Explain the following terms: i. Population ii. Statistics iii. Non-probability sampling iv. Sampling technique v. Sample

Explain the following terms:


ii. Statistics

iii. Non-probability sampling

iv. Sampling technique

v. Sample







State and explain seven (7) assumptions that are made when using the parametric statistics to test a hypothesis




i. Population: Population refers to the entire group of individuals, items, or elements that share a common characteristic and are of interest in a study. It’s the complete set of subjects about which researchers want to draw conclusions. For example, if a study is focused on the average height of all adults in a country, the population would encompass every adult in that country. However, due to practical limitations, researchers often work with a subset of the population, known as a sample, to make inferences about the entire population.

ii. Statistics: Statistics can refer to two related things:

  • As a field of study: Statistics is a branch of mathematics that deals with the collection, analysis, interpretation, presentation, and organization of data. It provides methods to summarize and draw meaningful insights from data, helping in decision-making and research.
  • As numerical measures: In this context, statistics are numerical measures derived from data that provide information about a particular aspect of a population or sample. Examples include measures like mean, median, mode, variance, and standard deviation.

iii. Non-probability Sampling: Non-probability sampling is a method of selecting a sample from a population in a way that not every element of the population has a known, nonzero chance of being included in the sample. In non-probability sampling, the selection process is not random and may rely on convenience, judgment, or accessibility. This method is often used when researchers have limited resources or specific criteria for selecting participants. Examples of non-probability sampling techniques include convenience sampling and purposive sampling.

iv. Sampling Technique: A sampling technique is a systematic method used to select a subset (sample) of individuals or items from a larger group (population). Different techniques are employed based on the research goals and available resources. Some common sampling techniques include:

  • Simple Random Sampling: Every element in the population has an equal chance of being selected.
  • Stratified Sampling: The population is divided into subgroups (strata), and samples are taken from each stratum.
  • Cluster Sampling: The population is divided into clusters, and a few clusters are randomly selected for sampling.
  • Systematic Sampling: Every nth element is selected from the population after a starting point is chosen randomly.
  • Convenience Sampling: Participants are chosen based on convenience and accessibility.

v. Sample: A sample is a subset of individuals or items selected from a larger group (population) to represent and study the entire population. The purpose of taking a sample is to draw conclusions about the population without needing to analyze every single element. Properly chosen samples should be representative of the population characteristics, ensuring that the conclusions drawn from the sample can be generalized to the larger population.

These explanations provide a foundation for understanding these terms in the context of research, data analysis, and sampling methodologies.






i. Population refers to the ____________ group of individuals or items that share a common characteristic and are of interest in a study.

a) Partial
b) Entire
c) Selective

ii. Statistics is a branch of mathematics that deals with the collection, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of ____________.

a) Data
b) Theories
c) Hypotheses

iii. Non-probability sampling involves selecting a sample without giving every element of the population a known, nonzero ____________ of being included.

a) Probability
b) Chance
c) Option

iv. A sampling technique is a systematic method used to select a subset of individuals or items from a larger group (population) based on certain ____________.
a) Criteria
b) Guesswork
c) Convenience

v. A sample is a subset of individuals or items selected from a ____________ group to represent and study the entire population.
a) Different
b) Similar
c) Larger

i. The ____________ includes all elements of a defined group that researchers want to study.
a) Study group
b) Population
c) Sample

ii. In the context of data analysis, statistics are numerical ____________ derived from data.
a) Patterns
b) Measures
c) Graphs

iii. Non-probability sampling may involve convenience sampling, where participants are chosen based on ____________.
a) Random selection
b) Accessibility
c) Representativeness

iv. A systematic method used to select a subset from a larger group is called a ____________.
a) Random guess
b) Sampling technique
c) Hypothesis


v. A ____________ should be representative of the larger population to draw accurate conclusions.
a) Random selection
b) Non-representative subset
c) Sample

i. The group of individuals or items that share a common characteristic and are of interest in a study is known as the ____________.
a) Sample
b) Population
c) Comparison group

ii. Statistics provide methods to ____________ data and draw meaningful insights.
a) Ignore
b) Summarize
c) Change

iii. Non-probability sampling may lead to a lack of ____________ of the sample to the population.
a) Representativeness
b) Interest
c) Bias

iv. A systematic approach used to select a subset from a larger group ensures ____________ in research.
a) Randomness
b) Convenience
c) Reliability

v. A ____________ is a manageable subset used to draw conclusions about a larger population.
a) Sample
b) Variable
c) Population
