Air and its Uses Agricultural Science Primary 1 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 1

Lesson Plan for Primary 1 Agricultural Science

Subject: Agricultural Science

Class: Basic 1 / Primary 1

Term: Second Term

Week: 1

Age: 5 – 6 years

Topic: Air and Its Uses

Sub-topic: Meaning and Uses of Air

Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives

By the end of the lesson, learners will be able to:

  1. Define air.
  2. List at least three uses of air.
  3. Identify examples of air in everyday life.


  • Air
  • Gases
  • Breeze
  • Wind
  • Storm

Set Induction

The teacher asks:

  • “Can you feel something blowing on your face when you wave your hands?”
  • “What happens to a balloon when we blow into it?”

This will engage the pupils and connect them to the topic.

Entry Behaviour

The pupils have basic knowledge of air from their previous lesson.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Wall charts showing pictures of air in motion (wind, breeze, storm).
  • A deflated and inflated balloon.
  • A fan or paper for demonstrating moving air.
  • Textbooks (Lagos State Scheme of Work).

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

The teacher revises the last lesson by asking pupils to describe what they know about air and how they use it daily.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Critical thinking
  • Observation
  • Communication
  • Teamwork


Definition of Air

  1. Air is a mixture of gases.
  2. It is all around us, though we cannot see it.
  3. Air helps us to breathe.
  4. Moving air is called wind.
  5. Cool air is known as a breeze.

Uses of Air

  1. Air is needed for breathing.
  2. It helps fire to burn.
  3. Balloons become bigger when filled with air.
  4. Air makes airplanes fly.
  5. Air dries wet clothes.

Examples of Air in Everyday Life

  1. Blowing a balloon.
  2. Drying clothes under the sun.
  3. Feeling wind on a windy day.
  4. Seeing leaves move because of air.
  5. Watching airplanes fly in the sky.

Instructional Materials

  1. Wall charts.
  2. Online resources.
  3. Balloons.
  4. Textbooks.

Reference Books

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Primary Agricultural Science Textbook

Presentation Steps

Step 1: Revising the Previous Topic

  • The teacher asks pupils to recall what they know about air.

Step 2: Introducing the New Topic

  • The teacher defines air and explains its uses.

Step 3: Explanation and Discussion

  • The teacher uses wall charts, balloons, and fans to explain the meaning and uses of air.

Step 4: Encouraging Participation

  • The teacher asks pupils to mention things they know that need air to work.

Step 5: Practical Demonstration

  • Pupils blow air into balloons and wave papers to feel moving air.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Display charts of air-related activities.
  2. Ask pupils questions about their experience with air.
  3. Demonstrate air movement using simple materials.

Learners’ Activities

  1. Respond to teacher’s questions.
  2. Participate in blowing balloons.
  3. Share examples of air in their daily life.

Identifying plants with their uses

Class Activity Discussion (FAQs)

  1. What is air? Air is a mixture of gases.
  2. Where can we find air? Air is everywhere.
  3. Can we see air? No, but we can feel it.
  4. What helps us to breathe? Air.
  5. What is cool air called? Breeze.
  6. What is moving air called? Wind.
  7. What does air help fire to do? Burn.
  8. What do we fill balloons with? Air.
  9. What makes airplanes fly? Air.
  10. Does air dry clothes? Yes.
  11. Can we live without air? No.
  12. What do we breathe out? Air.
  13. Is air useful? Yes.
  14. What do we feel on a windy day? Air moving.
  15. Does air make sound? No, but it can move objects.

Evaluation Questions

Fill in the blanks:

  1. Air is a mixture of ____. (a) solids (b) liquids (c) gases
  2. Moving air is called ____. (a) storm (b) wind (c) fire
  3. Cool air is called a ____. (a) breeze (b) storm (c) cloud
  4. We need air to ____. (a) sleep (b) breathe (c) eat
  5. Balloons become ____ when filled with air. (a) bigger (b) smaller (c) heavy
  6. Air helps ____ to burn. (a) water (b) fire (c) stones
  7. Air makes wet clothes ____. (a) heavy (b) dry (c) burn
  8. Air helps ____ to fly. (a) birds (b) airplanes (c) cars
  9. We cannot ____ air. (a) see (b) feel (c) use
  10. Violent air is called a ____. (a) breeze (b) storm (c) river
  11. Air is needed to keep us ____. (a) alive (b) tired (c) asleep
  12. We breathe out air from our ____. (a) nose (b) ears (c) hands
  13. Air is ____ us. (a) beside (b) around (c) under
  14. Fire needs air to ____. (a) burn (b) cook (c) move
  15. Air is a ____. (a) liquid (b) mixture of gases (c) solid


  1. What is air?
  2. Mention three uses of air.
  3. What is cool air called?
  4. What is moving air called?
  5. Give two examples of air in daily life.


The teacher marks pupils’ work, gives feedback, and encourages them to observe how air is used around them at home.

SEO Elements

Captivating Title:
“Air and Its Uses: Comprehensive Lesson for Primary 1”

Focus Keyphrase:
Air and Its Uses

SEO Title:
Air and Its Uses | Primary 1 Agricultural Science Lesson Plan


Meta Description:
Discover a detailed lesson plan on “Air and Its Uses” for Primary 1 pupils.


Fill-in-the-Blank Questions with Options

  1. Air is a mixture of _____.
    (a) solids (b) gases (c) liquids (d) dust
  2. Moving air is called _____.
    (a) fire (b) water (c) wind (d) rain
  3. Cool air is known as _____.
    (a) breeze (b) storm (c) cloud (d) smoke
  4. Violent air is called a _____.
    (a) breeze (b) river (c) storm (d) fire
  5. We need air to _____.
    (a) breathe (b) jump (c) sing (d) eat
  6. Balloons become _____ when filled with air.
    (a) heavy (b) bigger (c) smaller (d) flat
  7. Air helps _____ to burn.
    (a) fire (b) water (c) stone (d) wood
  8. Clothes dry faster when there is _____.
    (a) air (b) water (c) heat (d) ice
  9. Air is needed for _____ to fly.
    (a) cars (b) airplanes (c) bicycles (d) trains
  10. Air is _____.
    (a) visible (b) invisible (c) heavy (d) dark
  11. We cannot live without _____.
    (a) food (b) water (c) air (d) toys
  12. Air helps us to _____.
    (a) cook (b) breathe (c) run (d) sit
  13. We cannot _____ air.
    (a) see (b) feel (c) use (d) blow
  14. Air is all around _____.
    (a) animals (b) plants (c) us (d) machines
  15. Air in motion is known as _____.
    (a) light (b) wind (c) sound (d) ice

Class Activity Discussion

FAQs with Answers

  1. What is air?
    Air is a mixture of gases.
  2. Can we see air?
    No, air is invisible.
  3. Where is air found?
    Air is found all around us.
  4. What helps us to breathe?
    Air helps us to breathe.
  5. What is moving air called?
    Moving air is called wind.
  6. What is cool air called?
    Cool air is called a breeze.
  7. What is violent air called?
    Violent air is called a storm.
  8. Why do we need air?
    We need air to stay alive and breathe.
  9. What happens when we fill a balloon with air?
    It becomes bigger.
  10. Does air help fire to burn?
    Yes, air helps fire to burn.
  11. How does air dry wet clothes?
    Air moves over wet clothes and makes them dry.
  12. What uses air to fly?
    Airplanes use air to fly.
  13. Can we live without air?
    No, we cannot live without air.
  14. What happens when air moves fast?
    It can turn into wind or a storm.
  15. Is air useful?
    Yes, air is very useful for many things.

10 Evaluation Questions

  1. What is air?
  2. Mention three uses of air.
  3. What is the name of cool air?
  4. What is moving air called?
  5. Why do we need air?
  6. Mention two examples of how air is used.
  7. What happens to clothes when air blows on them?
  8. Can fire burn without air? Explain.
  9. How does air help balloons?
  10. Where can we find air?

These questions, FAQs, and evaluation exercises are designed to reinforce learning and ensure pupils fully understand the topic “Air and Its Uses.”


4oIdentifying plants with their uses