1. 20. Moses called the place where water gushed out from the rock `Mussuh and Meribaj` because the people of Israel (a)asked him to do so (b)found fault with God (c)wanted to have a new leader (d)decided to go back to Egypt



Instruction: answer any four (4) questions

(1a) Outline in Chronological order the first creation story

(b)    Give tree reasons why man is regarded as the crown if 


(2a)   How did Moses become the son f Pharaoh’s daughter?

(b)     Explain three ways in which this prepared Moses for 

           his future leadership roles

(3a)  Give account o Joshua’s farewell address 

(b)   Outline two leadership qualities which he manifested

      during this occasion

(4a) Give account of Joseph’s first encounter with Pharaoh

(b) State any three qualities of his that earned him 

  Pharaoh’s favour

(5a) Give an account of the war between the Israelites and 

          the Canaanites during the time of Deborah

 (b) In what ways can Christians benefit from the 

leadership qualities displayed by Deborah

(6a) Outline the circumstance that led to the gift of manna 

          and quails in the wilderness

(b) What does this episode reveal of the nature of God?




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Okokomaiko  Lagos








Time allowed: 1 hour



  • Read the following instructions carefully.
  • Write your name in block form starting with your surname
  • Avoid choosing more than one option in the objective part
  • You are advised to work completely on your own


Instruction: answer all 

  • In the creation story, the job of giving names to all living creatures was performed by (a)God (b)Adam and Eve (c)man (d)the Angels of God
  • At the time of creation, the river that flowed out of Eden to water the Garden divided into the following rivers (a)Pishon, Gihor, Tigris and Euphrates (b)Ahava, Nile, Jordan and Tigris (c)Cyrus, Jordan, Tigris and Euphrates (d)Nile, Jordan, Pishon and Gihon
  • Which of the following did God don on the seventh day after he had completed the work of creation?  He (a)blessed and hallowed the seventh day (b)worshipped on the seventh day (c)took a record of all that he had created (d)established the creatures according to their names
  • According to the creation story, man became a living being because God (a)formed him out of dust (b)gave him the tree of knowledge (c)gave him a woman to live with him (d)gave him the breath of life
  • In the first creation story, the major difference between man all other living things was that (a)every other thing was created after man (b)only man was given the power to be fruitful (c)all other things were not created male and females (d)man was created in the image of the creator
  • When Joseph was sent to his brothers, he met them pasturing at (a)Hebron (b)Dothan (c)Bethel (d)Beersheba
  • According to Joseph’s interpretation of Pharaoh’s dreams; the seven empty years of (a)famine (b)abundance (c)farming (d)harvest
  • God prepared Joseph for his leadership role in Egypt through (a)the love which his father had for him (b)the trials and temptations of his earlier years (c)his belief that his dreams would materialize (d)the training received from his father
  • Moses ran away from Egypt because he (a)did not like to be brought up in Egyptian circles (b)could no longer endure the famine in the land (c)feared that the news of his act of murder would reach the king (d)heard a divine call
  • Moses was keeping flock of his father in-law on mount (a)Gilboa (b)Horeb (c)Nebo (d)Camel
  • “Fear not, stand firm and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will work for you today”, Moses made this statement when (a)the Amelekites suddenly attacked Israel at Rephidim (b)the Israelites were trapped between the host of Egypt and the Red sea (c)the Israelites faced hunger and death at the wilderness of sin
  • Joshua was a successful leader of his people because he (a)was chosen by Moses (b)trusted in God (c)was a spy (d)was a brilliant soldier
  • How old was Joshua before he died? (a)95 years (b)98 years (c)110 years (d)111 years
  • Who among the following kings was raised by God against the Israelites for going after the Canaanite gods? (a)Agap (b)Zebra c)Zalmunal (d)Jabin
  • Deborah, a prophetess  who was a judge in Israel was the wife of (a)Joshua (b)Abijah (c)Lappidoth (d)Sisera
  • “The Lord will sell Sisera into the hand of a woman”. This statement was directed to (a)Barak (b)Lappidoth (c)Joel (d)Jabin
  • When Moses stayed away for too long on the mountain, the people of Israel (a)prayed and fasted (b)embarked on farming (c)returned to Egypt (d)made and worshipped idol
  • God provided water for the Israelites by asking Moses to strike the rock at the wilderness of (a)Rephidium (b)sin (c)Massah (d)Paran
  • God fed the Israelites with manna in the wilderness of (a)zin  (b)sin (c)Meriba (d)shur


Answer any four questions 

  • (a).  Define Social Studies

(b).  List all related Social Studies subjects (10 marks)

  • Write short note on the history of social Studies in Nigerian schools stating the year and the school it started   (10 marks)

  • (a).  Define family

(b).  List three responsibilities each of father, mother and 

     children   (10 marks)

  • (a).  Define socialization

(b).  List four agents of socialization   (10 marks)

  • (a).  List six common crimes

(b).  Explain any three common crimes and their    

     Consequences   (10 marks)



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           Edu Delight Tutors WhatsApp group ,

Okokomaiko  Lagos









Time allowed: 1 hour



  • Read the following instructions carefully.
  • Write your name in block form starting with your surname
  • Avoid choosing more than one option in the objective part
  • You are advised to work completely on your own

Section A in this section

Attempt all questions

  • A group in which the relationship between the members are close or intimate is called __________ group (a)voluntary (b)secondary (c)primary (d)community
  • A family is a group of people who are related by the following except (a)blood (b)marriage (c)adoption (d)community
  • The role of children in the home is to _________ (a)abuse older people (b)obey parents (c)fight one another (d)plan for the future
  • Man’s total way of life is called __________ (a)education (b)heritage (c)religion (d)culture
  • All are characteristics of culture except __________ (a)culture is shared (b)culture is learnt (c)culture is planted (d)culture brings people together
  • One agent of socialization does not include _____________ (a)mass media (b)religious organization (c)home (d)knowledge
  • All are importance of socialization except _________ (a)it shows we are human (b)encourages self esteem (c)helps in human development (d)it encourages crime in the society
  • All are part of man’s physical environment except (a)house (b)cars (c)mountain (d)dances
  • Rights of  citizens include the following except (a)right to life (b)right to freedom of speech (c)right to marry (d)right to education
  • Social Studies is now a component of ________ subject (a)National Values Education (b)Religious and National values (c)Civic Education (d)Basic Science and Technology
  • _____________ forms an important aspect of culture (a)robbery (b)language (c)war (d)crisis
  • Every tribe or community has its own district _________ (a)rules (b)culture (c)farming (d)war
  • Friendship is a __________  between two people (a)relationship (b)war (c)crime (d)all of the above
  • By being loyal, a friend shows _________ for another (a)courage (b)support (c)jealousy (d)impatience
  • Falsehood means a statement that is _________ (a)true (b)almost true (c)not true (d)correct
  • One of these is a common crime (a)fraud (b)falsehood (c)rape (d)all of the above
  • Murder is the unlawful killing of a person without __________ (a)weapon (b)anger (c)love (d)justification
  • When two people are really close than brothers or sisters, they are called __________ (a)close friends (b)best friends (c)acquaintance (d)common friends
  • Factors that determine choice of friends include the following except _________ (a)age (b)likes and dislikes (c)skills (d)class
  • The unlawful taking or carrying away of a person’s property without consent is called __________(a)embezzlement (b)fraud (c)falsehood (d)theft


Answer any three questions 


  1.   (a).  Define Social Studies

(b).  List all related Social Studies subjects

(c).  List three goals of social studies 

  •  (a).  What do you understand by child abuse

(b).  List five  types of child abuse

(c).  Suggest three solutions on how child abuse can be    

       stopped in our society

  • (a).  What is drug abuse

(b).  List five consequences of drug abuse

(c).  Mention two ways to prevent drug abuse

  • (a).  Write the full meaning of the following government 

         agencies that fight against corruption in Nigeria:

(i). NPF

(ii). EFCC



(b).Give two roles of the EFCC in the fight against  


(c). Name one notable public officer who have been tried    

      in  Nigeria by these agencies

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Okokomaiko  Lagos









Time allowed: 1 hour



  • Read the following instructions carefully.
  • Write your name in block form starting with your surname
  • Avoid choosing more than one option in the objective part
  • You are advised to work completely on your own

Section A

Attempt all questions

  • Social studies deal with one of the following (a)man (b)animals (c)inanimate objects (d)precious objects in our environments
  • All are objectives of social Studies except (a)teaches values (b)helps us understand our social environment (c)teaches us to be law abiding citizens (d)teaches us to abuse our society
  • Child abuse is the ________ melted out to children (a)encouragement (b)maltreatment (c)concern (d)danger
  • A child can be abused __________ (a)physically (b)sexually (c)psychologically (d)all of the above
  • Children can be neglected in the following ways except _____________ (a)educationally (b)emotionally (c)medically (d)none of the above
  • Which of these is not a method of using drugs? (a)smoking (b)swallowing (c)rubbing (d)none of the above
  • Effect of drug abuse on an individual is felt in the area of _________ (a)education (b)family life (c)health (d)all of the above
  • Drug abusers often bring _______ to their families (a)money (b)glory (c)happiness (d)shame
  • Drug abuse can lead to ____________ (a)insanity (b)death (c)deformity (d)all of the above
  • One of the causes of drug trafficking in Nigeria is _____________ (a)poverty (b)unemployment (c)get rich quick syndrome (d)all of the above
  • Which of these is harmful? (a)blood tonic (b)paracetamol (c)heroine (d)none of the above
  •  Drug trafficking laws penalize the selling of unlawful substances such as __________ (a)water (b)marijuana (c)petrol (d)gas
  • Countries like _________ gives death penalty for drug trafficking (a)Malaysia (b)Nigeria (c)Togo (d)none of the above
  • Groups are necessary for the following reasons (a)task performance (b)cooperation (c)achievement of set goals (d)all of the above
  • Which of these is a type of informal group? (a)interest group (b)membership group (c)friendship group (d)all of the above
  • Which of these is an effect of corruption on the society? (a)promotes growth and development (b)makes citizen wealthy (c)imbalanced economy (d)prosperity
  • Which of these is an aspect of corruption (a)fraud (b)bribery (c)rape (d)all of the above
  • The agency that fight against drug trafficking is ____________ (a)EFCC (b)NDLEA (c)NAFDAC (d)SON
  • Drug abuse encourages ___________ (a)peace of mind (b)crimes (c)patriotism (d)corruption
  • The kind of corruption that involves giving money to someone in position of authority to get something dome is __________ (a)fraud (b)embezzlement (c)bribery (d)forgery


Answer any four questions 

  • (a).  Define goal setting

(b).  List five achievements when goals are set

  • (a).  Define peace

(b).  Describe the two types of peace

  • (a).  What is harmful traditional practices

(b).  List five harmful traditional practices 

  • (a).  Define decision making

(b).  List five ways in which decision making can be helpful  

        to an individual

  • (a).  Define family

(b).  List two types of nuclear family

(c).  State three duties each of the (i) father (b)mother 



Edu Delight Tutors

Edu Delight Tutors WhatsApp group ,

Okokomaiko  Lagos









                     Time allowed: 1 hour



  • Read the following instructions carefully.
  • Write your name in block form starting with your surname
  • Avoid choosing more than one option in the objective part
  • You are advised to work completely on your own

Section A

Attempt all questions

  • Human trafficking is the trade in __________ (a)drug (b)humans (c)animals (d)herbs
  • Child trafficking is common in _________ (a)Africa (b)Europe (c)Asia (d)none of the above
  • Women who are taken from a particular country to another by traffickers could be used for __________ (a)prostitution (b)drug trafficking (c)terrorism (d)all of the above
  • Which arm of government could make laws to curb trafficking of children and women? (a)press (b)executive (c)judiciary (d)legislature
  • Foreign media programmes expose children to _________ (a)Benin culture (b)Nigerian culture (c)senatorial culture (d)foreign culture
  • Children should be prevented from watching some adult programmes because of their vulnerable nature (a)true (b)false (c)A&B (d)all of the above
  • Harmful traditional practices has been in existence since ancient time (a)true (b)false (c)A&B (d)all of the above
  • Forced or early marriage is an example of harmful traditional practice (a)true (b)false (c)A&B (d)all of the above
  • _____ and ________ are the main victims of harmful traditional practices (a)true (b)false (c)A&B (d)all of the above
  • Showing love to someone should be natural (a)true (b)false (c)A&B (d)all of the above
  • __________ is a strong feeling of affection (a)hatred (b)love (c)war (d)sorrow
  • __________ exist where there is love (a)sorrow (b)happiness (c)tears (d)none of the above
  • True friendship is built on __________ (a)trust (b)failure (c)lies (d)dishonesty
  • Which is used by Christians as unconditional love of God (a)agafe love (b)agape love (c)aganpe love (d)agaga love

  • The most populous country in the world is ___________ (a)Nigeria (b)Togo (c)China (d)Brazil
  • Children should engage in sexual intercourse TRUE/FALSE
  • There are ________ types of peace (a)1 (b)2 (c)3 (d)4
  • The motto of Nigeria is unity _______ and progress (a)peace (b)peaceful (c)happiness (d)hatred
  • Parent can regulate the movement of their children by teaching them good _____________ (a)morals (b)stealing (c)wrestling tactics (d)lies
  • When goals are set one becomes _________ (a)hardworking (b)lazy (c)poor (d)none

Edu Delight Tutors

Edu Delight Tutors WhatsApp group ,

Okokomaiko  Lagos









                     Time allowed: 1 hour



  • Read the following instructions carefully.
  • Write your name in block form starting with your surname
  • Avoid choosing more than one option in the objective part
  • You are advised to work completely on your own

Part a – Objective

Instruction: answer all questions correctly.

  • The physical part of a computer is ___________ (a)hardware (b)software (c)peoples ware none of the above 
  • ___________ is software stored to the RAM to help the computer function properly (a)system software (b)hardware software (c)peoples ware software (d)application software
  • _________ is an example of software (a)system software(b)program software (d)hardware software
  • Abacus is a counting tool (TRUE/FALSE)
  • The earliest known tool used for computation was _________ abacus (b)Pascaline  (c)analytical engine (d)all of the above 
  • Who made the analytical engine (a)Charles Babbage (b)Blaise Pascal (c)William Seaward Burroughs 
  • CPU stands for ________ (a)central program unit (b)central processing unit (c)central project unit (d)central programming unit
  • The first analog computer was a tide-predicting machine invented by Sir William Thompson in 1872 (TRUE /FALSE)
  • ENIAC machine construction started in ________ and was completed in ___________ (a)1943 & 1946 (b)1930 & 1940 (c)2002 & 2013 (d)1180 & 1980
  • ENIAC machine was primarily developed for ________ (a) calculating artillery firing tables for USA Army (b)calculating money in the USA (c)people calculation (d)analog calculation
  • The major key input device is _________ (a)joystick (b)keyboard (c)mouse (d)monitor
  • The features of keyboard include one of the following (a)function keys (b)special keys (c)all of the above
  • Input devices include all except one (a)mouse (b)keyboard (c)monitor (d)lightpen
  • __________ is a basic mouse movement (a)clicking (b)double clicking (c)dragging (d)all of the above
  • How many types of keyboard do we have (a)3 (b)2 (c)5
  • _________ and _________ are types of printer (a)impact and non impact (b)pressure and non pressure (c)onpact and non onpact
  • Data is represented with characters like alphabets, numbers, signs and symbols (TRUE/FALSE)
  • Information is _________ (a)information (b)data (c)processed (d)data
  • Soft copy is an  information displayed on ________ (a)paper (b)note book (c)on the screen of the monitor (d)all of the above
  • Hard copy is a type of information that can be seen on the screen of the monitor and at the same time on paper(TRUE/FALSE)




Instruction: answer all questions

  • Explain the features and the uses of Burroughs’s machine
  • Write short note on Charles Babbage analytical engine
  • What is a keyboard
  1.   Name types of keyboard 
  •  State the parts of the keyboard
  • What is the full meaning of EDVAC? 
  • State the full meaning of UNIVACT 
  • Who where those who principally designed the UNIVACT computer and in what year?

  • The system of government in which all government powers are concentrated in the hand of a single central government is _________ (a)democratic system (b)unitary system (c)federal system
  • __________ is an advantage of federal system of government (a)reduction in work loads (b)expensive to run (c)rigid constitution
  • There are __________ types of government (a)3 (b)4 (c)2
  • _________ is a form of government headed by a dictator (a)fascism (b)feudalism (c)federalism


Instruction:  Answer Any three questions of your choice

  • (a).  What s democracy?

(b).  State four condition necessary for a successful democracy

  • (a).  What is capitalism

(b).  State four features of capitalism

  • (a).  What is a State?

(b).  State four characteristics of a State

  • (a).  What is government as an institution of the state?

(b).  state four functions of government


Edu Delight Tutors

Edu Delight Tutors WhatsApp group ,

Okokomaiko  Lagos









                     Time allowed: 1 hour



  • Read the following instructions carefully.
  • Write your name in block form starting with your surname
  • Avoid choosing more than one option in the objective part
  • You are advised to work completely on your own

Social Studies Primary 1 To Primary 3 Examination

Section A

Choose the correct option

  • ___________ is the machinery established to organize the state, manage its affairs (a)manager (b)machine (c)government
  • The will of the people is realized through (a)television (b)election (c) government
  • ________ is not an organ of government (a)legislative (b)executive (c)federal
  • The organ of government concerned with the interpretation of law is __________ (a)judiciary (b)legislative (c)executive
  • __________ is a feature of government (a)periodic change (b)defence of the country (c)maintenance of law and order
  • We studied government for the following reasons except __________ (a)opportunity for leadership (b)political education (c)execution
  • An organized body of people occupying a defined territory with an organized government free from external control is a ___________ (a)population (b)nation (c)state
  • _________ is an association of people united by common ties (a)A population (b)A nation (c)A state
  • __________ is not an example of a state (a)Enugu (b)Ghana (c)Canada
  • _________ is not a feature of a nation (a)sovereignty (b)population (c)territory
  • The ability to control the actions of others through the possession of means of sanctions is ________ (a)military (b)power (c) government
  • The fundamental law of a state is refer to as _________ (a) government (b)constitution (c)court
  • __________ is not a form of power (a)physical (b)authority (c)political
  • Physical power is also known as __________ (a)military power (b)force power (c)naked power
  • ________ is a means of acquiring power (a)inheritance (b)physical (c)military
  • The right to give orders and enforce obedience is ________ (a)authority (b)sanction (c)power
  • __________ is the acceptance and recognition of a political system by the citizens of a country (a)power (b)legitimacy (c)authority
  • Sovereignty can be located in the following except (a)a monarch (b)a school (c)the electorate
  • Legal source of authority is derived from the _________ (a)people (b)constitution (c)military
  • __________ is not a source of authority (a)legal (b)delegated (c)traditional
  • __________ is not a type of authority government authority (b)political authority (c)charismatic authority
  • Another name for indirect democracy is _________ (a)free democracy (b)representative democracy (c)absolute democracy
  • __________ is not a type of democracy (a)undirect |(b)direct (c)representative democracy
  • The following are agents of political socialization except __________ (a)the family (b)mass media (c)the market
  • The process of political learning from childhood to adulthood is _______ (a)schooling (b)growing (c)political socialization
  • __________ is a tier of government (a)local (b)president (c)executive

  • All forms of human efforts utilized in production is ___________ (a)labour (b)capital (c)entrepreneur


Use the below to answer questions 28 – 30

The scores of S.S.S. 1 student in Economics are given below:

5, 9, 2, 6, 2, 4, 8, 4, 5, 7, 8, 4

  1. Find the mean score
  2. Find the median
  3. Find the mode


[contact-form][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”true” /][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”true” /][contact-field label=”Website” type=”url” /][contact-field label=”Message” type=”textarea” /][/contact-form]




  • Rice production in Atiku’s farm
Fixed factor


Variable factor








1 1 10 10
1 2 A 20 B
1 3 75 C D
1 4 E 30 F
1 5 G H 20
1 6 I 15 J
1 7 84 K L

Find:  A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L

  • (a).  What  is efficiency of labour?

(b).  State five factors that determine efficiency of labour

  •  (a).  What is labour?

 (b).  State four characteristics of labour you know

  • (a).  According to Prof. Lionel Robbins, what is         Economics?

(b).      State four reasons why we study Economic


Edu Delight Tutors

Edu Delight Tutors WhatsApp group ,

Okokomaiko  Lagos









                     Time allowed: 1 hour



  • Read the following instructions carefully.
  • Write your name in block form starting with your surname
  • Avoid choosing more than one option in the objective part
  • You are advised to work completely on your own


Instruction:  Choose the correct option from alternatives.

  • Economics is a __________ science (a)basic (b)real (c)social
  • _________ is the father of Economics (a)Lionel Robbins (b)Adam Smith (c)Alfred Marshal
  • An inquiry into the nature and causes of wealth of nations was credited to __________ (a) Adam Smith (b) Alfred Marshal (c)Paul
  • Scarce means refers to ___________ available resources (a)unlimited (b)limited (c)relative
  • _____________ is a systematic and orderly arrangement of information using rows and columns (a)graph (b)charts (c)tables
  • _______ is not a type of bar charts (a)simple bar chart (b)hard bar charts (c)component bar charts
  • Adam smith defined Economics in __________ (a)1776  (b)1980 (c)1890
  • An arrangement of wants in order of their importance is called ___________ (a)choice (b)scale of preference (d)tables
  • _______ is an alternatives forgone (a)choice (b)life opportunity (c)real cost
  • The total amount of money spent to acquire a goods or services is called _________ (a)true cost (b)money cost (c)price
  • We study economics for the following reasons except _________ (a)war purpose (b)allocation of resources (c)production
  • _________ is the creation of goods and services (a)farm (b)production (c)factory
  • ___________ is not a basic economic problem of the society (a)what to produce (b)for whom to produce (c)when to produce
  • _______ is not a factor that determines what to produce. (a)market demand (b)certificate degree (c)consumers needs
  • _________ is a scope of  Economics (a)consumption (b)budget (c)graph
  • The dispersing of goods and services to where they are needed is called __________ (a)transport (b)distribution (c)production
  • Prof. Lionel Robbins defined Economics in what year? (a)1890 (b)1776 (c)1932
  • __________ is refer to as the number of time a particular outcome is used (a)mode (b)frequency (d)mean
  • _________ is the average of a series of figures or values (a)mean (b)median (c)frequency
  • The desire r need to own goods or services that gives satisfaction is referred to as ___________ (a)choice (b)wants (c)scarcity
  • Opportunity cost is very important to individual, firms and _________ (a)children (b)choice (c)government
  • __________ is the creation of utility (a)scarcity (b)production (c)war
  • __________ production is said to be complete when the goods reach the ________ (a)consumer (b)market (c)factory
  • Production process involves __________ major groups of people (a)2 (b)3 (c)4
  • The type of production concerned with the provision of professional services is ___________ (a)primary (b)secondary (c)tertiary
  • __________ is the reward for capital (a)profit (b)interest (c)rent


Answer all questions

  • State five parts of the eyes
  • Explain three functions
  • State five functions of food
  • Mention four importance of healthy feeding habits
  • Mention two parts of the ear

Edu Delight Tutors

Edu Delight Tutors WhatsApp group ,

Okokomaiko  Lagos









                     Time allowed: 1 hour



  • Read the following instructions carefully.
  • Write your name in block form starting with your surname
  • Avoid choosing more than one option in the objective part
  • You are advised to work completely on your own

Section A

Choose the correct option

  • The area of Home Economics that deals with using what the family has to get what it needs is called (a)economics (b)home knowledge (c)home care (d)home management
  • Home Economics deals with (a)how people live in the family (b)what people need in the family (c)how to satisfy people’s needs (d)none of the above
  • One of the family areas deals with planning available space in a house (a)housing (b)building (c)interior decoration (d)exterior decoration
  • Home Economics are related to (a)few subject (b)only Biology (c)only Chemistry (d)many subjects
  • All the following are true except (a)wise buying consumer (b)education (c)family   relation – family living (d)textile and clothing
  • The subject that helps a Home Economist to understand the effects of heat on food is (a)economist (b)mathematics  (c)physics (d)chemistry
  •  Person who created new styles of clothing is called a fashion ________ (a)model (b)designer (c)advertiser (d)creator
  • One of the following does not belong to the group (a)dietitian (b)nutritionist (c)caterer (d)cook
  • A pattern illustration develops (a)patterns (b)paper pattern (c)laundry (d)design
  • People that work as promoter in industries that manufacture household equipment are called (a)advertising and promoter (b)institutional housekeeping (c)designers (d)management
  • At the Junior Secondary School level (Basic Education 7 – 9 ) Home Economics is offered as (a)simple subject (b)three different subject (c)four different subject (d)seven subject
  • Which of these does not belong to these group (a)home making (b) Home Economics extension (c)Hotel management (d)journalism
  • Home Economics aims at improving (a)career (b)family life (c)university (d) Home Economist
  • Each hair grows from a narrow tube in the skin called hair (a)follicle (b)pit (c)organ (d)scalp
  • The sense organ for smelling is the (a)hair (b)hand (c)nose (d)eyes
  • Which of the following prevent dryness of hair and scalp (a)shampoo (b)spray (c)brush (d)oils
  • One of the following is wrong (a)eye for sight (b)ears for hearing (c)tongue for tasting (d)nose for touching
  • The nerves that travel form the nose to the brain are called (a)nose nerves (b)a factory (c)nostril nerves (d)sensing
  • Which of the following is also important for balance (a)skin (b)nose (c)ear (d)eye
  • One of the following contains sweat glands and blood vessels (a)epidemic (b)dermis (c)sweat pore (d)peridermis


Instruction:  Answer all

  • (a)State two uses of bed linen

(b)List three types of table Linen

  • (a)State three ways of storing clothes

(b)Define the term “clothing repair”

  • (a)Define home maker

(b)Mention three qualities of a home maker


Edu Delight Tutors

Edu Delight Tutors WhatsApp group ,

Okokomaiko  Lagos









                     Time allowed: 1 hour



  • Read the following instructions carefully.
  • Write your name in block form starting with your surname
  • Avoid choosing more than one option in the objective part
  • You are advised to work completely on your own

Section A

Choose the correct option

  • Clothes are kept in the following except (a)wardrobe (b)box (c)bathroom (d)drawer
  • Clothes need to be washed to improve its (a)taste (b)appearance (c)statics (d)shape
  • Calico patch is usually used for (a)bed sheets and pillowcases (b)bed sheets and  caps (c)aprons and garments (d)household coats and socks
  • Darning is the process of mending __________ in articles (a)buttons (b)openings (c)clothes (d)holes
  • The materials that are not frequently used and should be store in polythene are usually (a)black materials (b)white materials (c)yellow materials (d)green materials
  • Household linens are (a)articles used in the factory (b)clothes used in the school (c)clothes articles for hospital theatre (d)articles used in the home to enhance domestic activities 
  • Articles in the kitchen are (a)table napkins and face towels (b)table clothes and bath towel (c)table clothes and place mats (d)place mats and pillowcase 
  • Household articles used for decorating windows and doors are called (a)sheets and linery  (b)curtains and draperies (c)linen and draperies (d)curtains and towels
  • Which of the following household liners is the odd one out? (a)tablecloth (b)blanket (c)bed spread (d)pillowcase
  • Examples of bed liner include (a)mattress and bath towels (b)bedspread and tea clothes (c)mattress covers and pillowcases (d)face towels and blankets
  • Wash, iron and air clothes before (a)storage (b)repairing (c)darning (d)mending
  • Do not store damp clothes because they can _______ clothes (a)improve (b)protect (c)repair (d)damage
  • Print pitches are used to repair articles and garments that are (a)coloured and designed (b)designed and rough (c)modeled and printed (d)printed and patterned
  • Darning is a method of garment (a)repair (b)storage (c)design (d)dyeing
  • Which of the following is not an example of bed linen? (a)bed sheet (b)mattress (c)pillowcase (d)blanket
  • Oven gas or clothes are used for (a)washing in hot water (b)wiping hot glasses (c)placing plates and dishes (d)handling hot pans and dishes
  • One of the points to be considered when selecting household linen is (a)location of the family (b)age of the family (c)weather condition (d)quantity that will last longer
  • Curtains and draperies used on windows and doors for (a)privacy in the home (b)setting tables (c)covering beds (d)cleaning the body
  • Face towels are used after bath for (a)wiping and cleaning the body (b)wiping and cleaning of faces (c)wiping and cleaning of the toes (d)wiping and decorating the face
  • One of the tools used for pressing clothes during and after garment construction is called __________  (a)sewing machine (b)thread machine (c)pressing iron (d)ironing chair


  • (a)State three uses of textile 

(b)State two reasons for studying textiles 

  • (a)Mention four parts of a sewing machine

(b)List two common faults in sewing

  • (a)Define garment construction

(b)State five steps in laundry


      Edu Delight Tutors

Edu Delight Tutors WhatsApp group ,

Okokomaiko Lagos









                     Time allowed: 1 hour



  • Read the following instructions carefully.
  • Write your name in block form starting with your surname
  • Avoid choosing more than one option in the objective part
  • You are advised to work completely on your own

Section A

Choose the correct option

  • __________ are threads which are obtained by twisting several fibres together (a)yarns (b)wefts (c)warps (d)fabrics
  • __________ is a long, finished or self knitted edge of a fabric (a)selvedge (b)weaving (c)gram (d)yam
  • __________ are threads that run horizontally or lengthwise on  a fabric (a)fibres (b)yarns (c)wraps (d)wefts
  • The two main classes of fibres are (a)plant and synthetic fibres (b)man-made and synthetic  fibres (c)natural and plant fibres (d)natural and man-made fibres
  • _________ burns easily and smells like burning paper (a)linen (b)cotton (c)silk (d)wool
  • ________ are cellulose – based fibres (a)viscose rayon and nylon (b)nylon and cellulose acetate (c)polyester and nylon (d)viscose rayon and cellulose acetate
  • Which of the following is not a factor to be considered when purchasing a sewing machine (a)durability of the machine (b)availability of the machine spare parts (c)money to buy the machine (d)electric and automobile machine
  • Which of the following types of sewing machine is the most expensive? (a)treadle sewing machine (b)electric sewing machine (c)hand wheel sewing machine (d)industrial designing sewing machine
  • Which of these is not a part of a sewing machine? (a)balance wheel (b)spool pin (c)sewing table (d)stop motion screw
  • The upright metal rod that holds the thread up in a sewing machine is called a (a)face plate (b)stitch regulator (c)spool pin (d)presser foot lever
  • __________ is not a type of fullness (a)zip (b)dart (c)tack (d)pleat
  • A ______ is a combination of a fastening and an opening (a)press-stud (b)zip (c)hook (d)button hole
  • Which of the following is not an example of synthetic fibre (a)viscose (b)charcoal (c)rayon (d)acetate
  • The following are reasons for studying textile except that it enable one’s area (a)the origin, properties and uses of fibres (b)different dresses for different occasions  (c)the grains of a fibre (d)the cultural fashion of one’s area
  • Which of these is not a stain removal? (a)vinegar (b)soap (c)lemon juice (d)mentholated spirit
  • __________ is located on top of the sewing machine and is used to hold the sewing thread in position (a)electric motor (b)needle clamp (c)spool pin (d)needles head
  • An electric motor is important in the operation of (a)hand wheel machine (b)treadle sewing machine (c)electric sewing machine (d)food – operated sewing machine
  • Devices attached to openings which closes the points are (a)elastics (b)press studs (c)facings (d)fastening
  • Special features made on garments for easy wearing and removal are called (a)darts (b)facings (c)finishing (d)openings
  • The durable method of finishing necklines and armholes edges of a garments by (a)facing (b)finishes (c)necking (d)edging


Answer all questions

  • (a)Mention five materials used for making a paper mache 

(a)Define paper mache

  • (a)list two ways by which we can achieve sense of belonging

(b)define sense of belonging


Identify the musical note A&B

  • ________________________________________________________________________






(b)Write the seven musical alphabets


      Edu Delight Tutors

Edu Delight Tutors WhatsApp group ,

Okokomaiko Lagos









                     Time allowed: 1 hour



  • Read the following instructions carefully.
  • Write your name in block form starting with your surname
  • Avoid choosing more than one option in the objective part
  • You are advised to work completely on your own

Section A

Choose the correct option

  • Drama comes from the Greek word called (a)dran (b)drent (c)drant (d)dant
  • Which of following is basic to all forms of visual arts (a)drawing (b)paining (c)sculpture (d)photography
  • The two main type of art are (a)drawing and painting (b)sculpture and drawing (c)fine art and applied art (d)theory and practical art
  • Drama and theatre are forms of _________ art (a)visual (b)liberal (c)performing (d)applied
  • A _________ is responsible for the finance of a drama productions (a)play wrights (b)producer (c)cast (d)director
  • Team work gives for (a)team productivity (b)low productivity (c)high productivity (d)zero productivity
  • A __________ is responsible for the visual appearance of the actors (a)costumier (b)play Wright (c)director (d)stage designer
  • Which of the following is not possible with team work? (a)low productivity (b)unity (a)harmony (d)peace
  • Which of these can be achieved through team work? (a)interpersonal relationship (b)enmity (c)intolerance (d)disunity 
  • Sense of belonging enhances (a)discrimination (b)participation (c)laziness (d)stubbornness 
  • Which of these is not a function of dance? (a)it serves as an occupation (b)it is used as a weapon during war (c)it serves as a form of exercise (d)it is used during religious worship
  • Dance is the movement of the body in a __________ manner (a)slow (b)rhythmic (c)fast (d)confusing
  • ____________aids dancing among the people (a)music (b)exercise (c)fight (d)art
  • In music, sounds are represented y (a)lines notes alphabets (d)numbers
  • __________ is an art of making and composing dances (a)poetry (b)dynamics (c)order (d)choreography
  • __________ is a black not that has a stem and tow tails (a)semiquaver (b)quaver (c)symbol (d)major scale
  • After the a letter, the cycle goes back to (a)b (b)d (c)a (d)c
  • ________ represents the musical alphabet (a)ABCDEJG (b)ACDEGFB (c)ABCDEFG (d)ABCEFGH 
  • Music is a medium through which we ____________ and express ourselves (a)help (b)communicate (c)sing (d)dance
  • Papier Mache is a French word which means ________ paper (a)coloured (b)mashed (c)tissue (b)white


Answer all questions

  • (a)Define self control

(b)List two benefit of self control

  • (a)List the various types of dance 

(b)Define dance

  • (a)Mention the three primary colours and three secondary   


(b)Define colour


      Edu Delight Tutors

Edu Delight Tutors WhatsApp group ,

Okokomaiko Lagos









                     Time allowed: 1 hour



  • Read the following instructions carefully.
  • Write your name in block form starting with your surname
  • Avoid choosing more than one option in the objective part
  • You are advised to work completely on your own

Section A

Choose the correct option

  • Which of these is not an element of design? (a)line (b)rhythm (c)form (d)shape
  • Which of these are two major types of balance (a)educational and uneducational (b)flexible and unflexible (c)proportional and unproportional (d)symmetrical and asymmetrical 
  • Which of the following words is synonymous with harmony (a)rhythm (b)unity (c)variety (c)balance
  • Which of the following is not a principle of design art (a)variety (b)balance (c)texture (d)harmony
  • Which of the following words can be used to replace the word ‘dominance’ (a)emphasis (b)symmetrical (c)formalism (d)interest
  • Which of the following is not a secondary colour (a)red (b)green (c)purple/violet (d)orange
  • Which of the following are not natural colours? (a)white and red (b)black, ash and grey (c)black, white and grey (d)black, grey and green
  • Which of the following is a primary colour (a)yellow (b)green (b)blue (d)white
  • Which of the following is not an attribute of the primary colours (a)when mixed they produce other colours (b)there are four primary colours  (c)they cannot be produced by mixing other colours (d)primary colours are basic odours
  • Which of these is correct? (a)blue + yellow in equal proportion = purple (b)blue + red in equal proportion = purple (c)red + yellow in equal proportion = purple (d)blue + orance in equal proportion = purple
  • Which of the following produces a secondary colour when mixed? (a)two primary colours mixed in unequal proportions (b)one primary colour and one secondary colour (c)two primary colours mixed in equal proportion (d)one primary colour and two secondary colours
  • Which of the following is correct? (a)blue+yellow =purple (b)blue +yellow =green          (c)blue+yellow =yellow blue (d) blue+yellow =orange
  • Which of the following is correct? (a)red + yellow = red –yellow (b) red + yellow =green (c) red + yellow = orange (d) red + yellow =purple/violet
  • Circle the right answer  (a)red + blue = purple/violet (b) red + blue =red – blue (c) red + blue =orange (d) red + blue =green
  • Circle the odd colour out of the following list (a)red (b)green (c)orange (d) purple/violet
  • Which of these styles of music is popular among Yoruba? (a)hip hop (b)fuji (c)martial (d)kirn
  • Which of the following has to determine the styles to be used in a set? (a)status of the producer (b)finance (c)nationality of the actors involved (d)shape of the building
  • Circle the aspect not found in theatre design out of the following (a)theatre visuals (b)set design (c)costume design (d)mimicry
  • Which of these is performed in a story form? (a)bullet (c)rire dance (c)opera dance (d)drama
  • Which of these has no definite rules? (a)contemporary (b)folk (c)ballet (d)dance drama


Instruction: Answer all

  • List five uses of music

(b)List three characteristics of Ife art


  1. What is embroidery design?


  1. What is exhibition?


  1. State three display techniques


      Edu Delight Tutors

Edu Delight Tutors WhatsApp group ,

Okokomaiko Lagos









                     Time allowed: 1 hour



  • Read the following instructions carefully.
  • Write your name in block form starting with your surname
  • Avoid choosing more than one option in the objective part
  • You are advised to work completely on your own

Section A

Choose the correct option

  • What is court art? (a)art made in the supreme court (b)art made in magistrate court (c)an artwork supervised in the court (d)the art work for the glorification of the king
  • Which of the following is regarded as the ancestral home of the Yoruba? (a)Ibadan (b)Oyo (c)Lagos (d)Ile-Ife
  • Which of the following is used for Igbo-Ukwu art? (a)bronze (b)terracotta (c)wood (d)ivory
  • __________ is the substance used in fixing an art work (a)fixer (b)fixative (c)smudge (d)special paint
  • __________ is the personnel in charge of exhibition in a gallery/museum (a)artist (b)curator (c)manager (d)museum cologist
  • When artworks are properly displayed in an exhibition, the viewers will (a)be able to differentiate the categories of artworks (b)find the works interesting and attractive (c)be able to work critically at the works (d)pay any amount to purchase the works
  • Which of these is not applicable to music (a)compact disc (b)solo (c)tone (d)marble
  • What determines the display techniques used in exhibition (a)the artists mental status (b)the artist state of origin (c)the age of the artist (d)the nature of the art work
  • One of the following is needed to give the exhibits proper brightness (a)art works dominated by white colour (b)open space (c)white cloth (d)lighting
  • Music can be either vocal or __________ (a)instrumental (b)cool (c)verbal (d)jazz
  • Music can be used to have _______ and ________ impact on the society (a)short, long (b)single, double (c)positive, negative (d)known, unknown
  • Playing music while working will (a)create inspiration for the listener (b)cause tension (c)create heat in the environment (d)attract increase in taxes
  • The use of local language in music will make room for one of the following (a)creation of more local government secretariats (b)rendering the English Language irrelevant (c)correction of confusion among listeners (d)preservation of local languages and cultural values
  • Theatre is a play as well as a/an (a)place where drama is performed (b)venue (c)house (d)auditorium
  • Which of these teaches morals and ethical behaviours? (a)drama (b)singing (c)reading (d)nepotism
  • Through community drama participation the youth  will __________ (a)will be meaningfully engaged (b)will be lawless (c)will be criminal minded (d)will do all of the above
  • A drama that is comedic usually end (a)happily (b)sadly (c)in pains (d)hastily
  • Which of these is not correct about drama in Nigeria?  (a)a dramatist can be a playwright (b)a dramatist can create jobs for other (c)a dramatist can be an entrepreneur (a)dramatist can provide capital for drama presentation
  • One of these is not a dramatist career opportunity in Nigeria (a)playwright (b)programme director (c)stage designer (d)art illustrator
  • Programme Director is  dramatist career opportunity for  (a)dancer (b)visual artist (c)a dramatist (d)a film producer

  • Which of these is an importance of carbohydrate? (a)it provides energy required by animals (b)it provides heat during oxidation (c)it is use to build certain parts of the body  (d)all of the above
  • Which of these is an importance of protein? (a)it is used for the repair of worn out tissues (b)it is used for the growth of young ones (c)it is used for the production of hormones (d)all of the above


Instruction: Answer all questions

  • (a).  Briefly explain the characteristics of livings things

(b).  State six differences between plants and animals


  1. (a).  Name five major division of plant kingdom 

     (b).  State the major division of plant kingdom that 

   produces angiosperm and gymnosperm plants and  

   describe them in a tabular form.


  1.   (a).  Define photosynthesis

      (b).  List three importance of photosynthesis

  • (a).  Name five conditions necessary for photosynthesis to 

        take place

      (b). The greenish pigments in plants after photosynthesis 

              has taken place is called what?


  1.   (a).   List out the six classes of food nutrients 

      (b).  Draw a diagram explaining the nutrient cycle.


      Edu Delight Tutors

Edu Delight Tutors WhatsApp group ,

Okokomaiko Lagos









                     Time allowed: 1 hour



  • Read the following instructions carefully.
  • Write your name in block form starting with your surname
  • Avoid choosing more than one option in the objective part
  • You are advised to work completely on your own

Section A

Attempt all questions

  •  The systematic process of making inquiry about the living and non living things is known as _____________ (a)Biology (b)Science (c)Ecology (d)Physiology
  • Biology is basically grouped into two main branches which are _______ and ______ (a)Anatomy and Morphology (b)Physics and Chemistry (c)Botany and Zoology (d)Science and Technology 
  • Scientific method begins with __________ (a)classification (b)identification (c)observation (d)inquiry
  • Which of these is NOT a characteristic of living things? (a)respiration (b)reproduction (c)excretion (d)manipulation
  • The ability of organism to respond to stimuli is known as __________ (a)responsibility (b)irritability (c)adaptability (c)none of the above
  • Living things are first split into _________ (a)order (b)kingdom (c)family (d)species
  • The basic unit of classification of living things containing members which have the largest number of features in common and usually interbreed is __________  (a)species (b)class (c)order (d)family
  • In classification of plants, which of these is NOT among the major groups of plant kingdom? (a)chemophyta (b)thallophyta (c)bryophyte  (d)schizophyta
  • The two sub-group of plants which are angiosperm and gymnosperm came from which of the main groups of the plant kingdom? (a)schzophyta  (b)spermatophyta (c)bryophyta (d)thallophyta
  • Which of these sub-groups of plants gymnosperm and angiosperm that produces te dicotyledon and monocotyledon plants? (a)dicotyledon (b)gymnosperm (c)angiosperm (d)none of the above
  • The circulation of certain nutrients like nitrogen, carbon, sulphur and water in nature is referred to as ____________ (a)nutrition (b)classes of food (c)nutrient cycles (d)none of the above
  • In Nitrogen cycles during electrical discharge, nitrogen can be also be fixed into the doil during lightening and thunder storm.  Nitrogen in the air combines with __________ to form nitric oxide (a)carbon dioxide (b)oxygen (c)water vapour (d)none of the above
  • Plants can manufacture their own food and so they are called ____________ (a)autotrophs (c)heteotrophs (c)pototrophs (d) (d)none of the above
  • Animals cannot manufacture their own food they feed indirectly from plants and so they are called ___________ (a)feeders (b)autotrophs (c)heterotrophs (d)camotrophs
  • Animals are classified according to the type of food they eat.  Which of these is a group of classification? (a)herbivorous animals (b)obnivorous animals (c)carnivorous animals (d)all of the above
  • Animals that feed on both plants and animals are classified as ___________ animals (a)carnivorous animals (b)obnivorous animals (c)herbivorous animals (d)none of the above
  • Animals  that feed on flesh alone are classified as ________ (a)carnivorous animals (b)herbivorous animals (c)obnivorous animals (d)bloodivous animals
  • Which of these is among the six classes of food nutrient? (a)carbohydrate (b)protein (c)fat and oil (d)vitamins and minerals


Instruction: Answer all questions


  • (a).  List out five crops that are known as leguminous  


(b).  Mention ten farm animals you know

  • (a).  State three different crops that are known to be tuber 


(b).  State three special uses of cow as a farm animal

  • (a).  Give two reasons why chickens are import

(b).  Which poultry bird is commonly used at home? 

  • (a).  List three higher animals you know in animal 


(b).  State three lower animals that are also reared in 

       agriculture and their product

  • (a).  Give two reasons why weeds are not to be allowed in 

       a farm

(b).  Mention three kinds of crop pest you know


      Edu Delight Tutors

Edu Delight Tutors WhatsApp group ,

Okokomaiko Lagos









                     Time allowed: 1 hour



  • Read the following instructions carefully.
  • Write your name in block form starting with your surname
  • Avoid choosing more than one option in the objective part
  • You are advised to work completely on your own

Section A

Attempt all questions

  • In classification of crops based on their uses which of these crops is a tuber crop? (a)cowpea (b)rice (c)millet (d)cassava
  • Classification based on their uses which of these crops is grass legume? (a)yam (b)cowpea (c)maize (d)potato
  • Classification based on life span which of these crops is annual crop? (a)yam (b)cocoa (c)citrus (d)oil palm
  • One of these  is not a vegetable crop (a)pepper (b)tomato (c)pumpkin (d)mango
  • The reproductive part of a plant is ____________ (a)stem (b)flower (c)root (d)leaf
  • Which of these animals produces eggs in a high rate for consumption? (a)Turkey (b)Pigeon (c)Chicken (d)Goose
  • Which of these animals is known as diary animals (a)Pigs (b)Cows (c)Goats (d)all of the above
  • Which part of the plant that takes in water into the plant during photosynthesis? (a)branching (b)roof (c)stem (d)leaves
  • Which of these is not a form of Agriculture? (a)apiculture (b)horticulture (c)heliculture (d)all of the above
  • Which of these is not an importance of Agriculture to man? (a)food (b)shelter (c)clothing (d)all of the above
  • Which of these is a factor that affects animals (farm animals especially (a)climate (b)pasture (c)sunlight (d)all of the above
  • Which of these is an importance of farm animals? (a)supply of meat (b)supply of eggs (c)supply of leather materials (d)all of the above
  • Which of these is a fishing farm tool? (a)hook (b)net (c)basket (d)all of the above
  • The plant that grows in an unwanted place is known as ___________ (a)stubborn grass (b)weed (c)bush (d)forest
  • A place where fishes are reared is called ____________ (a)fish pond (b)lake (c)river (d)all of the above
  • Which of these is a pest of crops? (a)weevils (b)cockroach (c)rat (d)butterfly
  • One of these is a type of soil (a)loamy (b)sandy (c)clay (d)all of the above
  • Which of these is a part of the plant that stores food during photosynthesis? (a)the root (b)the stem (c)the flower (d)the leaves
  • In classification and uses of farm animals which of these is a work animal? (a)Cat (b)Chicken (c)Donkey (d)Parrot
  • Which of these is not a poultry animal? (a)Chicken (b)Goose (c)Turkey (d)Goat




Instruction: Answer all questions

  • (a).  List ten types of food crops you know

(b).  Which of the crops that produces Latex?

  • (a).  What is Latex use for?  Explain

(b).  Which crops produces tubers?

  •  (a).  State five importance of agriculture in Nigeria

(b).  Mention three cereal crops you know

  •  (a).  State two types of vegetable crops you know

(b).  Mention two leguminous crops you know 

  • (a). Define Annuals, Biennials and perennials 

(b).  Give two examples of each group of these crops : Annual, biennials and perennials


      Edu Delight Tutors

Edu Delight Tutors WhatsApp group ,

Okokomaiko Lagos









                     Time allowed: 1 hour



  • Read the following instructions carefully.
  • Write your name in block form starting with your surname
  • Avoid choosing more than one option in the objective part
  • You are advised to work completely on your own

Section A

Attempt all questions

  • Which of these is not a problem of farm management? (a)good harvest (b)land acquisition (c)poor farm tools (d)lack of capital
  • Which of these is a farm structure? (a)cupboard (b)crib (c)carpet (d)radio
  • The specially prepared food by man for his farm animals is known as __________ (a)ration (b)feed (c)nutrition (d)food
  • Proper feed shortage in animals will lead to ___________ (a)low birth rate (b)poor reproduction (c)higher death rate (d)all of the above
  • Animal feed that has crude fibre content is known as ________ (a)basal energy feed concentrate (b)carbohydrate concentrate (c)protein concentrate (d)all of the above
  • In farm structures and buildings a place where yams are stored is called ___________ (a)yam bank (b)yam barn (c)yam crib (d)yam store house
  • Which of these is not a farm structure? (a)silos (b)crib (c)barn (d)all of the above
  • What is cultural practices in agriculture? (a)the farming processes and stages (b)the culture of the people (c)the practice of the people’s culture (d)none of the above
  • Pre-planting starts when _________ (a)after the crops are planted to the ground (b)before the crops are harvested (c)from land acquisition of planting of seeds (d)none of the above
  • Which of these activities comes during pre-planting operation? (a)land acquisition (b)clearing of bushes (c)burning and parking (d)all of the above
  • Which of these activities comes during post planting operation? (a)thinning (b)weeding (c)staking (d)all of the above
  • The last activity in pre-planting operation is __________ (a)weeding (b)clearing of bush (c)sowing of seed (d)application of fertilizer
  • The last activity during post planting operation is ___________ (a)harvesting (b)weeding (c)staking (d)eating
  • In agriculture practices what is mono cropping? (a)a system of sowing one type of crop in an area (b) a system of sowing different crops (c) a system of sowing crops and rearing animals (d)none of the above
  • The two types of parasites in farm animals are _________ and ___________ parasites (a)endo and ecto parasites (b)good and bad parasites (c)red and black parasites (d)disease and health parasites
  • Any abnormal condition that causes the body of a farm animal to malfunction is regarded as __________ effect (a)disease effect (b)lazy effect (c)power effect (d)none of the above
  • Which of these is a way of preventing disease? (a)sanitation (b)heavy feeding (c)hard working (d)fighting
  • If Cowpea is found growing in a rice farm, it will be regarded as __________ (a)manure (b)weed (c)good plant (d)medicine
  • Any organism that depends on another organism for food and shelter is known as ___________ (a)micro organism (b)parasite (c)pest (d)pathogen 
  • Which of these is a cereal crop? (a)cowpea (b)rice (c)wheat (d)all of the above


Instruction: Answer all questions

  • (a).  Define the term pest

(b).  state some agricultural pest you know

  • (a).  List five methods of controlling pest in a cocoa farm and 

        on animal farm

(b).  What is the difference between insecticide and 


  • (a).  State three types of advertisement you know

(b).  Why is pricing necessary to producers 

  • (a).  Give three importance of packaging

(b)   State five disadvantages of poor packaging

  • (a).  State twenty different products you know and their 

        producing companies

(b).  Design a packet of your own product personally, give 

         it a  brand and advertise your product in your own   



      Edu Delight Tutors

Edu Delight Tutors WhatsApp group ,

Okokomaiko Lagos









                     Time allowed: 1 hour



  • Read the following instructions carefully.
  • Write your name in block form starting with your surname
  • Avoid choosing more than one option in the objective part
  • You are advised to work completely on your own

Section A

Attempt all questions

  • What is packaging? (a)a way of preparing a finished product (b)a ways of packing products away (c)a way of mixing products together (d)a way of clearing a product
  • Which of these soaps is not packaged in the market? (a)Eva (b)Lux (c)Joy (d)Key
  • Why must a product be packaged before sales? (a)to make it beautiful for buyers (b)to prepare the product in a decent way (c)to protect it from damage (d)all of the above
  • What is branding? (a)any special type of variety of something made (b)a type of something (c)a particular kind of designed something (d)all of the above
  • Which of these is an advantage of branding? (a)attractive branding (b)good branding (c)special branding (d)rough branding
  • What is pricing? (a)the assessment value (b)the costing of something (c)weighs the importance of a product (d)all of the above
  • Which of these factors can affect pricing? (a)scarcity (b)spoilage (c)surplus (d)all of the above
  • Why is pricing necessary for products? (a)to cost its value (b)to weigh its importance (c)to maximize profit (d)all of the above
  • What is advertisement? (a)create awareness of something (b)publicize something for market (c)to promote something for sales (d)all of the above
  • Which of these is a way of advertising? (a)sing or talking about something over radio and television (b)pasting of handbill and banners everywhere (c)dancing and demonstrating something on streets (d)all of the above
  • Which of the following pathogens can only be seen with an electron microscope? (a)virus (b)bacteria (c)fungi (d)chlorophyll 
  • Plant nutrients are lost in the soil through the following ways (a)leaching (b)mulching (c)turning (d)planting
  • Animals that live in water or reared are called __________ (a)aquatic (b)invertebrates (c)vertebrates (d)water animals
  • The following are agricultural practices in West Africa EXCEPT (a)fishery (b)poultry (c)crop cultivation (d)hunting
  • ___________ are animals that gives birth to their young ones alive (a)reptiles (b)mammals (c)birds (d)amphibians
  • Which of these is not a farm machine? (a)spray (b)planter (c)saw (d)harvester
  • The multiplication of crops through the use of the vegetative part of the plant is called __________ (a)propagation (b)seed sowing (c)asexual method (d)sexual method
  • Organisms that can infect other organisms with disease are known as _____________ (a)vector (b)predator (c)animal (d)ghost
  • __________ is the reproductive organ of a plant (a)stem (b)leaf (c)flower (d)root
  • The mainstay of Nigeria ECONOMY is __________ (a)education (b)hospitality (c)agriculture (d)none of the above


Instruction: Answer all questions

  • (a).  Briefly explain the importance of agriculture in the development of a nation

(b).  List out ten relationship between agriculture and allied industries 

  • (a).  Discuss three major problems of agriculture in Nigeria

(b).  Explain the meanings of subsistence farming and state the disadvantages

  • (a).  List out four areas of specialization in agriculture

(b).  State one special area of agriculture you may like to study in the University

  • (a).  State five importance of agriculture

(b).  Write a short note on agricultural products

  • (a).  List out three major agricultural products that are used for foreign exchange                        

(b).  Which agricultural products that is commonly used in terms of education?


      Edu Delight Tutors

Edu Delight Tutors WhatsApp group ,

Okokomaiko Lagos









                     Time allowed: 1 hour



  • Read the following instructions carefully.
  • Write your name in block form starting with your surname
  • Avoid choosing more than one option in the objective part


            You are advised to work completely on


Section A

Attempt all questions

  • What is the definition of agriculture in Latin? (a)crop cultivation (b)animal rearing (c)crop cultivation and animal rearing (d)field cultivation
  • Which of these is the full definition of agriculture? (a)the strength of man to till the lamnd and raise animals (b)the attempt of raising animals and cultivating crops (c)the deliberate effort made by man to till the soil, cultivate crops and rear animals as livestock for food and other purposes (d)none of the above
  • The main stay of Nigeria economy is ___________ (a)money, food and water (b)animals, drinks and food (c)agriculture (d)none of the above
  • Which of these is not an importance of agriculture? (a)provision of food (b)provision of materials for clothing (c)source of foreign exchange (d)all of the above
  • Which of this statement is correct about subsistence farming? (a)a farmer cultivates crops and rear animals in a small volume in order to produce food for himself and his family (b)a farmer cultivates crops and rear animals in a large scale in order to sell (C)a farmer cultivates only crops and does not rear animals (d)a farmer rears only animals and does not cultivate crops
  • The act of cultivating large area of land and rearing large number of livestock is known as __________ (a)commercial farming (b)subsistence farming (c)diplomatic farming (d)general farming
  • Which of these farming system is mostly practiced by peasant farmers? (a)commercial farming (b)subsistence farming (c)taungia farming (d)agricultural faming
  • One of these system of farming goes with unimproved varieties of crops and animals (a)subsistence farming (b)commercial farming (c)nomadic farming (d)none of the above
  • In the area of plant nutrition science and technology has helped in manufacturing of ________ ECEPT (a)fertilizer (b)tractor (c)farm tools (d)milking machine
  • For photosynthesis to take place the following conditions must be present Except (a)carbon (iv)oxide (b)water (c)sunlight (d)oxygene
  • What is the botanical name for rice? (a)capisum SPP (b)orytza sativa (c)manihot SPP (d)none of the above
  • Dioscorea SPP is the botanical name for _________ (a)yam (b)cassava (c)plantain (d)maize
  • The botanical name for cowpea is __________ (a)vigna unguiculata (b)lycopersicom exculantum (c)abelmoscus exclulentum (d)all of the above
  • Arachis hypogeal is the botanical name for __________ (a)rubber (b)oil palm (c)tomato (d)groundnut 
  • In classification of crops based on distribution which of these crops can be cultivated in rain forest? (a)cocoa (b)onion (c)potato (d)pepper
  • Which of these is protein concentrate animal feed? (a)cowpea (b)cassava (c)onions (d)potato
  • Organisms that can infect other organisms with disease are known as _________ (a)vector (b)predator (c)animal disease (d)none of the above
  • The disease that can pass from one person to another through direct contact is known as _________ (a)infected disease (b)contaminated  disease (c) contagious disease (d)bad disease
  • Which of the following crops is not a perennial crop (a)citrus (b)coffee (c)tomato (d)cocoa
  • Which of the following is the most suitable raw material for paper industry? (a)pulp of wood (b)chemicals (c)cement (d)all of the above


Instruction: answer any four (4) questions from this section

  • (a). What is Drama?

(b). State five characteristics of drama

  • (a)Define poetry

(b)Write out five characteristics of poetry

  • Explain the following figures of speech
  • Irony 
  • Personification 
  • Alliteration
  • State and explain three elements of prose
  • Write short note on the origin of literature
  • (a)Discuss the following characters:
  • A protagonist
  • An antagonist 

(b). Differentiate between Biography and Autobiography 


      Edu Delight Tutors

Edu Delight Tutors WhatsApp group ,

Okokomaiko Lagos









                     Time allowed: 1 hour



  • Read the following instructions carefully.
  • Write your name in block form starting with your surname
  • Avoid choosing more than one option in the objective part


You are advised to work completely on your own


Section A

Choose any option that best answer the questions below:

  • Literature has variably included all written work, possesses literary merit and language that foregrounds _________ (a)literary (b)literariness (c)literal (d)literarity
  • In the origin of literature, many texts were handed down over several centuries, they are known as _________ (a)oral tradition (b)traditional novels (c)local books (d)traditional books
  • A writer of prose is called a _______ (a)writer (b)novelette (c)prose person (d)prosaist 
  • The main character in a prose work is called (a)protagist (b)protagon (c)protagonist (d)protanist
  • A long narrative prose in which the characters are usually imaginary is known as a ________ (a)poem (b)prose (c)story book (d)novel
  • These are types of drama except (a)tragedy (b)comedy (c)music (d)allegory
  • _________ is a type of prose which refers to something that denotes, relates to or is contained in letters (a)epistolatory (b)etolatory (c)epistolation (d)epicostory
  • _________ is the form of any work that deals with information or even that are not real (a)short story (b)fiction (c)non-fiction (d)novel
  • A short narration that focuses only on an event or an issue is a _______ (a)novel (b)rose (c)novella (d)novelist
  • A fictional story in prose or verse that features animals, mythical creatures, plants etc which are given human qualities is called __________ (a)fable (b)romance (c)allegory (d)humorous
  • Forms of fiction and non-fiction can be I n form of ________ except (a)novella (b)writing (c)novel (d)fable
  • ___________ involves the development of sophisticated reading skills and of an ability to place literary text in their wider, intellectual and historical contents (a)studying literature (b)developing literature (c)acting literature (d)knowing literature
  • A person in a narrative work of arts is ________ (a)people (b)actor (c)actress (d)character
  • ________ refers to some form of friction disagreement arising within a group of people (a)epilogue (b)conflict (c)resolution (d)suspense
  • _______ is the central topic a text treats in a literary work of art (a)subject (b)plot (c)theme (d)tone
  • The basic rhythmic structure of a verse or ones in verse is called _________ (a)speech (b)poem (d)rhythm (d)meter
  • “Tick Tick” say the time is an example of ________ figure of speech (a)simile (b)metaphor (c)onomatopoeia (d)oxymoron
  • A figure of speech in the form of a question that is asked in order to make a point is referred to (a)question to answer (b)rhetorical question (c)speech question (d)figures question
  • Loving and embracing literature books can literarily means (a)literary appreciation (b)literary depreciation (c)literary criticism (d)critical appreciation
  • The study, evaluation, and interpretation of literature is referred to as literary criticism TRUE/FALSE

18.The sum total of all the works of imagination, oral or 

     written, which help to project and reflect the life and 

    culture of a people is called _________ (a)story book 

    (b)novel (c)literature

  • Who is the author of “Ugonna the School Dropout?
  • Discuss the character of Ugonna




Choose any topic from this section and write a three paragraph essay on:

  • My experience in former school
  • A market place 

      Edu Delight Tutors

Edu Delight Tutors WhatsApp group ,

Okokomaiko Lagos









                     Time allowed: 1 hour



  • Read the following instructions carefully.
  • Write your name in block form starting with your surname
  • Avoid choosing more than one option in the objective part


You are advised to work completely on your own



Answer all questions from each section 



Read carefully and answer the questions.


There are many different forms of transport for some people, the bicycle is the cheapest and easiest form of transportation, although is difficult to carry your shopping or other goods on a bicycle.

The motor car is the most popular form of transportation, but many people cannot afford a car.  So they prefer public transport, which can range from taxis to molues to local buses, right up to express buses.  For longer distances, many people prefer the train, but rail travel is not possible in many parts of Nigeria.  One hopeful sign is the building of the new metro system in Lagos, which will help hundreds of thousands of travelers every day.

Air travel is becoming increasingly common and is very convenient.  However, it is also very expensive for many people.

My own preferred method of transport is leg power! Walking is by far the cheapest way of getting from one place to another, and is also the healthiest, and the safest.



  • What are the two main advantages of traveling by bicycle?
  • Which is the most popular form of transport, according to the speaker?
  • Name four types of public transport
  • What is the speaker’s favourite transport? And what three reasons are given?


Pick out the nouns in these sentences:

  • My father is a good man
  • I my my school
  • Lion is a wild animal


Identify the persons in these sentences

I told you that he bought a new school bag

  • “I” represents ______________
  • “He” represents ______________
  • “You” represents ______________


Complete the table below:

    Present tense Past tense Past participle


Underline the adjectives in the following sentences:

  • Bose drank much wine at my birthday party
  • My aunt has four children


What are the comparative and superlative of this  adjective

  • Late _____________  _____________

Rewrite this sentence using a suitable conjunction

  • Olu refused to speak. He was angry



  • _________ is a form of drama which usually ends on a sad note (a)comedy (b)tragedy (c)tragic-comedy