Edu Delight Tutors
PRIMARY 4                                                                    
NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… Answer all questions in this section 1.)   What is the square root of 144 (a) 12 (b) 16 (c) 144 (d) 20736
2.)   Estimate 295.12 to the nearest whole number (a) 300   (b) 295.1   (c) 295   (d) 296
3.)   What is the sum of 121.6, 3.279 and 16.54? (a) 441.119 (b) 141.419 (c) 114.194 (d) 419.141
4.)   Find the value of 152 + 52         (a) 250           (b) 20                         (c) 400           (d) 200
5.)   What is the product of 3.45 and 60? (a) 34.50  (b) 20.70 (c) 207.00 (d) 63.45
6.)   Find the squares of 30? (a) 60 (b) 900 (c) 90 (d) 300
7.)   Divide 810 by 30           (a) 780           (b) 840           (c) 27              (d) 24300
8.)   Approximate 6519 to the nearest thousand (a) 7000 (b) 6500 (c) 6520 (d) 7510
9.)   Take away 27.315 from 69.8 (a) 96.515 (b) 22.485 (c) 21.585 (d) 22.515
10.) Obi bought some mangoes for N15.70. Some of the mangoes were bad, so he sold the rest for N13.80. What is his profit or loss? (a) N 1.90 (b) N 29.50 (c) N 2.10 (d) N 28.150  
11.) W ÷  5  =  12. Find the value of W. (a) 7 (b) 17 (c) 60 (d) 2 rem 2
12.) Write this amount of money using N. K. One hundred and thirty-four Naira five kobo (a) N134.05k (b) N 134.50k (c) N 34.05k (d) N 314.05k
13.) Multiply 378 by 25      (a) 4095         (b) 4590         (c) 9450         (d) 9540
14.) Find the cost of 5 notebooks and 3 pens, if the notebooks and pens are N80.00 and N30.00 respectively (a) N110.00          (b) N490.00   (c) N390.00  (d) N50.00  
15.) Share N 150 among five boys. Each boy gets ______ (a) N 50 (b) N 30 (c) N 155 (d) N 145
16.) Round off 199.63 to the nearest whole number (a) 200 (b) 199.6 (c) 199 (d) 199.63
17.) Olu bought a set of tools for N1,500 and sold it for N1,750. How much profit did he make? (a) N3,250           (b) N250        (c) N50           (d) N200
18.) If 125  x  p  =  625. What is the value of p? (a) 500 (b) 750 (c) 5   (d) 78125
19.) How many 50kobo coins are there in one N10 note? (a) 20 (b) 2 (c) 500 (d) 5
20.) The square of 15 is ____________ (a) 225 (b) 625 (c) 5 (d) 196
  Section B:
1.)   Find the square root of 256
b.) Express the following to the nearest whole numbers
(i) 169.72       
      (ii) 87.45  
      2.)   What is the value of 62 – 52 + 5 b.) Add up 13.521, 243.13, 4.7 and 258
  3.)   What is the value of 4.19 x 20? b.) Subtract N 289.68 from N 729.08  
4.)   Divide 252.40 by 8
b.) A trader bought some goods at N 3000.00. Find the gain or loss made
  5.)   2785  +  y = 5000. What is the value of y?
b.) Add up N 125.36, N 47.98 and N 5702.54