- Joseph was sold to the midianite trader for how much?
- How many people did god use to fulfil his purpose on joseph according to this pamphlet?
- What does lesson one memory scripture say?
- After adam and eve had sinned ,they were disciplined in
- What is the topic of lesson 3?
- What is the reason behind the order of pharaoh to kill the Hebrew male children
- God rescued Isaac wife from who
- What is the name of the two son of Eli?
- What made the dagon of the philistines break
- What was the total number of the Israelite defeated by the battle field by the philistine
- Which city suffered great plague as they brought to them to an extent of crying to God to save them
- What is the name of that king of Israel that led Israelite into great sin?
- What is the memory scripture of lesson 5?
- Who did God use to punish the unfaithful israel
- Who did God appoint to succeed Prophet Elijah?
- What was the name of the king that sent to Elijah to inquire whatever he would die
- Babylon was a nation ______ during Old Testament times.
- And he carried out from there all the treasures of the house of the lord and treasure of the king house , and he cut in pieces all the article of gold which Solomon king of israel had made in the temple of the lord, as the lord had said.
- Which of the king that chose to heavily bribe the Assyrian lord, instead of seeking refuge in God?
- What is topic of lesson 6?
- Who is son of Nebuchadnezzar?
- Why did God take the kingdom from Belshazzar and destroy him?
- Why did God use the gentile Cyrus to deliver His people
- Who was the gentile King God gave conquest to liberate His people
- Which prophet did God use to prophesy what would happen to Cyrus before his birth
- “Let it be written among the laws of the Persians and the medes, that vashit come no more before King Ahsuerus and let the King give her royal estate unto another that better than her” This statement above can be seen where in the bible
- Who replaced the proud queen?
- Who rebuilt the wall of Jerusalem?
- What did Nehemiah do before making request from the king?
- According to the pamphlet, what was the qualification of Esther
- How many years will the dragon, that serpent of the old be burned in the abyss
- The first resurrection includes the righteous from __________ to the last tribulation saints.