts Primary 1 Second Term Lesson Notes

Week 12: Examination of the Topics Covered in the First Term

Exam Instructions for Teachers and Students:

For Teachers:

  1. Ensure that the exam environment is quiet and conducive for students to concentrate.
  2. Remind students to read each question carefully before answering.
  3. Instruct students to write their answers clearly and legibly.
  4. Make sure all students understand the exam rules and that they have the correct exam papers.
  5. Monitor the exam closely to prevent any form of cheating or malpractice.
  6. Remind students that all mobile phones should be turned off and kept out of reach.
  7. Allow students enough time to complete the exam, but ensure they stay within the given time limit.

For Students:

  1. Read each question carefully before answering.
  2. Write your answers neatly and clearly.
  3. Do not talk to other students during the exam.
  4. Do not look at other students’ work.
  5. If you do not understand a question, raise your hand and ask the teacher for help.
  6. Do not use unauthorized materials, such as books, notes, or mobile phones.
  7. Do not engage in any form of cheating or dishonest behavior. It will result in disqualification.
  8. Ensure your work is submitted on time.
  9. Take deep breaths and stay calm – you can do it!

Part A: Objective Questions (30 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions)

  1. A ___ is something made by hand.
    (a) Toy
    (b) Craft item
    (c) Hat
    (d) Chair
  2. A ___ helps us cool down when it’s hot.
    (a) Basket
    (b) Hand fan
    (c) Chair
    (d) Table
  3. A ___ is a musical instrument you blow air into.
    (a) Guitar
    (b) Recorder
    (c) Trumpet
    (d) Drum
  4. A ___ is a way to express feelings with body movements.
    (a) Dance
    (b) Talk
    (c) Write
    (d) Sit
  5. The ___ son story teaches about forgiveness.
    (a) Prodigal
    (b) Lost
    (c) Good
    (d) Wise
  6. Craft items are often made for ___ purposes.
    (a) Eating
    (b) Decoration
    (c) Sleeping
    (d) Running
  7. ___ is used to play music and communicate with others.
    (a) Silence
    (b) Music
    (c) Art
    (d) Dance
  8. A ___ is used for carrying items.
    (a) Basket
    (b) Fan
    (c) Pillow
    (d) Chair
  9. A story’s ___ is the lesson or main idea it teaches.
    (a) Plot
    (b) Theme
    (c) Character
    (d) Title
  10. ___ is the art of making things by hand, such as baskets or mats.
    (a) Drawing
    (b) Crafting
    (c) Writing
    (d) Talking
  11. ___ is a form of communication that uses sounds and rhythms.
    (a) Singing
    (b) Music
    (c) Talking
    (d) Walking
  12. A ___ helps us express our feelings and communicate.
    (a) Fan
    (b) Dance
    (c) Recorder
    (d) Basket
  13. The story of the ___ son teaches us about the importance of forgiveness.
    (a) Prodigal
    (b) Rich
    (c) Lost
    (d) Brave
  14. A ___ is a handmade item used for various purposes like carrying food.
    (a) Pillow
    (b) Basket
    (c) Drum
    (d) Chair
  15. Music can be used to ___ emotions.
    (a) Control
    (b) Express
    (c) Hide
    (d) Forget
  16. A sense of ___ means feeling part of a group.
    (a) Loneliness
    (b) Belonging
    (c) Anger
    (d) Fear
  17. A ___ is an important community helper who keeps us safe.
    (a) Teacher
    (b) Doctor
    (c) Police officer
    (d) Farmer
  18. A ___ is something we make with our hands, like a mat or basket.
    (a) Toy
    (b) Craft item
    (c) Book
    (d) Chair
  19. ___ helps us celebrate and tell stories without using words.
    (a) Music
    (b) Painting
    (c) Dancing
    (d) Sleeping
  20. A ___ is something that helps you carry items.
    (a) Basket
    (b) Fan
    (c) Chair
    (d) Blanket
  21. The ___ is a tool for cooling yourself off.
    (a) Fan
    (b) Basket
    (c) Toy
    (d) Clock
  22. The story of the ___ teaches us that everyone deserves a second chance.
    (a) Lost sheep
    (b) Prodigal son
    (c) Brave man
    (d) Wise teacher
  23. A ___ helps us communicate our thoughts and feelings.
    (a) Phone
    (b) Dance
    (c) Music
    (d) Pen
  24. A ___ is used to carry things from one place to another.
    (a) Basket
    (b) Fan
    (c) Shirt
    (d) Table
  25. Craft items can be used for both ___ and decoration.
    (a) Fighting
    (b) Cooking
    (c) Sleeping
    (d) Practical
  26. ___ is a way of expressing ourselves without using words.
    (a) Music
    (b) Dancing
    (c) Singing
    (d) All of the above
  27. A ___ can be used to keep things like food in one place.
    (a) Basket
    (b) Pillow
    (c) Blanket
    (d) Table
  28. The ___ teaches about forgiveness and coming back home.
    (a) Prodigal son
    (b) Good Samaritan
    (c) Lost sheep
    (d) Job
  29. ___ helps us celebrate and connect with others.
    (a) Music
    (b) Noise
    (c) Silence
    (d) Writing
  30. A ___ can be made from paper, fabric, or plastic to keep us cool.
    (a) Fan
    (b) Basket
    (c) Pillow
    (d) Toy

Part B: Theory Questions (30 Short Answer Questions)

  1. What is a craft item?
  2. Why do we need a fan?
  3. How do you play the recorder?
  4. What does “theme” mean in a story?
  5. Why is dance important in our culture?
  6. What is the lesson in the story of the prodigal son?
  7. What do we use a basket for?
  8. How does music help us express feelings?
  9. Why is storytelling important?
  10. What is teamwork and why is it important in a community?
  11. How do you show you belong in your class?
  12. What is the importance of the hand fan?
  13. Can you give an example of a community helper?
  14. Why is it important to understand the theme of a story?
  15. What does it mean to have a sense of belonging?
  16. How can we use music to communicate?
  17. What is a community helper’s role?
  18. How can we express our emotions without words?
  19. What can we use a basket for other than carrying food?
  20. Why do we need teamwork in our community?
  21. What makes a story interesting?
  22. How do craft items help us in our daily lives?
  23. Can music be used to relax? How?
  24. Why do we use a hand fan?
  25. What is the role of dance in celebrations?
  26. How does a story teach lessons?
  27. What is the difference between a story’s plot and theme?
  28. Why do we create craft items?
  29. How does the theme in a story relate to real life?
  30. What lesson can we learn from the story of the prodigal son?

Part C: True or False Questions (30 Questions)

  1. Craft items are only for decoration. False
  2. A recorder is used for singing. False
  3. A fan is used to cool yourself down. True
  4. Storytelling only entertains us. False
  5. The prodigal son teaches about forgiveness. True
  6. A basket can be used to carry food. True
  7. Music cannot express emotions. False
  8. We use hand fans to keep warm. False
  9. Dance helps us express emotions. True
  10. Music is a way to communicate feelings. True
  11. Crafting is only done by professionals. False
  12. A sense of belonging means feeling left out. False
  13. Teamwork helps us achieve goals together. True
  14. A basket is a type of craft item. True
  15. The theme of a story is the plot. False
  16. A craft item can be made from paper or fabric. True
  17. We use a hand fan to make noise. False
  18. The story of the prodigal son is about a lost sheep. False
  19. Music can help us understand others better. True
  20. A story’s theme is always about happiness. False
  21. A fan can be used to decorate your room. True
  22. Dance only happens at weddings. False
  23. Music can express feelings like sadness or joy. True
  24. A basket can only carry fruits. False
  25. Teamwork means working alone. False
  26. Craft items help us celebrate events. True
  27. We only need to use a fan in the winter. False
  28. Music can tell a story without using words. True
  29. We can make craft items from plastic. True
  30. Dance is not important in our culture. False

Part D: Fill-in-the-Gaps (30 Questions without options)

  1. A ___ is something that we make with our hands.
  2. We use a ___ to cool ourselves down when it is hot.
  3. ___ is a way of showing feelings using movements.
  4. The ___ teaches us that it’s okay to make mistakes and ask for forgiveness.
  5. We use a ___ to carry things from one place to another.
  6. ___ helps us to express emotions without words.
  7. ___ is a community helper who helps us when we are sick.
  8. We tell stories to pass on ___ and lessons.
  9. A ___ is used to keep us cool.
  10. A ___ can be used for carrying food or clothes.
  11. Music can help us ___ feelings.
  12. ___ is the main idea or lesson of a story.
  13. A sense of ___ helps us feel part of a group.
  14. A ___ is made from materials like paper or fabric.
  15. A ___ helps us to enjoy celebrations and express ourselves.
  16. ___ can be used to keep things fresh.
  17. The ___ teaches about forgiveness.
  18. ___ is used to communicate with sounds.
  19. A ___ is a community helper who helps protect us.
  20. A ___ helps us feel good and make new friends.
  21. We use a ___ to play music and express feelings.
  22. ___ is important for our growth and understanding.
  23. A ___ can be used to carry gifts.
  24. ___ helps us tell people about events.
  25. ___ are used for decoration and practical uses.
  26. A ___ is a way to show happiness or sadness.
  27. We use a ___ to protect us from the sun.
  28. A ___ helps us learn from past mistakes.
  29. ___ can be a tool for relaxing.
  30. A ___ is used to store things.

End of Examination Paper