Vocational Aptitude Pry 2 First Term Examination



NAME: _______________________

Section A: Multiple Choice Questions

Fill in the blank or choose the correct option.

  1. A person who keeps and checks account records is called a _________.
    a) Cobbler
    b) Accountant
    c) Baker
  2. The person who bakes bread is a _____________.
    a) Baker
    b) Potter
    c) Farmer
  3. ____________ teaches students in the school.
    a) Farmer
    b) Teacher
    c) Lawyer
  4. ____________ works on the farm.
    a) Lawyer
    b) Farmer
    c) Teacher
  5. ___________ works in a pharmacy.
    a) Pharmacist
    b) Chemist
    c) Farmer
  6. The following works in a studio except ____________.
    a) Lawyer
    b) Photographer
    c) Broadcaster
  7. Teaching is the vocation of a teacher.
    a) True
    b) False
  8. The head of a primary school is a ______________.
    a) Headmaster/Headmistress
    b) Class Captain
    c) Lawyer
  9. _____________ is where pupils’ attendance is recorded.
    a) Ruler
    b) Chalk
    c) Register
  10. The workplace of a banker is a ______________.
    a) Farm
    b) School
    c) Bank
  11. A _____________ works in a hospital.
    a) Nurse
    b) Teacher
    c) Farmer
  12. A person who repairs shoes is a ____________.
    a) Cobbler
    b) Teacher
    c) Chef
  13. The person who makes pottery is a ________________.
    a) Farmer
    b) Potter
    c) Cook
  14. A person who sells food in a restaurant is a ____________.
    a) Chef
    b) Waiter
    c) Farmer
  15. A person who fixes machines is a ____________.
    a) Mechanic
    b) Teacher
    c) Lawyer
  16. A ____________ works in a law firm.
    a) Chef
    b) Lawyer
    c) Farmer
  17. A person who builds houses is a ___________.
    a) Carpenter
    b) Builder
    c) Tailor
  18. A person who drives a vehicle is a __________.
    a) Cook
    b) Driver
    c) Singer
  19. The person who makes clothes is a ____________.
    a) Chef
    b) Tailor
    c) Farmer
  20. A ___________ works in a school teaching children.
    a) Teacher
    b) Nurse
    c) Farmer
  21. A ___________ helps sick people in the hospital.
    a) Lawyer
    b) Nurse
    c) Teacher
  22. A ____________ works at the airport.
    a) Pilot
    b) Driver
    c) Teacher
  23. A ___________ takes care of plants and crops on the farm.
    a) Farmer
    b) Teacher
    c) Mechanic
  24. A person who writes books is a ___________.
    a) Author
    b) Cook
    c) Lawyer
  25. A ____________ helps to fix electric wires.
    a) Electrician
    b) Chef
    c) Farmer
  26. A person who delivers letters is a ____________.
    a) Teacher
    b) Postman
    c) Lawyer
  27. A ___________ makes shoes.
    a) Cobbler
    b) Barber
    c) Doctor
  28. A ____________ works with animals.
    a) Teacher
    b) Vet
    c) Waiter
  29. The person who works with computers is called a ___________.
    a) Chef
    b) Technician
    c) Programmer
  30. A ___________ works in a farm growing crops.
    a) Cook
    b) Farmer
    c) Teacher

Section B: Theory

Evaluation Questions

  1. List three vocations you know.
    (a) ______________________________
    (b) ______________________________
    (c) ______________________________
  2. Mention three reasons why people work.
    (a) ______________________________
    (b) ______________________________
    (c) ______________________________
  3. List four workplaces where people work.
    (a) ______________________________
    (b) ______________________________
    (c) ______________________________
    (d) ______________________________
  4. Name four tools used by a teacher.
    (a) ______________________________
    (b) ______________________________
    (c) ______________________________
    (d) ______________________________
  5. Mention three tools used in a bank.
    (a) ______________________________
    (b) ______________________________
    (c) ______________________________
  6. Describe the role of a pharmacist.

  7. Explain what a tailor does.

  8. Write two duties of a teacher in the classroom.
    (a) ______________________________
    (b) ______________________________
  9. State one difference between a farmer and a baker.

  10. Why is it important to have different vocations?