Social Studies Primary 6 First Term Examination Questions


CLASS: Primary 6
SUBJECT: Social Studies
NAME: ___________________________________________


Choose the correct answer from the options provided.

  1. Which of these countries doesn’t have influence on the Nigerian family?
    (a) Canada
    (b) Togo
    (c) Britain
  2. Foreign countries have influenced Nigerian families in the following ways except ________
    (a) Language
    (b) Dressing
    (c) Sleeping
  3. _________ are people who are engaged in a job either for themselves or working for someone in order to cater for their family.
    (a) Travelling parents
    (b) Working parents
    (c) Lazy parents
  4. A marriage between a Hausa man and a Hausa woman is referred to as ________ marriage.
    (a) Intra-marriage
    (b) Court marriage
    (c) Inter-ethnic
  5. If an Igbo man marries a Urhobo woman, this type of marriage is called ________
    (a) Court marriage
    (b) Intra-marriage
    (c) Inter-ethnic
  6. One of the following is an advantage of a working parent.
    (a) They do not have enough time for their family
    (b) They make money to cater for the family
    (c) They have their babies in the care of neighbours or housemaids
  7. A woman who has not yet married is called ___________
    (a) Spinster
    (b) Unmarried woman
    (c) Bachelor
  8. A man who has not yet married is called _________
    (a) Unmarried man
    (b) Bachelor
    (c) Spinster
  9. Religious intolerance is caused when ________
    (a) People believe their religion is better than others
    (b) People believe in the worship of one God
    (c) People believe that all religions preach love
  10. One of the following religions is not practiced in Nigeria?
    (a) Christianity
    (b) Islam
    (c) Buddhism
  11. Which of the following is a positive aspect of foreign culture on our values and beliefs?
    (a) Internet fraud
    (b) Education
    (c) Mass accident
  12. The following are disadvantages of foreign cultures on our values and beliefs except ______
    (a) Eating canned food instead of fresh food
    (b) Loss of interest in our traditions and customs
    (c) Learning Western education
  13. ________ are associations formed by groups of workers for the purpose of working to improve the welfare and conditions of service of their members.
    (a) National union
    (b) Trade union
    (c) Teachers’ union
  14. The money received after hourly or daily work is __________
    (a) Wages
    (b) Income
    (c) Salary
  15. The condition in which one has a job to do on a daily basis to earn a living is referred to as _________
    (a) Job
    (b) Employment
    (c) Unemployment
  16. Examples of trade unions are the following except _________
    (a) NTA
    (b) NUJ
    (c) NUT
  17. _______ is a condition in which one has no job to do on a regular basis.
    (a) Unemployment
    (b) Job
    (c) Employment
  18. The money a worker receives at the end of the month is called __________
    (a) Wages
    (b) Savings
    (c) Salary
  19. Parents’ and teachers’ responsibilities to children include the following except ________
    (a) Supervising their studies
    (b) Teaching them morals
    (c) Allowing them to play all the time
  20. _____ is the head of the family.
    (a) Mother
    (b) Father
    (c) Aunt
  21. The major cause of marital failure is ___________.
    (a) Love and commitment
    (b) Lack of trust and communication
    (c) Honesty
  22. The family is the ______ unit of society.
    (a) Largest
    (b) Smallest
    (c) Richest
  23. The act of a person being legally married to more than one spouse at a time is called _________.
    (a) Monogamy
    (b) Polygamy
    (c) Courtship
  24. _________ is the process by which knowledge, customs, and values are passed from one generation to another.
    (a) Socialization
    (b) Education
    (c) Imitation
  25. One of the effects of religious intolerance is ________.
    (a) Peaceful coexistence
    (b) War and conflict
    (c) Unity
  26. The Nigerian legal system does not recognize _______ marriage.
    (a) Traditional
    (b) Bigamy
    (c) Court
  27. One of the effects of a broken home is ___________.
    (a) Good behavior in children
    (b) Increased social vices
    (c) High parental care
  28. The cultural practice of naming a child is known as _________.
    (a) Birth ceremony
    (b) Wedding
    (c) Burial
  29. The process of training children to be responsible members of society is called ________.
    (a) Parenting
    (b) Schooling
    (c) Playing
  30. The major aim of a trade union is to __________.
    (a) Increase unemployment
    (b) Protect the welfare of workers
    (c) Create conflict

Christian Religious Studies Primary 6 First Term Examination Questions


  1. What is inter-ethnic marriage?

  2. Give an example of inter-ethnic marriage.

  3. What is intra-ethnic marriage?

  4. Give an example of intra-ethnic marriage.

  5. Define culture.

  6. List four aspects of culture.
    (i) ________________________________________________________
    (ii) ________________________________________________________
    (iii) ________________________________________________________
    (iv) ________________________________________________________
  7. Define marital failure.

  8. State two causes of marital failure.
    (i) ________________________________________________________
    (ii) ________________________________________________________
  9. What is labour?

  10. The reward for labour is ________________________________.


  1. The Nigerian marriage system recognizes __________ types of marriage.
  2. One negative effect of foreign culture on Nigeria is the loss of __________.
  3. The family where both parents work is called a __________ family.
  4. __________ is a situation where there is no employment opportunity.
  5. A man legally married to more than one wife practices __________.
  6. The major source of income for a family is __________.
  7. __________ is the process of selecting a partner before marriage.
  8. __________ is the head of a traditional family in Nigeria.
  9. __________ and __________ are major types of employment.
  10. __________ is an example of a traditional Nigerian festival.


  • Answer all questions.
  • Write neatly and legibly.
  • Ensure your answers are correct before submitting.

Basic Science Primary 6 First Term Examination Questions